Stacen Keating


Stacen Keating headshot

Stacen Keating


Clinical Associate Professor

1 212 998 5382

433 First Ave
New York, NY 10010
United States

Stacen Keating's additional information

Stacen Keating, PhD, RN, is a clinical associate professor at NYU Meyers College of Nursing. Teaching in both the undergraduate and DNP programs, her focus relates to applied epidemiology concepts and the overall importance of population and public health science for nurses. Her primary scholarship focus is on the global preparation of nurse educators in creating a healthcare workforce that can meet UN Sustainable Development Goal 3, to ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages. She is currently working toward certification in the area of instructional design methods from NYU’s School of Professional Studies, in order to inform her curriculum development work. Disseminating instructional design knowledge has the ability to help her promote the development and delivery of nursing education globally that is steeped in evidence-based best practices for teaching and learning.

From a leadership perspective, Keating sits on the advisory council of Nurses International, a non-profit organization creating open-access educational resources for nursing students and educators in low-and-middle-income countries. The Nurses International Open Access BSN is an integrated program that includes classroom lectures, student and instructor references, assignments, and assessment items. Keating is also actively engaged in the Alliance of Nurses for a Healthy Environment as part of a sub-committee promoting the engagement of nurses to impact governmental policy to take responsible action to improve environmental health and address climate change.

Among her many honors, Keating was a fellow of the Hartford Institute on Geriatrics and a scholar at the John A. Hartford Foundation's Building Academic Geriatric Nursing Capacity program. She also won a faculty award from the College of New Jersey Support of Scholarly Activities

Keating received her PhD from the University of Pennsylvania, MS from Northeastern University, and BSN from Columbia University School of Nursing. She completed a post-doctoral fellowship at the University of Pennsylvania's Center for Health Outcomes and Policy Research.

PhD - University of Pennsylvania
MS - Northeastern University
BSN - Columbia University School of Nursing

Community/population health
Nursing education
Primary care
Underserved populations

American Nurses Association
Alliance of Nurses for a Healthy Environment
SONSIEL (Society of Nurse Scientists, Innovators, Entrepreneurs and Leaders)
Sigma Theta Tau, Upsilon Chapter
Sigma Theta Tau, Alpha Zeta Chapter

Faculty Honors Awards

Digital Innovation Boot Camp, American Association of the Colleges of Nursing in conjunction with Apple, Inc. (2019)
Fellow, Hartford Institute for Geriatric Nursing (2019)
Faculty Award, College of New Jersey Support of Scholarly Activities (2010)
Scholar, John A. Hartford Foundation's Building Academic Geriatric Nursing Capacity (2006)
Penn-Hampton Scholar Award, University of Pennsylvania School of Nursing-Hampton University Center for Researching Health Care Disparities


Rapid implementation of open-access pandemic education for global frontline healthcare workers

Christianson, J., Frank, E., Keating, S., Boyer, S., & Chickering, M. (2025). BMC Research Notes, 18(1). 10.1186/s13104-025-07088-4
Background: The recent global pandemic posed extraordinary challenges for healthcare systems. Frontline healthcare workers required focused, immediate, practical, evidence-based instruction on optimal patient care modalities as knowledge evolved around disease management. Objective: This course was designed to provide knowledge to protect healthcare workers; combat disease spread; and improve patient outcomes. Methods: A team of global healthcare workers responded by rapidly creating a competency-based online course. To promote transcultural applicability, the course was developed by an international team of more than 45 educators from over 20 countries. Course delivery included a built-in language translation tool, routine updates, and several innovative course design elements. User feedback was collected to determine efficacy of course content, structure, unique delivery elements, and delivery options. Results: An initial population of online learners (n = 147) living in 23 different countries and representing 22 languages completed the course and participated in post-course surveys. An additional population of learners (n = 505) attended an in-person offering of course materials. Course participants gave positive feedback and several requested additional courses in similar formats. Conclusion: Global open access education courses may provide needed resources to empower healthcare professionals during health crises. Responsive course design can accommodate diverse learner resources and transcultural applicability.

