Prof. Christine Kovner honored with 2018 ENRS Award

April 19, 2018
Christine T. Kovner, PhD, RN, FAAN, the Mathy Mezey Professor of Geriatric Nursing at NYU Meyers, was honored on Thursday, April 12 at the 30th Annual Scientific Sessions of the Eastern Nursing Research Society (ENRS) in Newark, New Jersey.
Kovner is the recipient of the 2018 Distinguished Contributions to Nursing Research Award, which ENRS gives annually in recognition of sustained and outstanding contributions to nursing research by a senior investigator.
Kovner’s research focuses on quality improvement, RN working conditions, and nursing care cost. Kovner was the principal investigator of a grant from the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation studying the career trajectories of newly licensed registered nurses over the first ten years of their careers.
"I am thankful for this recognition by my peers. I hope that getting this award for my teams' research will bring our research findings to the attention of those who create the environments in which nurses work," Kovner said.
Comprised of RNs and others interested in promoting nursing research, ENRS is dedicated to creating a community of nurses interested in promoting research in the eastern region of the United States.