OHNEP is at the vanguard of helping nurse practitioners, nurse-midwives, nurses, and other health professionals incorporate oral health into clinical education and patient care.
Why? Oral health and overall health are connected. Research evidence links poor oral health like periodontal disease with diabetes, cancer, heart and lung diseases, and progression of dementia and Alzheimer’s, among many others. Yet, few health professionals integrate oral health in their clinical practice.
OHNEP is changing that. As a national voice promoting interprofessional oral health integration and oral health equity, OHNEP advocates, educates, creates and promotes interprofessional resources that educators and clinicians can use to improve the quality of oral health care in their patients. The OHNEP website serves as a knowledge center and portal for best practices.
To stay up-to-date on OHNEP resources and initiatives, and more oral health news from our partners, subscribe to our email list by contacting ohnep@nyu.edu!