Our lives were forever changed by the pandemic. The exhibition’s final stop is in the seventh-floor conference room, which includes significant achievements of faculty, alumni, and students as well as moments we will soon not forget.
This conclusion to our exhibit is a final reminder of the dedication of our colleagues and friends throughout historically difficult two years.
Onwards and upwards!
Kious Kelly BS '12 was the first nurse in New York to succumb to COVID-19 after heroically treating COVID-positive patients as an assistant nursing manager in the Mt. Siani West ER.
NYU Meyers, Dentistry, and other departments donated 9,500 face masks, 70,000 gloves, 3,000+ gowns, and 400+ face shields.
Prof. Maya Clark-Cutaia, who treats patients with multiple chronic conditions in Black and Hispanic communities, wrote an opinion piece for CNN about the sadly predictable higher COVID-19 disease burden in communities of color.
Dean Eileen Sullivan-Marx was interviewed by CNN, MSNBC, and Yahoo! Finance to discuss new developments, educate the public, and counter myths about COVID-19.
Prof. Ab Brody was quoted in USA Today about the unsettling amount of unpredictability in treating COVID+ patients in hospitals––watching some older patients recover while losing some younger patients.
Dean Eileen Sullivan-Marx joined Rep. Carolyn Maloney and other healthcare professionals to discuss the proposed Student Loan Forgiveness for Frontline Health Workers Act, which would cancel student loan debt for frontline healthcare workers.
Frank Baez '19 was the first nurse assigned to administer the COVID-19 vaccine to his fellow staff members at NYU Langone Health.
KP Mendoza BS '19 was featured in The Dail Beast about the toll COVID-19 took on the Filipino nursing community.
Prof. Donna Hallas spoke with WNYC News about the approval of the Pfizer vaccine for teenagers.