Black Nursing Students Association (BNSA)

The mission of the Black Nursing Students Association (BNSA) is to foster the NYU Rory Meyers College of Nursing ideas through leadership, academic excellence, service, and partnership; while supporting the development of social and cultural awareness among black nursing students. Our motto is: “Empowering future nurses to contribute to their community through education, compassion, and inclusivity.”


Advocacy for black students

Involvement in educational and social NYU activities at large

Mentorship among undergraduate, graduate, and doctoral students

Service to the community

If you would like to join BNSA, please email the Co-Presidents:


Membership in all student organizations at NYU Rory Meyers College of Nursing is open to all NYU Meyers students.


BNSA Executive Board for 2024-2025

Co-PresidentJaida Boodram
Zadie Patterson
Vice PresidentAbena Prakah-Asante
TreasurerDawrey Sylvestre
SecretarySam Albert
Events Co-CoordinatorMocha Koike
Breanne Bell
PR ChairSeamus McDevitt
Community Service ChairFatima Keita
Sequence RepresentativeMariama Kebbeh
Faculty AdvisorSelena Gilles