Travel Nurse across America - $2,500 bi-annual award

Level of study: Baccalaureate Accelerated Baccalaureate


Travel Nurse across America, one of the country’s top 10 travel nurse staffing agencies, is pleased to offer one $2,500 scholarship to an individual seeking a BSN degree.


Follow this link for learn more about the award

Follow this link to apply for this award.



  1. Must be 18 years or older and a licensed Registered Nurse.
  2. Enrollment status: Must be pursuing a Bachelor of Science in Nursing through an accredited school or program.
  3. Must complete and submit the application form in its entirety.

Application Process

  1. Applicant shall submit all contact information as contained within the application:
    1. Name
    2. Address
    3. Phone Number
    4. Email
    5. Date of Birth
  2. If chosen as recipient, applicant shall submit proof of enrollment or acceptance to an accredited institution of learning. A photocopy of transcripts or acceptance letter is acceptable.
  3. Applicant must complete all essay questions on the scholarship application.


  1. Applications will be reviewed by a committee. The winner will be selected based on the criteria set forth in the requirements section of this document.
  2. Once the winner is decided and notified of the award, he/she will receive a mailed 1099-MISC tax form and the check will be delivered to the university.
  3. The winner of the scholarship award will be fully responsible for the taxes incurred from receiving the award.

Contact Info: Reach us by email at