Artists as Nurses

Artists as Nurses

We are a community of many talents. The fourth floor presents artworks portraying artists working as nurses. They use art and poetry to reflect on work experiences and the significance of nursing during a pandemic.





On Nursing and New York City During COVID-19 

by Maile Mercer PhD '25


Our outsides don't match our insides.

From far away, the change is unnoticeable.

From far away, we're still shiny and beautiful

Skyscrapers still in place.

No evidence of change.

Firmly rooted on the island that floats on pretend water.


Go inside and see the streets of our souls.





And in our emptiness, we are together.

And in our solitude, there is connection.

And in our quiet, there is heartbreak.

And in the stillness, there is still strength.

And as we emerge from the silent streets,

We will always remember the stillness we once shared.




       A collection of written work examining the pandemic


Fidel Lim

Facing the Challenge of Communication


Leslie Taub

In the Time of COVID


Fidel Lim

We Shall Remember


Adam Hadas

March 26, 2020