Komal Patel Murali


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Komal Patel Murali


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NEW YORK, NY 10010
United States

Komal Patel Murali's additional information

Komal Patel Murali, PhD, RN, ACNP-BC is an assistant professor at NYU Rory Meyers College of Nursing dedicated to advancing equitable palliative and hospice care for seriously ill persons living with dementia and multiple chronic conditions. She has received funding from the NIA IMPACT Collaboratory Career Development Award and a NIA K23 Career Development Award (K23AG083125) through which she is exploring barriers to hospice care and developing and testing a co-designed culturally sensitive care management intervention to guide transitions to hospice for persons living with dementia and their family caregivers in home healthcare. Another area of her research includes culturally sensitive caregiving support for South Asian older adults with chronic conditions and their families in faith-based settings, which is currently supported by pilot funding from the Rutgers-NYU Center for Asian Health Promotion and Equity (P50MD017356). 

PhD – New York University (2020)
MSN – University of Pennsylvania (2011)
BSN – University of Pennsylvania (2008)

Critical care
Palliative care

American Association of Critical Care Nurses
Hospice and Palliative Nurses Association
Gerontological Society of America
Eastern Nursing Research Society
Sigma Theta Tau International Nursing Honor Society
American Geriatrics Society

Faculty Honors Awards

Nessa Coyle Leadership Lecture and Award, Hospice and Palliative Nurses Association (2024)
NYU Alzheimer’s Disease Research Center Research Education Component Scholar (2023)
Research Scholar, Hospice and Palliative Nurses Association (2023)
Emerging Leaders Award, Hospice and Palliative Nurses Foundation (2022)
Distinguished PhD Student Award, NYU Meyers (2020)
Jonas Nurse Leader Scholar, Jonas Center for Nursing Excellence (2018)
Norman Volk Doctoral Scholarship, NYU Meyers (2018)
President’s Service Award, New York University (2018)
HRSA Nurse Corps Loan Repayment Program (2012)
Mary D. Naylor Undergraduate Research Award, University of Pennsylvania (2008)
Pennsylvania Higher Education Foundation Scholarship (2008)
Promise of Nursing Regional Scholarship Award, Foundation of the National Student Nurses Association (2008)
Sigma Theta Tau Inductee, University of Pennsylvania (2008)
Scholar, Center for Health Disparities Research, Penn Nursing (2007)


Complex Care Needs at the End of Life for Seriously Ill Adults With Multiple Chronic Conditions

Murali, K. P., Merriman, J. D., Yu, G., Vorderstrasse, A., Kelley, A. S., & Brody, A. A. (2023). Journal of Hospice and Palliative Nursing, 25(3), 146-155. 10.1097/NJH.0000000000000946
Understanding the complex care needs of seriously ill adults with multiple chronic conditions with and without cancer is critical for the delivery of high-quality serious illness and palliative care at the end of life. The objective of this secondary data analysis of a multisite randomized clinical trial in palliative care was to elucidate the clinical profile and complex care needs of seriously ill adults with multiple chronic conditions and to highlight key differences among those with and without cancer at the end of life. Of the 213 (74.2%) older adults who met criteria for multiple chronic conditions (eg, 2 or more chronic conditions requiring regular care with limitations of daily living), 49% had a diagnosis of cancer. Hospice enrollment was operationalized as an indicator for severity of illness and allowed for the capture of complex care needs of those deemed to be nearing the end of life. Individuals with cancer had complex symptomatology with a higher prevalence of nausea, drowsiness, and poor appetite and end of life and lower hospice enrollment. Individuals with multiple chronic conditions without cancer had lower functional status, greater number of medications, and higher hospice enrollment. The care of seriously ill older adults with multiple chronic conditions requires tailored approaches to improve outcomes and quality of care across health care settings, particularly at the end of life.

Multiple Chronic Conditions among Seriously Ill Adults Receiving Palliative Care

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Nurses, Psychological Distress, and Burnout: Is There an App for That?

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Place of Death from Cancer in US States with vs Without Palliative Care Laws

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Prioritizing Community-Based Care for People With Alzheimer’s Disease and Related Dementias in Ethnically Diverse Communities The Time is Now

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Clinicians' views on the use of triggers for specialist palliative care in the ICU: A qualitative secondary analysis

