Susan Altman


Susan D Altman headshot

Susan Altman


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Susan Altman's additional information

Susan Altman, DNP, CNM, FACNM, is a Professor Emerita at NYU Rory Meyers College of Nursing. She has practiced full-scope midwifery for more than 16 years. Her formal teaching and many years of precepting midwifery students in the clinical setting have helped her realize the importance of her role in educating midwives who will, in the future, promote excellence and leadership in all areas of midwifery and women's health. 

Prior to joining the faculty at NYU Meyers, Altman was an adjunct professor in both the Graduate Midwifery and Graduate Women’s Health programs at the State University of New York at Stony Brook.

Altman received a DNP and MS in midwifery from SUNY at Stony Brook, an MA in community health education from Adelphi University, a BS in nursing from SUNY at Stony Brook, and a BA in physical therapy from Hunter College.

DNP, Midwifery - SUNY at Stony Brook (2009)
MS, Midwifery - SUNY at Stony Brook (1997)
MA, Community Health Education - Adelphi University (1985)
BS, Nursing - SUNY at Stony Brook (1994)
BA, Physical Therapy - Hunter College (1980)

Women's health
Maternal global health

American College of Nurse-Midwives
Long Island Midwives (Former Executive Board Member)
National Perinatal Association (Formal Executive Board Member)
New York State Association of Licensed Midwives (NYSALM)
New York State Perinatal Association
NYC Midwives

Faculty Honors Awards

NYC Remarkable Midwife (2019)
Fellow, American College of Nurse Midwives (2018)
Sigma Theta Tau, Nursing Honor Society (2004)


Curricular Quality Improvement in Midwifery: Simulating Unexpected Perinatal Loss

Altman, S. D., Tilley, C. P., Feldman, R., Brennan, M., & Wholihan, D. (2023). Journal of Midwifery and Women’s Health, 68(4), 523-530. 10.1111/jmwh.13498
Introduction: Caring for families experiencing perinatal loss is a fundamental component of midwifery practice, but little attention is paid to perinatal palliative care in midwifery curricula. Lack of educational preparation and self-care resources negatively impacts midwifery students and health care teams caring for families experiencing stillbirth. Process: A private, urban university conducted a curricular quality improvement project to integrate perinatal palliative care into the midwifery curriculum using a high-fidelity, branching simulation pedagogy. Simulation objectives were developed from curricular gap analyses and the Core Competencies for Basic Midwifery Practice. Development of the Unexpected Perinatal Loss Simulation was guided by the International Nursing Association for Clinical Simulation and Learning Outcomes and Objectives and Design Standards. The Unexpected Perinatal Loss Simulation was revised based on qualitative data from student focus groups and expert content validation. Outcomes: Qualitative data yielded 4 key domains: presimulation, simulation skills, prior experience/personal reflections, and recommendations. Simulation procedures and scenario content were revised, after which 8 expert clinicians in the fields of midwifery, palliative care, and psychiatry validated the scenario content using the Lynn method. Two items did not meet the content validity index (CVI) threshold of 0.78, necessitating review by stakeholders; however, the overall scenario CVI threshold was met (0.82). Discussion: Through this project, faculty integrated perinatal palliative care into the midwifery program using a novel approach of high-fidelity, branching simulation, structured debriefing, and an introductory self-care skills workshop. Potential clinical impact includes skillful perinatal palliative care with effective communication skills to mitigate how families experience and remember a traumatic loss and facilitate the grieving process. Students voiced insights into how they would process loss and seek support to mitigate their own grief as future midwives.

Vaccine hesitancy in prenatal women and mothers of newborns: Results of an interventional study

Hallas, D., Altman, S., Mandel, E., & Fletcher, J. (2023). Nurse Practitioner, 48(3), 36-47. 10.1097/01.NPR.0000000000000018
Introduction:The purpose of this study was to determine the effectiveness of a web-based, vaccine resource-directed, interactive communication intervention for vaccine-hesitant prenatal women and mothers of newborns/infants to make informed decisions based on scientific evidence about vaccinating themselves and their newborns/infants, respectively.Methods:A prospective quasi-experimental design was used to determine the effectiveness of the intervention for vaccine-hesitant prenatal women (stage 1) and for mothers of newborns (stage 2). A survey was administered to prenatal women to determine attitudes about vaccines for themselves during pregnancy. A survey on parental attitudes about vaccination for their children was administered to mothers of newborns. The surveys were administered to determine levels of vaccine acceptance. Vaccine acceptors and vaccine-hesitant individuals were included in the study as control and intervention group participants, respectively; vaccine refusers were eliminated from the study.Results:Among prenatal vaccine-hesitant women, 82% had full prenatal vaccination coverage after receiving the intervention (χ2= 7.2, P =.02). The majority of mothers of newborns/infants (74%) fully immunized their infants.Discussion:The interventions for prenatal vaccine-hesitant women were effective in changing their status from hesitant to acceptors. The mothers of newborns/infants who were initially hesitant had vaccination rates that exceeded the comparison group comprised of vaccine acceptors.

