Michele Shedlin


Michele Shedlin headshot

Michele G Shedlin

Professor Emerita

1 212 998 5714

NEW YORK, NY 10010
United States

Michele G Shedlin's additional information

Michele G. Shedlin, PhD, is a professor in the NYU Meyers College of Nursing, an adjunct professor in the College of Dentistry, and a visiting professor at the University of Szeged, Hungary. She is a medical anthropologist with extensive experience in qualitative reproductive health, substance abuse, and HIV/AIDS research in Africa, Latin America, and the United States. She has designed and implemented behavioral studies at the community, university, and national levels, to inform and evaluate prevention and care. She has taught for ten years in the doctoral program as well as taught Narrative Medicine in FAS. Shedlin mentors new researchers at the Center for Drug Use and HIV Research and the VA and NYU School of Medicine.

Shedlin was a founding member of the Meyers Faculty Council and has served as Deputy Director of the WHO Collaborating Center in Gerontologic Nursing, the Provost's Academy Advisory Committee, and the Cross University Faculty Forum. Shedlin has chaired the Council on Ethics and Professional Responsibility (at NYU Meyers and School of Dentistry) and served on the Advisory Committee of the NYU Center for Bioethics.

Prior to joining the faculty at NYU, Shedlin headed her own research consulting firm. She was also a faculty member at Columbia University School of Public Health and the University of Texas Leavell Chair in Nursing and Public Health and co-director of the NIH Hispanic Health Disparities Research Center. In 2013, she was a Senior Fulbright Scholar at the University of Szeged, in Hungary.

Shedlin received her PhD, MPhil, MA, and BS from Columbia University.

PhD - Columbia University (1982)
MPhil - Columbia University (1982)
MA - Columbia University (1975)
BS - Columbia University School of General Studies (1968)
Summer Sessions - Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (1961 & 1962)

Infectious disease
Women's health

American Anthropological Association
American Public Health Association, Latino Caucus
Board of Directors, IMIFAP, Mexico
Editorial Board, Advances in Population AIDS and Anthropology Research Group
Editorial Board, EHQUIDAD: International Journal of Social Sciences and Social Work (Spain)
Fellow, New York Academy of Medicine
Hungarian American Medical Association of America
International Editorial Board, Journal of Sexuality Research & Social Policy
Population Association of America
Society for Medical Anthropology

Faculty Honors Awards

Senior Fulbright Scholar, University of Szeged (2013)
Honorary University Professorship, University of Szeged (2013)


Protocol: A multi-modal, physician-centered intervention to improve guideline-concordant prostate cancer imaging

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Randomized trial of community health worker-led decision coaching to promote shared decision-making for prostate cancer screening among Black male patients and their providers

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Attitudes among working professionals toward immigrants and refugees living in Ecuador: Impacts on health and well-being

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Adulterants and altruism: A qualitative investigation of “drug checkers” in North America

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Ceremonial ‘Plant Medicine’ use and its relationship to recreational drug use: an exploratory study

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A Framework for Using eHealth Interventions to Overcome Medical Mistrust Among Sexual Minority Men of Color Living with Chronic Conditions

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Mexican men, female sex workers and HIV/AIDS at the U.S.-Mexico border

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Patient decision-making regarding left ventricular assist devices: A multiple case study

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Interdisciplinary Collaborations in Global Health Research

Kurth, A., Squires, A., Shedlin, M., & Kiarie, J. (2018). In Global Health Nursing in the 21st Century (1–). Springer Publishing Company. 10.1891/9780826118721.0031

Knowledge and behaviours related to oral health among underserved older adults

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