At New York University Rory Meyers College of Nursing (NYU Meyers), we are committed to creating an inclusive community, bringing a diversity of perspectives to our work, promoting equity of opportunity, and engaging in scholarship and education to build a more just society. To achieve these goals, we believe it is essential to provide nursing students with global education opportunities that will help equip them with the knowledge, competencies, and cultural sensitivities necessary to provide holistic healthcare, and help address pressing contemporary global healthcare issues.
Expanding global education opportunities for our nursing students is a critical part of our work here at Meyers and also in line with New York University's (NYU) global vision. Our aim is to expose all of our graduates to the global context of nursing and healthcare.
Building off of NYU’s global network, NYU Meyers has developed several global education opportunities though the development of long-term partnerships and sustainable programs, starting with our global sites in Abu Dhabi, UAE, and Accra, Ghana. NYU global sites present unique opportunities as a foothold in the foundation for global nursing courses, and we are committed to creating and expanding global course pathways and opportunities that meet our nursing students' degree progressions.
Global education opportunities for our BS and MS students currently include the following semester-long and short-term programs.
- Our traditional four-year BS students can complete a full semester study away program in their second year and starting in Spring 2025, they will have the opportunity to take a semester-long course at NYU Accra, Ghana, with our elective Global Perspectives of Women's Health and Human Rights in Africa as well as other courses related to public and community health while engaging with other NYU global health-minded students. Traditional undergraduate nursing students can also earn a minor in global public health as part of their nursing degree. NYU has 14 global sites and campuses where you can study away. Read more about study away opportunities on the NYU global website.
- Traditional BS students will also have the opportunity to study away for a six week summer program at a NYU global site in the summer of their first and second years. * All students will consult closely with an advisor to map out your semester-long study away program and degree progression.
- Traditional BS students in their nursing sequence, as well as our Accelerated BS students, can also take short-term (J-term and summer) courses led by NYU Meyers faculty that count towards their nursing degree. Currently, courses are offered in Abu Dhabi, UAE and Accra, Ghana. Over the J-term, students can travel to Abu Dhabi, UAE, to take the 3-credit elective course Comparative Health Systems, while dual-degree (BS/MS) students are also eligible to take the 3-credit core graduate course, Nursing Issues and Trends in Health Care Delivery, there. Over the summer term, undergraduate students have the opportunity to take the 3-credit course, Perspective on Global Health & Nursing Practice, offered in Accra, Ghana.
- MS students can take global short-term courses led by NYU Meyers faculty, throughout the course of their program at NYU Meyers. Over the J-term, students can travel to Abu Dhabi, UAE, to take the 3-credit core graduate course Nursing Issues and Trends in Health Care Delivery and in the summer semester, MS students can take another 3-credit core course, Population-Focused Care, in Accra, Ghana.
Study Away Programs
- J-Term in Abu Dhabi, UAE
- Summer in Accra, Ghana
- Spring Semester at NYU Accra - Meyers Global Pathway
Study Away in Abu Dhabi with Meyers during J-Term!

Undergraduate Course – Comparative Health Systems (3 credits)
Students in their nursing sequence are eligible to apply for this elective course that counts towards your degree credits.
Master’s Course - Nursing Issues and Trends in Health Care Delivery (3 credits)
Graduate students and students in the dual-degree program (BS/MS) can apply for this required core course that counts towards your degree.
General Description of Courses:
Both courses analyze health care system issues and trends globally, and explore factors that influence nursing practice. They will specifically look through a comparative health system lens at these issues in both the United States and the United Arab Emirates. The courses will be largely experiential-learning-based with daily field visits in and around the UAE. Field visits include: private and public hospitals, clinics, nursing colleges, ministry of health nursing officials, etc.
General Program Information:
Duration: 12 days (including travel days)
Cost: Students are responsible for tuition costs of a 3-credit hour course, and other additional travel related/student service fee costs. A non-refundable deposit is required to secure acceptance. This is put towards the student service fee.
Stipend Opportunity: Eligible* applicants have the opportunity to apply for a small stipend! You must have a FAFSA on file (NYU School Code 002785) to apply.
*Students who have been awarded a travel stipend from NYU Meyers within the last 12 months are not eligible to apply for this stipend opportunity.
For addtional Information:
Watch our J-Term 2023 in Abu Dhabi video
Watch the NYU Abu Dhabi Campus tour video
Visit the NYU Abu Dhabi Webpage.
Contact us at No question is too small or big!
Study Away in Accra with Meyers during the summer!
Ghana is known for its beautiful beaches, landscapes, and diverse wildlife. The country is also home to fast-growing cities, a very diverse population, and variable patient care conditions between its urban and rural areas–all of which make for the perfect healthcare-related study-away experience!