Normal physiologic birth continuing professional development: From a national health priority to expanded capacity

Shakpeh, J. K., Tiah, M. W., Kpangbala-Flomo, C. C., Matte, R. F., Lake, S. C., Altman, S. D., Tringali, T., Stalonas, K., Goldsamt, L., Zogbaum, L., & Klar, R. T. (2021). Annals of Global Health, 87(1). 10.5334/aogh.3247
Background: The Republic of Liberia has experienced many barriers to maintaining the quality of its healthcare workforce. The Resilient and Responsive Health Systems (RRHS) Initiative supported by the U.S. President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR) has responded to Liberian identified health priorities. Liberia’s maternal morbidity and mortality rates continue to rank among the highest in the world. Recent country regulations have put forth required continuing professional development (CPD) for all licensed healthcare workers for re-licensure. Methods: The Model for Improvement was the guiding framework for this CPD to improve midwifery and nursing competencies in assisting birthing women. Two novel activities were used in the CPD. We tested the formal CPD application and approval process as this is a recent regulatory body policy. We also included the use of simulation and its processes as a pedagogical method. Over a two-year period, we developed a two-day CPD module, using didactic training and clinical simulation, for Liberian midwives. We then piloted the module in Liberia, training a group of 21 participants, including midwives and nurses, including pre-and post-test surveys as well as observational evaluation of participant skills. Findings: There were no significant changes in knowledge acquisition noted in the post-test. Small tests of change were implemented during the program, supporting the stages of the Model of Improvement. Observation of skill acquisition was done; however, using a formal observation checklist, such as an Observed Structured Clinical Evaluation (OSCE), would add more robust findings. The CPD and follow-up activity highlighted the need for human and financial support to maintain the simulation kits and to create sustainability for future trainings. Videotaping the didactic and simulation two-day continuing professional development train-the-trainer workshop expands the sustainability beyond newly prepared trainers. Simultaneous with this CPD, the Liberian Board for Nursing and Midwifery (LBNM) worked with a partner to create a CPD portal. The CPD partners created modules from the videos and have uploaded these modules to the LBNM’s new CPD portal. Conclusions: Using a quality improvement model as a framework for developing and implementing CPDs provides a clear structure and supports the dynamic interactions in learning and clinical care. It is too soon to determine measurable health outcomes resulting from this project. Anecdotal feedback from clinicians and leaders was not directly related to the content of the CPD; however, it does demonstrate an increased awareness of examining changes in practice to support expanded health outcomes. Further research to examine methods and processes to determine the quality and safety outcomes of CPD trainings is necessary.

Structure, process, and outcomes of liberian national nursing and midwifery curricular revisions

Kpangaala-Flomo, C. C., Tiah, M. W., Clinton Zeantoe, G., Loweal, H. G., Matte, R. F., Lake, S. C., Altman, S. D., Mendoza, M., Tringali, T., Stalonas, K., Goldsamt, L., Kurz, R., Zogbaum, L., & Toft Klar, R. (2021). Annals of Global Health, 87(1). 10.5334/aogh.3248
Background: The Republic of Liberia has had major disruptions to the education of its health care cadres. Post Ebola, the Resilient and Responsive Health Systems (RRHS) initiative began a new era of capacity building with the support of PEPFAR and HRSA. Nursing and Midwifery serve as the largest healthcare cadres in Liberia. The national nursing and midwifery curricula were overdue for the regulated review and revisions.Methods: The Science of Improvement was used as the framework to accomplish this multilateral activity. The Institute for Healthcare Improvement's (IHI) stages of improvement included: 1) Forming the team, 2) Setting the aims, 3) Establishing measures, 4) Selecting measures, 5) Testing changes, 6) Implementing changes, and 7) Spreading changes. These stages served as the blueprint for the structures and processes put into place to accomplish this national activity.Findings: The RN, Bridging, and BScM curricula all had redundant content that did not reflect teaching pedagogy and health priorities in Liberia. Courses were eliminated or reconfigured and new courses were created. Development of Nursing and Midwifery Curricular Taskforces were not as successful as was hoped. Two large stakeholder meetings ensured that this was the curricula of the Liberian faculty, deans and directors, and clinical partners. Monitoring and evaluation tools have been adopted by the Liberian Board for Nursing and Midwifery to serve as another improvement to check that the new curricula are being implemented and to identify gaps that may require future cycles of change for continued quality and improvement.Conclusions: Developing trust among the multilateral partners was critical to the success of this activity. Networks have been expanded, and a proposed pilot with the Ghana Board of Nursing and Midwifery and the US academic partner will examine the feasibility of implementing electronic licensing examinations for nurses and midwives.

Integrating Oral Health Curricula into Midwifery Graduate Programs: Results of a US Survey

Haber, J., Dolce, M. C., Hartnett, E., Savageau, J. A., Altman, S., Lange-Kessler, J., & Silk, H. (2019). Journal of Midwifery and Women’s Health, 64(4), 462-471. 10.1111/jmwh.12974
Introduction: Midwives are a significant segment of the US maternal and primary health care workforce and play a pivotal role in addressing women's oral health care needs during pregnancy and throughout their life span. The purpose of this research was to assess oral health curricular integration in midwifery programs and examine factors that influence integration and satisfaction with graduates’ level of oral health competence. Methods: A cross-sectional, national survey of midwifery programs was conducted using an electronically distributed 19-item, self-administered questionnaire completed by the Directors of Midwifery Education. Data analysis included univariate and bivariate statistics. Results: All of the responding midwifery programs (N = 33) were educating their graduates about oral health; however, less than a quarter (22.6%) of program directors were satisfied with their graduates’ competency. Significant factors promoting integration were routine teaching by a dental professional and a formal relationship with a dental school, dental residency, or dental hygiene program. Programs with 4 or more hours of oral health curriculum were more likely to have a faculty oral health champion, use simulation in evaluation of their learners, and include interprofessional oral health education. Discussion: With adequate oral health education, midwives are ideally positioned to integrate oral health in pregnancy care as well as well woman care throughout the life span, thereby expanding access to oral health care.