Study Away


Purple graphic of an airplane, bird's eye viewNYU Meyers faculty members believe in the power of international immersion and encourage students to study abroad! NYU Study Abroad opportunities cater to students with diverse academic, travel, and social needs.

Undergraduate and graduate nursing students are encouraged to visit the NYU Study Abroad site to learn about the exciting study abroad opportunities offered in various locations - Berlin, Buenos Aires, Florence, Ghana, London, Madrid, Paris, Prague, Shanghai, and more!


Please email with any questions about study away opportunities.

Speak with your academic advisor if you have any questions as to how courses can count towards your degree progression.


Applications are now open for the Summer 2025 study away program in Accra, Ghana!


Purple graphic of an airplane in flight, side viewThe courses are led by Meyers faculty with extensive experience in Ghana, and will include a variety of experiential learning and cultural activities to widen your knowledge and perspective of global healthcare systems. Through partner meetings and site visits, students will have unique opportunities to learn about public- and population-focused care in Ghana, engage with non-profit healthcare organizations, and compare healthcare systems between the U.S. and Ghana, while immersing themselves in the Ghanaian culture.


Applications now open!

Due March 10th at 12pm EST


Course Details

When: Thursday, June 5 - Monday, June 16/Tuesday, June 17, 2025?

Arrival in Accra on Friday, June 6; Departure on Monday, June 16 at night or Tuesday, June 17 in the morning

Where: Accra, Ghana

Cost: There are travel expenses and tuition costs (3-credit course) associated with study away participation.

For undergraduate accelerated students taking sequence 3 in summer 2025, the 3-credit course tuition is included in the flat-rate summer tuition, which allows for 12-18 credits of enrollment in a semester.


Course Eligibility

Undergraduate Course: Undergraduate students who have completed Sequence I or Sequence II by the end of Spring 2025 semester are eligible to apply for this course. This is an elective course that counts towards your degree credits.

Graduate Course: Master's students are eligible to apply for this course. This course is a core requirement in most of the NYU Meyers Master’s programs.


Other Study Away Options

Spring Semester Study Away

Purple graphic of a globe

Traditional undergraduate nursing students at NYU Meyers are able to study away during the spring semester of their second year.

Students should work with their Nursing Academic Advisor to plan a course schedule that will allow for study away.

View the traditional 4-year undergraduate program progression.

Study Away with NYU Meyers Next Year

Purple graphic of a calendar
Stay tuned for more information about NYU Meyers study away courses during the 2025-2026 academic year!