Integrating Climate Change in the Curriculum: Using Instructional Design Methods to Create an Educational Innovation for Nurse Practitioners in a Doctor of Nursing Practice Program

Keating, S. A., Vetter, M. J., Klar, R. T., & Wright, F. (2022). Journal for Nurse Practitioners, 18(4), 424-428. 10.1016/j.nurpra.2021.11.009
An applied epidemiology course for doctor of nursing practice students was revised to include a module on the impact of climate change on population health. The Analyze, Design, Develop, Implement, and Evaluate (ADDIE) model of instructional design is a gold standard framework for creating course content and guided the module development. A nurse content expert discussed the environmental impacts of climate change on health using literature, actual clinical scenarios, and the application of epidemiologic data. Topics included safeguarding workers and vulnerable populations within the context of the coronavirus disease 2019 pandemic. Students posted reflections on their understanding of module content in response to structured prompts electronically in the learning management system for review by the faculty. Faculty evaluation of responses identified the need to further develop and integrate environmental epidemiology and climate change content more fully within the doctor of nursing practice curriculum.

E-Learning for Population Health Management: An Educational Innovation to Prepare Student and Practicing Nurses for Value-Based Care

Djukic, M., Mola, A., Keating, S., Melnyk, H., & Haber, J. (2021). Nursing Education Perspectives, 42(6), E117-E119. 10.1097/01.NEP.0000000000000857
To educate nursing students and practicing registered nurses about population health management (PHM), a team of faculty and PHM clinical leaders created an innovative, scalable, turnkey ready, multimedia e-learning module. The module has four lessons; takes approximately three hours to complete; and can be accessed using a weblink from computers, smart phones, and tablets. The module engages learners with videos, flashcards, case studies, and a variety of interactive knowledge checks. Each learner can obtain a record of completion, which can be shared with faculty. Faculty implemented the module with 48 senior prelicensure nursing students who reported improved self-efficacy in PHM.

Global Nursing Education: International Resources Meet the NLN Core Competencies for Nurse Educators

Keating, S. A., Berland, A., Capone, K., & Chickering, M. J. (2021). Online Journal of Issues in Nursing, 26(1). 10.3912/OJIN.VOL26NO01MAN08
The global need for nurses and nurse educators presents a challenge to meet the needs of the world-wide population. International level targets, such as the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, are in place and expectations of graduates are evolving rapidly due to increasingly complex healthcare needs. The capacity of effective nurse educators is a significant constraint to addressing the global shortage of nurses. The National League for Nursing (NLN) has established eight core competencies for nurse educators to ensure that education of nurses is robust. This article briefly discusses the shortage at hand. We describe the Nurses International-Open Educational Resources (NI-OERs) initiative to align freely available content and support with the NLN competencies to develop nurse faculty and attain nursing education equity in low and middle-income countries. In conclusion, this work will help to develop a better prepared cadre of global nurse educators who can equip nurses with current evidenced based knowledge to deliver healthcare across global populations.

The Development of Nurses International: Nurses Called to Serve in Low-income Countries

Capone, K., Keating, S., Chickering, M., & Etcher, L. A. (2020). Journal of Christian Nursing : A Quarterly Publication of Nurses Christian Fellowship, 37(2), 108-113. 10.1097/CNJ.0000000000000699
Nurses International (NI) is a global faith-based nursing education consulting organization dedicated to relieving suffering in low-resource countries by providing quality educational support to nurses and nursing schools. This article describes its inception by founder Miriam Chickering and details the beginning stages of the development of NI and examples of its work.

Establishing Global Nursing Education Equity by Developing Open Access Resources

Keating, S. A., Berland, A., Capone, K., & Chickering, M. J. (2020). Nurse Educator, 45(2), 63-65. 10.1097/NNE.0000000000000698
Current and future shortagesofhumanresources forhealth require international efforts to maximize the contribution of nurses. Exemplary preservice education and professional development are essential but are presently constrained by the global shortage of capable nurse educators. Providing robust OERs will support these educators, and in turn, NI welcomes the support of collaborators and philanthropistswho share the vision of globally accessible, high-quality nursing education.

