Dorothy J. Wholihan


Dorothy J Wholihan headshot

Dorothy J. Wholihan


Clinical Professor
Program Director, Advanced Practice Palliative Care Specialty Sequence

1 212 992 9429

433 First Ave
New York, NY 10010
United States

Dorothy J. Wholihan's additional information

Dorothy J. Wholihan, ACHPN, AGACNP-BC, GNP-BC, DNP, is the director of the Advanced Practice Palliative Care Specialty Sequence Program and a clinical associate professor at NYU Rory Meyers College of Nursing. She is a palliative care nurse practitioner with over 30 years of nursing experience. She has practiced as an oncology and pain management clinical nurse specialist and is actively practicing as a nurse practitioner in palliative care. Her practice and research interests include spiritual aspects of care, teaching communication skills, and the care of veterans at end of life.

Wholihan received her DNP from George Washington University, MSN from Yale University, and BSN from the University of Pennsylvania. She also holds a Post-Master's Certificate from Christian Specialty, General Theological Seminary, and a Post-Master's Certificate ANP from Uniformed Services, University of the Health Sciences.

DNP - George Washington University (2011)
Post-Master's Certificate - Christian Specialty, General Theological Seminary (2008)
Post-Master's Certificate, ANP - Uniformed Services, University of the Health Sciences (1999)
MSN - Yale University (1989)
BSN - University of Pennsylvania (1983)

Palliative care

American Association of Nurse Practitioners
American Nurses Association
Hospice and Palliative Nursing Association
National Faculty Member, End of Life Nursing Education Consortium
Sigma Theta Tau

Faculty Honors Awards

Distinguished Teaching Award, NYU Meyers (2019)
Fellow, American Academy of Nursing
Fellow, Palliative Care Nursing


Seeing the Light: End-of-Life Experiences—Visions, Energy Surges, and Other Death Bed Phenomena

Wholihan, D. (2016). Nursing Clinics of North America, 51(3), 489-500. 10.1016/j.cnur.2016.05.005
Spiritual care is an integral part of multidimensional palliative care and a major domain of care identified in definitions and guidelines. Death bed phenomena include visions, dreams, hallucinations, and premortem energy surges, which can be deeply spiritual experiences. Death bed occurrences are often a source of consolation. However, they have been underrecognized. The last hours of life are sacred; as holistic, multidimensional practitioners, nurses should remain open to experiences not easily explained within a traditional medical model. As the most consistent caregivers, nurses assess, recognize, and validate such experiences to assist patients in finding meaning, comfort, and a peaceful end-of-life.

Haber et al. respond

Haber, J., Hartnett, E., Allen, K., Hallas, D., Dorsen, C., Lange-Kessler, J., Lloyd, M., Thomas, E., & Wholihan, D. (2015, May 1). In American journal of public health (Vols. 105, Issues 5, pp. e3-e4). 10.2105/AJPH.2015.302648

Putting the mouth back in the head: HEENT to HEENOT

Haber, J., Hartnett, E., Allen, K., Hallas, D., Dorsen, C., Lange-Kessler, J., Lloyd, M., Thomas, E., & Wholihan, D. (2015). American Journal of Public Health, 105(3), 437-441. 10.2105/AJPH.2014.302495
Improving oral health is a leading population health goal; however, curricula preparing health professionals have a dearth of oral health content and clinical experiences.We detail an educational and clinical innovation transitioning the traditional head, ears, eyes, nose, and throat (HEENT) examination to the addition of the teeth, gums, mucosa, tongue, and palate examination (HEENOT) for assessment, diagnosis, and treatment of oral-systemic health. Many New York University nursing, dental, and medical faculty and students have been exposed to interprofessional oral health HEENOT classroom, simulation, and clinical experiences. This was associated with increased dental-primary care referrals.This innovation has potential to build interprofessional oral health workforce capacity that addresses a significant public health issue, increases oral health care access, and improves oral-systemic health across the lifespan.

