Men Entering Nursing (MEN)

The purpose of Men Entering Nursing (MEN) is to provide structure for all nursing students within NYU Meyers to come together as a group and share, inform, and help change the concerns and perceptions that affect men and what it means to be a male in the field of nursing. Our group allows students and faculty to develop a framework of support and assistance. Through mentorship and encouragement, we continue to make strong contributions to the local and national chapters of Men in Nursing.

If you would like to join MEN, please email


Membership in all student organizations at NYU Rory Meyers College of Nursing is open to all NYU Meyers students.


MEN Executive Board for 2024-2025

PresidentIrum Han
Mark Anthony Pingul
Vice PresidentMagdiel Sanchez
TreasurerBrandon Inahuazo
SecretarySam Lee
Social Media CoordinatorBrian Lin
Carl Gregorios
Events CoordinatorKyrie Blake
Pre-Sequence RepresentativeTony Rodz
Edmund Lee
Accelerated RepresentativeVarghese Vincent
Faculty AdvisorFidel Lim
Chin Park