Notes from the field: ‘nurses international’ uses oer to support nurse educators

Ewing, H., Chickering, M., Burner, L., Keating, S. A., Berland, A., & Frank, E. (2020). Journal of Learning for Development, 7(3), 459-466.
Educating nurses in developing countries is challenging due to limited resources. Nurses International advances nursing education through the use of Open Educational Resources, which provide a unique model to teach and mentor nurse educators globally. Using current resources and materials that are free online and teacher-facing, an innovative program has been established that can be employed to support development of and scale education for the healthcare workforce, through teaching the teachers and enhancing the education of nurses.

Nurses International Open Educational Resources for Global Impact

Keating, S. A., Berland, A., Capone, K., & Chickering, M. J. (2020). Creative Nursing, 26(3), 164-168. 10.1891/CRNR-D-19-00087
The Nurses international Open Educational Resources (NI-OER) directly addresses the global shortage of nurse educators by providing an open-access English-language curriculum for a Bachelor of Science in Nursing program. The aim of the program is to provide educators in low- and middle-income countries with international standard content suitable for low-resource settings. The NI-OER include classroom lectures, references and learning resources, evaluation materials, and checklists for clinical practice. In order to meet local requirements, users can adapt the material according to the Creative Commons license. The development of evidence-based educator materials is a volunteer effort by two sponsoring organizations, Nurses International and the Bangladesh Health Project. Over time, additional resources and translations will be developed using communities of practice.

Open education resources to support the WHO nurse educator core competencies

Berland, A., Capone, K., Etcher, L., Ewing, H., Keating, S., & Chickering, M. (2020). International Nursing Review, 67(2), 282-287. 10.1111/inr.12583
Aim: This paper describes an innovative approach to tackling the shortage of qualified nurse educators, which is a major constraining factor or ‘bottle-neck’ to improve the global supply of nurses, especially in low- and middle-income countries. Background: The World Health Organization commissioned experts to develop Nurse Educator Core Competencies that describe expectations for this cadre of workers. In their deliberations, the WHO experts cited the challenges affecting the adoption of these competencies, particularly the lack of resources available for implementation. To address this specific challenge, a USA-based non-government organiization, Nurses International, has developed Open Education Resources (NI-OER) to support nurse educators with freely accessible curriculum materials and remote mentoring support. Methods: This paper applies item analysis to consider how the NI-OER could assist higher education institutes and individual faculty members in meeting each of the WHO Nurse Educator Core Competencies. Findings: The NI-OER is a good fit with six of the Nurse Educator Core Competencies and a partial fit with the other two. Discussion: Congruence with the WHO Nurse Educator Core Competencies is an important validity check for the NI-OER. The ultimate goal of the NI-OER is to promote sustainable development through intermediate goals related to supporting faculty as they prepare nurses for current and future service needs. Technological solutions like the NI-OER cannot solve all aspects of a complex problem like the global nursing shortage but are an important tool. Implications for Nursing and Health policy: This resource has significant implications for nursing and health policy because it tackles several constraints to the global goal of increasing production and capacity of nurses. Combined with the organization’s remote mentoring and communities of practice, the NI-OER appears to have the potential to support novice nurse educators with accessible, adaptable resources.

Psychometric testing of the immigrant Barriers to Health Care Scale: Hispanic Version

Keating, S., Carlson, B., Jimenez, S., Estrada, J., Gastelum, B., Romero, T., & Riegel, B. (2009). Nursing and Health Sciences, 11(3), 235-243. 10.1111/j.1442-2018.2009.00446.x
Barriers to care contribute to health inequities for immigrant populations. Although inadequate health insurance is a known barrier, other factors impact the issue. Few instruments exist to specifically measure these other barriers. The purpose of this study was to test the Immigrant Barriers to Health Care Scale - Hispanic Version. It was first pilot-tested in southern California with a Mexican population. After refinement, the instrument was tested in a north-eastern sample of diverse Hispanic adults. The data were analyzed using exploratory factor analysis. Factor loadings and communalities were used to assess the adequacy of the scale's items. Six items were deleted due to ambiguous factor loadings. The final 11 items loaded onto four factors and explained 54.58% of the variance. The coefficient alpha was 0.81 for the instrument. The Immigrant Barriers to Health Care Scale is a reliable and valid tool. Its further use and reporting with other socially and economically disadvantaged groups is advised.