Dorothy J. Wholihan


Dorothy J Wholihan headshot

Dorothy J. Wholihan


Clinical Professor
Program Director, Advanced Practice Palliative Care Specialty Sequence

1 212 992 9429

433 First Ave
New York, NY 10010
United States

Dorothy J. Wholihan's additional information

Dorothy J. Wholihan, ACHPN, AGACNP-BC, GNP-BC, DNP, is the director of the Advanced Practice Palliative Care Specialty Sequence Program and a clinical associate professor at NYU Rory Meyers College of Nursing. She is a palliative care nurse practitioner with over 30 years of nursing experience. She has practiced as an oncology and pain management clinical nurse specialist and is actively practicing as a nurse practitioner in palliative care. Her practice and research interests include spiritual aspects of care, teaching communication skills, and the care of veterans at end of life.

Wholihan received her DNP from George Washington University, MSN from Yale University, and BSN from the University of Pennsylvania. She also holds a Post-Master's Certificate from Christian Specialty, General Theological Seminary, and a Post-Master's Certificate ANP from Uniformed Services, University of the Health Sciences.

DNP - George Washington University (2011)
Post-Master's Certificate - Christian Specialty, General Theological Seminary (2008)
Post-Master's Certificate, ANP - Uniformed Services, University of the Health Sciences (1999)
MSN - Yale University (1989)
BSN - University of Pennsylvania (1983)

Palliative care

American Association of Nurse Practitioners
American Nurses Association
Hospice and Palliative Nursing Association
National Faculty Member, End of Life Nursing Education Consortium
Sigma Theta Tau

Faculty Honors Awards

Distinguished Teaching Award, NYU Meyers (2019)
Fellow, American Academy of Nursing
Fellow, Palliative Care Nursing


Recommendations for Specialty Palliative APRN Graduate Education

Dahlin, C., Wholihan, D., Wiencek, C., Acker, K. A., Breakwell, S., Buschman, P., Cormack, C. L., DeSanto-Madaya, S., Doherty, C., Edwards, R., English, N., Fink, R. M., Goodnough, A. K., Lindell, K., Mazanec, P., McHugh, M. E., Moore, E. P., Obrecht, J. A., Pawlow, P., … Tresgallo, M. E. (2025). Nurse Educator, 50(2), E63-E67. 10.1097/NNE.0000000000001749
BACKGROUND: Advanced practice registered nurses (APRNs) are essential to care for the growing number of individuals with advanced illness given the shortage of palliative care clinicians. PROBLEM: Graduate education for specialty practice palliative APRNs lacks consistency in structure, content, and standardization of specialty palliative APRN education. APPROACH: A workgroup of expert palliative APRNs and graduate faculty conducted focused discussions and a literature review to develop consensus recommendations based on national palliative APRN competencies and aligned with the 8 core concepts of the AACN Essentials. OUTCOME: Recommendations include: (a) definition of core concepts; (b) associated skills; (c) andragogical approaches; (d) evaluation methods; and (e) references for curricular development. CONCLUSION: The Recommendations for Specialty Palliative APRN Education is a first step toward the standardization of quality advanced practice specialty palliative nursing education. These recommendations provide the foundation for a comprehensive curriculum for palliative APRNs.

Curricular Quality Improvement in Midwifery: Simulating Unexpected Perinatal Loss

Altman, S. D., Tilley, C. P., Feldman, R., Brennan, M., & Wholihan, D. (2023). Journal of Midwifery and Women’s Health, 68(4), 523-530. 10.1111/jmwh.13498
Introduction: Caring for families experiencing perinatal loss is a fundamental component of midwifery practice, but little attention is paid to perinatal palliative care in midwifery curricula. Lack of educational preparation and self-care resources negatively impacts midwifery students and health care teams caring for families experiencing stillbirth. Process: A private, urban university conducted a curricular quality improvement project to integrate perinatal palliative care into the midwifery curriculum using a high-fidelity, branching simulation pedagogy. Simulation objectives were developed from curricular gap analyses and the Core Competencies for Basic Midwifery Practice. Development of the Unexpected Perinatal Loss Simulation was guided by the International Nursing Association for Clinical Simulation and Learning Outcomes and Objectives and Design Standards. The Unexpected Perinatal Loss Simulation was revised based on qualitative data from student focus groups and expert content validation. Outcomes: Qualitative data yielded 4 key domains: presimulation, simulation skills, prior experience/personal reflections, and recommendations. Simulation procedures and scenario content were revised, after which 8 expert clinicians in the fields of midwifery, palliative care, and psychiatry validated the scenario content using the Lynn method. Two items did not meet the content validity index (CVI) threshold of 0.78, necessitating review by stakeholders; however, the overall scenario CVI threshold was met (0.82). Discussion: Through this project, faculty integrated perinatal palliative care into the midwifery program using a novel approach of high-fidelity, branching simulation, structured debriefing, and an introductory self-care skills workshop. Potential clinical impact includes skillful perinatal palliative care with effective communication skills to mitigate how families experience and remember a traumatic loss and facilitate the grieving process. Students voiced insights into how they would process loss and seek support to mitigate their own grief as future midwives.

Energy surge: A deathbed phenomenon that matters

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Impact of Co-occurring Cancer-Related and Wound-Specific Symptoms on Functional Performance Among Patients With Advanced Cancer and Malignant Fungating Wounds: An Exploratory, Observational Study

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Outcomes of a National Training Curriculum to Advance Generalist Level Palliative Care

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Decision making in frail patients at risk of postoperative delirium: A case study and literature review

English-Cremeans, M. K., Wholihan, D. J., Olson, E., Zhu, C., & Ko, F. C. (2022). Geriatric Nursing, 48, 356-359. 10.1016/j.gerinurse.2022.05.009
Preoperative frailty is strongly associated with risks of postoperative delirium. However, gaps exist in targeted recommendations for clinical decision making related to surgical interventions in frail older patients. A case study is presented involving a frail 74-year-old referred to the palliative care team for assistance with clinical decision making and in weighing risks and benefits of a surgical intervention. A literature review on the quantification of postoperative delirium risk and how this information might inform medical decision making in frail surgical patients did not identify clear clinical guidelines. In the absence of practice guidelines, the Patient Priorities Care model is proposed as a framework to help providers working with patients and caregivers facing complex medical decisions to better align interventions with patient values.

International consensus-based policy recommendations to advance universal palliative care access from the American Academy of Nursing Expert Panels

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American Academy of Nursing Expert Panel consensus statement on nursing's roles in ensuring universal palliative care access

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Palliative Nursing: The Core of COVID-19 Care

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 Palliative care for people with COVID-19 related symptoms.

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