The Laptop Scholarship

Level of study: Baccalaureate Accelerated Baccalaureate

Awarded: Fall and Spring

The Laptop Scholarship was established to support incoming traditional, full-time baccalaureate degree or accelerated baccalaureate degree-seeking students with the purchase of a laptop. As tuition and housing are not the only financial burden students face as they pursue higher education, this scholarship helps to fill the financial gap. This scholarship provides one student per semester with a 13 inch MacBook Air, purchased from the NYU Computer Store. 


To be considered for The Laptop Scholarship a student must: 

  1. Be a traditional full-time baccalaureate or accelerated baccalaureate degree-seeking student at the time of application. 
  2. Have a valid FAFSA filed during the current academic year.
  3. If chosen, fill out a World of Thanks Profile to the donor.
  4. Submit a current resume, unofficial transcript, and personal statement of 500 words or less addressing your financial need and how this award will benefit you as a student at NYU Rory Meyers College of Nursing.