Fidelindo Lim


Fidel Lim Headshot

Fidelindo Lim


Clinical Associate Professor
Program Director, Nursing Education

1 212 992 9078

433 First Ave
New York, NY 10010
United States

Fidelindo Lim's additional information

Fidel Lim is a Clinical Associate Professor at New York University Meyers College of Nursing. He has worked as a critical care nurse for 18 years and concurrently, since 1996, has been a nursing faculty member. In 2023 he was selected to be part of the American Nurses Association’s (ANA) Code of Ethics for Nurses 2025 Re’Vision National Expert Panel. This 18-month-long commitment is charged to revise the Nursing Code of Ethics.

In 2013, he conducted the seminal national study of faculty knowledge, experience, and readiness for teaching LGBTQ+ health in BSN programs across the USA. The groundbreaking findings of his research on LGBTQ+ health integration in nursing have been cited in 6 white papers and in at least 9 LGBTQ+ policy statements by leading stakeholders.

Dr. Lim Fidel has published over 200 articles on an array of topics, including clinical practice, nursing education, LGBTQ+ health, reflective practice, preceptorship, men in nursing, nursing humanities, and Florence Nightingale. He has been designated as Nurse Influencer by the ANA American Nurse Journal where he writes a monthly blog since 2020. Dr. Lim is a board member of the NYU Meyers Alumni Association. In 2021, Fidel was one of four nurses featured in the ANA-sponsored documentary film “American Nurse Heroes,” a multi-channel network television event celebrating the Year of the Nurse.

As the faculty advisor to various nursing student groups he has, among other things, fostered salience in nursing education through high-quality extracurricular programming and active learning. Fidel is an imitable mentor and coach to countless students and nurses.

Dr. Lim is a Fellow of the American Academy of Nursing. He holds a DNP from Northeastern University, a Master of Arts in Nursing Education from New York University, and a BSN from Far Eastern University in Manila, Philippines.

DNP - Northeastern University
MA - New York University
BSN - Far Eastern University, Manila, Philippines

Acute care
Critical care

American Nurses Association New York
American Association of Critical Care Nurses
American Association for Men in Nursing
Gay and Lesbian Medical Association
Honor Society of Nursing, Sigma Theta Tau International
National League for Nursing (NLN)
New York Academy of Medicine
New York City Men in Nursing
Philippine Nurses Association of New York

Faculty Honors Awards

Expert Panelist - American Nurses Association’s (ANA) Code of Ethics for Nurses 2025 Re’Vision (2023)
Nurse Faculty Scholars Mentored Writing Award - American Journal of Nursing (2022)
Inducted as a Fellow - American Academy of Nursing (AAN) (2022)
Fellow - New York University Aging Incubator (2021)
Nursing Education Award - American Nurses Association New York (2021)
DAISY Foundation Award for Extraordinary Nursing Faculty – NYU Meyers (2020)
Nurse Influencer - American Nurses Association (2020)
National League of Nursing (NLN) Innovation Center, Honorable Mention for article "Nursing Humanities: Teaching for a Sense of Salience" (2019)
Fellow - New York Academy of Medicine (2019)
Member of the Year - American Association for Men in Nursing (2018)
Rose and George Doval Teaching Award - NYU Rory Meyers College of Nursing (2017)
Distinguished Clinical Nursing Faculty Award - NYU, College of Nursing - Undergraduate Nursing Students Association (2015)
Baccalaureate Faculty Excellence Award - NYU, College of Nursing Students Association (2014)
Nursing Education Foundation Scholarship Award, National League for Nursing (2013)
Nurse Educator of the Year, Philippine Nurses Association of New York, Inc. (2013)


Methods of Teaching Transgender Health in Undergraduate Nursing Programs: A Narrative Review

Lim, F., & Eda, O. S. (2024). Nurse Educator, 49(3), 130-136. 10.1097/NNE.0000000000001558
Background: Transgender populations experience disproportionately higher rates of mental and physical health issues such as suicidality and heart disease than their cisgender counterparts. Education of health professions students and providers is recognized as an effective method in mitigating transgender health disparities. Purpose: This narrative review investigated the methods in which transgender health is taught in undergraduate nursing programs. Suggestions for optimizing transgender health education are presented. Method: This review critically appraised and synthesized 28 articles that met these inclusion criteria: articles in English describing teaching strategies used in transgender health education with samples that include undergraduate nursing students. Results: Didactic lecture is the most widely used method, followed by role-play simulation, use of film and video, guest presentation, and high-fidelity and standardized patient simulation. Conclusion: Lectures remain the dominant method of delivering transgender health content. Improvements in students' knowledge and attitude related to transgender care were noted posteducation.

Simulation-Based Learning About Care of People With Disabilities An Integrative Review

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Best Practices in Pediatric Oncology Pain Management

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Food, glorious food… wasted

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Humanism in nursing

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If Florence Nightingale gave a graduation speech

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The Inclusion of LGBTQ+ Health across the Lifespan in Pre-Registration Nursing Programmes: Qualitative Findings from a Mixed-Methods Study

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LGBTQ+ nursing: Glancing back, looking forward

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Machine-Generated Writing and Chatbots: Nursing Education's Fear of the Unknown

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Machine-Generated Writing and Chatbots: Nursing Education's Fear of the Unknown

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