Yzette Lanier


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Yzette Lanier

Assistant Professor

1 212 998 5803

433 First Ave
New York, NY 10010
United States

Accepting PhD students

Yzette Lanier's additional information

Yzette Lanier, PhD, is an assistant professor at NYU Rory Meyers College of Nursing. As a developmental psychologist, her research broadly centers on health promotion and disease prevention in communities of color, with a special focus on preventing HIV/STIs and unintended pregnancy among African American adolescents. Using health equity and strengths-based lenses, her research seeks to understand how individual, social, and cultural factors influence adolescents’ sexual decision-making. Lanier’s current research examines how adolescent romantic relationships influence sexual behaviors. Her long-term goal is to develop effective developmentally-appropriate, culturally tailored interventions that promote healthy romantic relationships and protective sexual behaviors among adolescents. In June 2016, Lanier was awarded $1.2 million from the CDC for HIV behavior intervention based on young black heterosexual couples' dynamics.  

Lanier earned her PhD and MS in developmental psychology at Howard University. She completed a T32 postdoctoral fellowship at the Center for Health Equity Research at the University of Pennsylvania and a postdoctoral research fellowship in HIV prevention in communities of color at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

T32 Postdoctoral Fellowship, Center for Health Equity Research - University of Pennsylvania
Postdoctoral Research Fellowship for HIV Prevention in Communities of Color - Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
PhD, Developmental Psychology - Howard University
MS, Developmental Psychology - Howard University
BS, Psychology - Howard University

Infectious disease
Community/population health
Vulnerable & marginalized populations

American Psychological Association
American Public Health Association
Association of Black Psychologists
Society for Research on Adolescence

Faculty Honors Awards

Visiting Scholar, Center for Interdisciplinary Research on AIDS, Yale University


Attitudes Toward the Uptake of Combination HIV Prevention Methods Among Young Black and Latino Heterosexual Couples Living in New York City: A Qualitative Study

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A comprehensive view of adolescent sexual health and family planning from the perspective of Black and Hispanic adolescent mothers in New York city

Gerchow, L., Lanier, Y., Fayard, A. L., & Squires, A. (2024). SSM - Qualitative Research in Health, 6. 10.1016/j.ssmqr.2024.100460
Black and Hispanic adolescents in New York City experience high rates of pregnancy and sexually transmitted infections. A comprehensive understanding of the complexity of adolescent sexual health and family planning decisions and experiences can provide insights into the sustained disparities and inform practice, policy, and future research. The goal of this study was to explore and analyze this complexity, centering Black and Hispanic adolescent mothers as the experts on sexual and reproductive experiences from pre-pregnancy through parenting. As part of formative research for a human-centered design study, we interviewed 16 Black and Hispanic adolescent mothers living in New York City. Using situational analysis, we mapped relationships, discourse, and social structures to explore the various factors that inform adolescent sexual health decisions, in particular choices about contraception. Situational analysis found that, besides interpersonal factors, organizations and non-human elements like social media and physical birth control devices affected adolescent family planning in three social arenas: home, healthcare, and school. Within and across these arenas, adolescents lacked consistent sexual health education and contraceptive counseling and faced gendered expectations of their behaviors. Participants described parents and healthcare providers as most responsible for providing sexual health counseling yet described parents as uncomfortable or overreactive and healthcare workers as paternalistic and biased. A consideration of the many factors that inform sexual health decision-making and recognition of adolescents’ desire for parents and healthcare providers to be a source of education can address health disparities and promote adolescent sexual health and wellbeing.

Factors Associated with Family Functioning During Pregnancy by Adolescent and Young Adult Women

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Factors Associated with Family Functioning During Pregnancy by Adolescent and Young Adult Women

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A Dyadic Analysis Exploring the Mediating Role of Relationship Quality on Discrimination and HIV/STI Risk Among Young Black and Latino Expecting Couples

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Utilizing Community Based Participatory Research Methods in Black/African American and Hispanic/Latinx Communities in the US: The CDC Minority HIV Research Initiative (MARI-Round 4)

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Applying a Nursing Perspective to Address the Challenges Experienced by Cisgender Women in the HIV Status Neutral Care Continuum: A Review of the Literature

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Inequities along the Depression Care Cascade in African American Women: An Integrative Review

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Interpartner Concordance on Relationship Quality and Sexually Transmitted Infections Among Young Pregnant and Parenting Couples

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Mental health burden among Black adolescents: the need for better assessment, diagnosis and treatment engagement

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