New MS Students

The information below is intended solely for students entering a Master of Science or Advanced Certificate program at NYU Meyers.


Once you receive notification of acceptance, be sure to do the following:

Submit your admissions deposit

Information about submitting your admissions deposit to NYU is available in your letter of admission.


Activate your NYU email address

Your NYU email account will be the primary form of communication used between you and the University. Be sure that you activate your NetID and NYUHome account, which will give you access to your NYU email. Your NetID, which can be found in your admission letter, is used to sign into systems at NYU. To activate this NetID and set your password, go to the NYU Information Technology Services (ITS) Start page.


Look for communication regarding class registration

All new students starting their courses will be contacted via NYU email by a professional academic advisor from the Office of Advising and Academic Services to discuss course advisement and registration procedures. You will be assigned a faculty advisor on the first day of classes.


Please note: Before registering for courses, students will be asked to enter an emergency contact, including their cell phone number. Please ensure that the information you see in Albert is correct.


Submit all final, official transcripts, a New York State nursing license, and all other application requirements to Joseph Valiakulathil.


Review and pay your tuition bill

Please refer to the Bursar’s website for important deadlines regarding your tuition bill.


Submit university immunization documents

New York State Public Health Law 2165/2167 states that if you are taking six or more credits in a degree-granting program you must provide proof of immunity to measles, mumps, and rubella and acknowledge receipt of information regarding the disease meningitis. Review information and instructions on completing all the requirements. You must comply with the University's immunization requirements to remain enrolled in classes. 


For more information about the NYU Student Health Insurance plan, please visit the Student Health Insurance website. Also, if you currently have insurance that you will keep during your time at NYU, you should determine your eligibility to waive the Student Health Insurance. If you elect to waive the NYU health insurance plan, you must complete the Enrollment/Waiver Form online at Enrollment Waiver Form.


Obtain your NYUCard

You are required to have a University identification card to access all University facilities including classrooms, the Bobst Library, Palladium Athletic Facility, and the NYU Bookstore and Computer Store. Students should visit NYU's photo upload webpage and upload a photo to be used on their NYUCard by following the guidelines and instructions on the site. Students must have activated their NYU NetID before accessing the system. Photos submitted and approved by 3:00 PM can be picked up on the following business day at the NYUCard Center located at 7 Washington Place with proof of identification (e.g., state driver's license, state photo ID, or passport). More information is available on the NYUCard website. 


Before your first week of class, be sure to do the following:  

  • Purchase Textbooks: Textbooks can be purchased through the NYU Bookstore. The main bookstore for NYU is located at 726 Broadway. This store provides textbooks for all NYU Schools and Colleges. More information on available products and hours of operation is available by visiting the NYU Bookstore website.
  • Access NYU (LMS) Brightspace: NYU LMS (Brightspace) is the primary learning management system for NYU, which allows you access to information for each of your classes. Syllabi, assignments, and information from your professors will be posted and distributed through this online system. NYU LMS (Brightspace) can be accessed through NYUHome under the Academics tab.
  • Review the NYU campus map.
  • Check your classroom assignments in your Albert Student Center.