Empowering nursing assistants to improve end-of-life care

Wholihan, D., & Anderson, R. (2013). Journal of Hospice and Palliative Nursing, 15(1), 24-32. 10.1097/NJH.0b013e31825f345b
Nursing assistants are integral to palliative care and are often the most deeply involved and consistent care providers to dying patients. Yet the contributions of nursing assistants are often unrecognized and underappreciated. They are frequently marginalized when it comes to professional education activities, particularly in the acute care setting. This article describes an educational initiative based on the Hospice and Palliative Nursing Association nursing assistant core curriculum. A daylong educational intervention was provided to a voluntary convenience sample of nursing assistants from a variety of inpatient units. Presurveys and postsurveys about knowledge, attitudes, and awareness of ethical issues were administered to those attending the class, as well as a control group of nursing assistants. The results of this pilot study showed that a daylong conference on end-of-life care was associated with improved measures of knowledge, attitudes about care of the dying, and awareness of ethical issues. Interesting points of discussion concerned the points of tension identified by nursing assistants in the care of dying patients, the need for ongoing support for these staff members, and the practical issues of how to best educate and integrate nursing assistants into the palliative care team.

Community discussions: A vision for cutting the costs of end-of-life care

Wholihan, D. J., & Pace, J. C. (2012). Nursing Economics, 30(3), 170-175+178.
Palliative care involvement with patients with advanced disease has demonstrated significant cost savings at end of life (EOL). These financial benefits are largely due to improved EOL decision making. Assisting patients and families to examine their values and determine their preferences makes it possible to match patient goals with appropriate care. Often, comfort-oriented care is favored, avoiding the costs of medically aggressive, often futile, technology-driven interventions. Community-based EOL care discussions would demonstrate increased cost reductions while facilitating significant patient and family satisfaction with care.

A patient-education tool for patient-controlled analgesia.

Wholihan, D. (1997). Oncology Nursing Forum, 24(10), 1801-1804.
PURPOSE/OBJECTIVES: To develop a pamphlet for educating patients about patient-controlled analgesia (PCA). DATA SOURCES: Journal articles and pump manufacturers' materials. DATA SYNTHESIS: This pamphlet defines PCA and describes PCA pump operation, pain assessment, medication side effects, and safety considerations. A numerical pain-assessment tool also is included. CONCLUSIONS: This pamphlet has been helpful in assisting patients to use PCA pumps effectively. IMPLICATIONS FOR NURSING PRACTICE: Nurses can use this tool to educate patients requiring PCA therapy for pain management.

The 'VANAC team': Establishing a cancer prevention team

Genovese, L., & Wholihan, D. (1995). Cancer Nursing, 18(6), 421-426.
Nurses recognize the increasing need to focus on primary and secondary prevention of cancer, yet the demands of current staffing prohibit many nurses from organizing and/or participating in cancer prevention and detection activities. This article describes an innovative program established at the Bronx Veterans Affairs Medical Center (VA). Funded by an American Cancer Society professional education grant, nurses at the Bronx VA formed the 'VANAC' Team (VA Nurses Against Cancer). The camaraderie of a team approach invited generalist nurses to become involved with the program. The formation and activities of the team are described. After an intensive orientation, nurses participated in a wide range of educational activities, including patient education, staff seminars, and community presentations. The logistics of arranging such a program are discussed and recommendations for future direction are offered. It is hoped that nurses in other institutions can adapt the VANAC approach to their individual settings, thereby increasing the number of nurses involved in cancer prevention.

Home health in rural Kenya.

Wholihan, D. (1993). Home Healthcare Nurse, 11(6), 47-50. 10.1097/00004045-199311000-00010
Despite the many environmental and cultural differences, many similarities exist between home health nursing in Kenya and the United States. Family-focused care is the goal, with emphasis on education and prevention.

The value of reminiscence in hospice care

Wholihan, D. (1992). American Journal of Hospice and Palliative Medicine, 9(2), 33-35. 10.1177/104990919200900210

Incorporating cancer prevention interventions into the home health visit.

Wholihan, D. J. (1991). Home Healthcare Nurse, 9(5), 19-24. 10.1097/00004045-199109000-00005