Murali, K. P., Fonseca, L. D., Blinderman, C. D., White, D. B., & Hua, M. (2022). Journal of Critical Care, 71. 10.1016/j.jcrc.2022.154054
Purpose: To understand clinicians' views regarding use of clinical criteria, or triggers, for specialist palliative care consultation in the ICU. Materials and methods: Secondary analysis of a qualitative study that explored factors associated with adoption of specialist palliative care in the ICU. Semi-structured interviews with 36 ICU and palliative care clinicians included questions related to triggers for specialist palliative care. We performed a thematic analysis to identify participants' views on use of triggers, including appropriateness of cases for specialists and issues surrounding trigger implementation. Results: We identified five major themes: 1) Appropriate triggers for specialist palliative care, 2) Issues leading to clinician ambivalence for triggers, 3) Prospective buy-in of stakeholders, 4) Workflow considerations in deploying a trigger system, and 5) Role of ICU clinicians in approving specialist palliative care consults. Appropriate triggers included end-of-life care, chronic critical illness, frequent ICU admissions, and patient/family support. Most clinicians had concerns about “trigger overload” and ICU clinicians wanted to be broadly involved in implementation efforts. Conclusions: ICU and palliative care clinicians identified important issues to consider when implementing triggers for specialist palliative care consultation. Future research is needed to longitudinally examine the most appropriate triggers and best practices for trigger implementation.

Interpersonal Conflict between Clinicians in the Delivery of Palliative and End-of-Life Care for Critically Ill Patients: A Secondary Qualitative Analysis

Tong, W., Murali, K. P., Fonseca, L. D., Blinderman, C. D., Shelton, R. C., & Hua, M. (2022). Journal of Palliative Medicine, 25(10), 1501-1509. 10.1089/jpm.2021.0631
Background: Conflict between clinicians is prevalent within intensive care units (ICUs) and may hinder optimal delivery of care. However, little is known about the sources of interpersonal conflict and how it manifests within the context of palliative and end-of-life care delivery in ICUs. Objective: To characterize interpersonal conflict in the delivery of palliative care within ICUs. Design: Secondary thematic analysis using a deductive-inductive approach. We analyzed existing qualitative data that conducted semistructured interviews to examine factors associated with variable adoption of specialty palliative care in ICUs. Settings/Subjects: In the parent study, 36 participants were recruited from two urban academic medical centers in the United States, including ICU attendings (n = 17), ICU nurses (n = 11), ICU social workers (n = 1), and palliative care providers (n = 7). Measurements: Coders applied an existing framework of interpersonal conflict to guide initial coding and analysis, combined with a flexible inductive approach allowing new codes to emerge. Results: We characterized three properties of interpersonal conflict: disagreement, interference, and negative emotion. In the context of delivering palliative and end-of-life care for critically ill patients, "disagreement" centered around whether patients were appropriate for palliative care, which care plans should be prioritized, and how care should be delivered. "Interference" involved preventing palliative care consultation or goals-of-care discussions and hindering patient care. "Negative emotion" included occurrences of silencing or scolding, rudeness, anger, regret, ethical conflict, and grief. Conclusions: Our findings provide an in-depth understanding of interpersonal conflict within palliative and end-of-life care for critically ill patients. Further study is needed to understand how to prevent and resolve such conflicts.

Measuring Palliative Care-Related Knowledge, Attitudes, and Confidence in Home Health Care Clinicians, Patients, and Caregivers: A Systematic Review

Murali, K. P., Kang, J. A., Bronstein, D., McDonald, M. V., King, L., Chastain, A. M., & Shang, J. (2022). Journal of Palliative Medicine, 25(10), 1579-1598. 10.1089/jpm.2021.0580
Background: Integrating palliative care services in the home health care (HHC) setting is an important strategy to provide care for seriously ill adults and improve symptom burden, quality of life, and caregiver burden. Routine palliative care in HHC is only possible if clinicians who provide this care are prepared and patients and caregivers are well equipped with the knowledge to receive this care. A key first step in integrating palliative care services within HHC is to measure preparedness of clinicians and readiness of patients and caregivers to receive it. Objective: The objective of this systematic review was to review existing literature related to the measurement of palliative care-related knowledge, attitudes, and confidence among HHC clinicians, patients, and caregivers. Methods: We searched PubMed, CINAHL, Web of Science, and Cochrane for relevant articles between 2000 and 2021. Articles were included in the final analysis if they (1) reported specifically on palliative care knowledge, attitudes, or confidence, (2) presented measurement tools, instruments, scales, or questionnaires, (3) were conducted in the HHC setting, (4) and included HHC clinicians, patients, or caregivers. Results: Seventeen articles were included. While knowledge, attitudes, and confidence have been studied in HHC clinicians, patients, and caregivers, results varied significantly across countries and health care systems. No study captured knowledge, attitudes, and confidence of the full HHC workforce; notably, home health aides were not included in the studies. Conclusion: Existing instruments did not comprehensively contain elements of the eight domains of palliative care outlined by the National Consensus Project (NCP) for Quality Palliative Care. A comprehensive psychometrically tested instrument to measure palliative care-related knowledge, attitudes, and confidence in the HHC setting is needed.

What End-of-Life Communication in ICUs Around the World Teaches Us About Shared Decision-Making

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Association of Infection-Related Hospitalization with Cognitive Impairment among Nursing Home Residents

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