Our course offerings in Accra include opportunities for both BS and MS students and are led by Meyers faculty with extensive experience in Ghana. Through partner meetings and site visits, our courses are filled with experiential learning opportunities to widen your knowledge and perspective of global healthcare systems. Students have unique opportunities to learn about public- and population-focused care in Ghana, engage with non-profit healthcare organizations, and compare healthcare systems between the US and Ghana while immersing themselves in the Ghanaian culture.
Undergradudate Course - Perspectives on Global Health & Nursing Practice (3 credits)
Undergraduate students who have completed Sequence I or II by the end of the Spring semester previous to the program are eligible to apply for this elective course that counts towards your degree credits.
Course Description:
This course is designed to provide students with an introduction to global nursing practice in the context of global health and global health competencies in a select country. Students examine the major causes of morbidity and mortality and their variations among different income levels/regions, and the impact of public health efforts to reduce healthcare disparities in the host country. The effects of globalization on health, health systems, and the delivery of healthcare for the country are discussed with an emphasis on social, economic, and environmental determinants of health. The topics of health equity, social justice, and sociocultural and political awareness are also explored through student experiences within the country.
Master's Course - Population-Focused Care, NURSE-GN2011 (3 credits)
Master’s Students are eligible to apply for this core course.
Course Description:
This program explores advanced professional practice related to the health of populations, focusing on the determinants of health and disease in populations, and health promotion and disease prevention. Strategies to improve the health of populations, and potential nursing contributions are considered. Data sources for public health assessment and epidemiologic analyses are examined. Cultural and political competencies are also addressed. This project-based course allows students to apply the principles of population health to a student-team-selected population of interest by conducting a health impact assessment on a program, policy, or project that serves the population of interest.
General Program Information:
Duration: 12 days (including travel days)
Cost: Students are responsible for tuition costs of a 3-credit hour course, and other additional travel related/student service fee costs. A non-refundable deposit is required to secure acceptance. This is put towards the student service fee.
Important Note: For undergraduate students taking sequence 3 at the same time of this summer short-term study away porgram, the 3-credit course tuition is included in their flat summer tuition, which allows for 12-18 hours of enrollment in a semester.
Stipend Opportunity: Eligible* applicants have the opportunity to apply for a small stipend! You must have a FAFSA on file (NYU School Code 002785) to apply.
*Students who have been awarded a travel stipend from NYU Meyers within the last 12 months are not eligible to apply for this stipend opportunity.
For more information:
Contact us at No question is too small or big!

Study at NYU Accra with Meyers during your sophomore study away semester!
You told us that you’re interested in studying abroad and experiencing a different culture through NYU's global sites. You also told us that you would love to participate in a study away program that relates to your nursing program and exposes you to nursing practice and the healthcare system in the host country.
We took your feedback to heart and have worked hard to develop a global pathway at NYU Accra, where you can take a nursing and other global health-related courses during your study away semester!
NYU Accra has welcomed students seeking to enhance their global education with multiple course offerings in the humanities and social sciences since 2004 and in Spring 2025, Meyers will launch its very own semester-long course there with our nursing undergraduate elective Global Perspectives of Women's Health and Human Rights in Africa. This is a great opportunity for you to experience a different culture and at the same time still feel connected to your nursing program in New York City!
While at NYU Accra, you will have the option to choose from a variety of other courses, including courses related to public and community health, and engage with other health-minded NYU students. Health-related courses that count towards your degree requirements include Epidemiology for Global Health (Global Public Health), Health Policy in a Global World ( Global Public Health), and Intro to Global Issues in Nutrition: The African Perspective (Nutrition & Dietetics).
Students studying away at NYU Accra also participate in experiential learning and cultural engagements through internship and volunteer work and in Spring 2025, students will have the opportunity to engage in the planning and roll-out of a Meyers-sponsored international symposium, coordinated by Prof. Robin Klar. The symposium titled Sparking Pedagogic Innovations through Reflective Educational Experiences (SPIRE2): Building the Global Health Sciences Corridor, this will be an opportunity to bring together healthcare educators and professionals from across the university and the region.
Your participation in the Meyers Global Pathway at NYU Accra will also allow you to enter your upcoming clinical sequences here at Meyers with a better global perspective on clinical and public health systems, the nursing workforce, the social determinants of health, and how this greater global system relates to the critical work we do every day as nurses.
To make this study away experience even more exciting, remember that when you apply to a semester away with NYU, you are automatically reviewed for Scholarships and Financial Aid and accepted students receive comprehensive international health insurance at no additional charge. In addition, at NYU Accra, you will be supported by full-time staff throughout your semester.
For more in-depth information about our Global Pathway at NYU Accra, you may also:
Hear from NYU Accra Alums sharing their experiences.
Take a look at OGP’s information session recording and slide deck about studying away at NYU Accra.
Contact us at Questions related to specific program requirements and eligibility should be directed to
Note: Our undergraduate course, Global Perspectives of Women's Health and Human Rights in Africa, is open to undergraduate students across the university upon approval by their school/academic department.