Minority Older Adults’ Access to and Use of Programs of All-Inclusive Care for the Elderly
Travers, J. L., D’Arpino, S., Bradway, C., Kim, S. J., & Naylor, M. D. (2022). Journal of Aging and Social Policy, 34(6), 976-1002. 10.1080/08959420.2021.2024411
Programs of All-Inclusive Care for the Elderly (PACE) are an effective approach to improve care quality and delay institutional admissions especially for Black and Hispanic older adults who have seen a disproportionate rise in nursing home use. Guided by Andersen’s Behavioral Model of Health Services Use and employing focus groups and one-on-one interviews, we qualitatively examined factors influencing access to and use of PACE by Black and Hispanic older adults. The study sample consisted of thirty-two PACE enrollees, six marketing-team members, and four family-caregivers from three PACE sites in a northeast urban city. Informed knowledge, cultural beliefs, and attitudes toward PACE were found to affect access. Community resources, available services, and care quality facilitated enrollment/participation. Barriers identified included poor dissemination of information and inadequate emphasis on staff’s sensitivity to enrollees’ cultural and disability differences. Findings will help healthcare leaders capitalize on facilitators and address barriers to enhance access and use of PACE by racial and ethnic minority older adults.
Mobile Device Ownership, Current Use, and Interest in Mobile Health Interventions Among Low-Income Older Chinese Immigrants With Type 2 Diabetes: Cross-sectional Survey Study
Hu, L., Trinh-Shevrin, C., Islam, N., Wu, B., Cao, S., Freeman, J., & Sevick, M. A. (2022). JMIR Aging, 5(1). 10.2196/27355
Background: Chinese immigrants suffer a disproportionately high type 2 diabetes (T2D) burden and tend to have poorly controlled disease. Mobile health (mHealth) interventions have been shown to increase access to care and improve chronic disease management in minority populations. However, such interventions have not been developed for or tested in Chinese immigrants with T2D. Objective: This study aims to examine mobile device ownership, current use, and interest in mHealth interventions among Chinese immigrants with T2D. Methods: In a cross-sectional survey, Chinese immigrants with T2D were recruited from Chinese community centers in New York City. Sociodemographic characteristics, mobile device ownership, current use of social media software applications, current use of technology for health-related purposes, and interest in using mHealth for T2D management were assessed. Surveys were administered face-to-face by bilingual study staff in the participant's preferred language. Descriptive statistics were used to characterize the study sample and summarize technology use. Results: The sample (N=91) was predominantly female (n=57, 63%), married (n=68, 75%), and had a high school education or less (n=58, 64%); most participants had an annual household income of less than US $25,000 (n=63, 69%) and had limited English proficiency (n=78, 86%). The sample had a mean age of 70 (SD 11) years. Almost all (90/91, 99%) participants had a mobile device (eg, basic cell phones, smart devices), and the majority (n=83, 91%) reported owning a smart device (eg, smartphone or tablet). WeChat was the most commonly used social media platform (65/91, 71%). When asked about their top source for diabetes-related information, 63 of the 91 participants (69%) reported health care providers, followed by 13 who reported the internet (14%), and 10 who reported family, friends, and coworkers (11%). Less than one-quarter (21/91, 23%) of the sample reported using the internet to search for diabetes-related information in the past 12 months. About one-third of the sample (34/91, 37%) reported that they had watched a health-related video on their cell phone or computer in the past 12 months. The majority (69/91, 76%) of participants reported interest in receiving an mHealth intervention in the future to help with T2D management. Conclusions: Despite high mobile device ownership, the current use of technology for health-related issues remained low in older Chinese immigrants with T2D. Given the strong interest in future mHealth interventions and high levels of social media use (eg, WeChat), future studies should consider how to leverage these existing low-cost platforms and deliver tailored mHealth interventions to this fast-growing minority group.
Moving forward
Grady, C., Ulrich, C. M., Stokes, L., Marx, E. S., Bridges, E., & Delgado, S. (2022). In Nurses and COVID-19: Words of wisdom from nurse leaders (1–, pp. 143-151). Springer International Publishing. 10.1007/978-3-030-82113-5_10
Nurses were omnipresent during the COVID-19 pandemic, caring for patients in the ICU, helping with triage, working with children in schools, administering vaccines, running command centers, and so much more. The challenges have been formidable, but nurses stepped up to the plate, supported by nurse leaders. In this chapter, several nurse leaders reflect on lessons learned during this pandemic, including the critical importance of healthy work environments and the need for solidarity among nurses and all healthcare providers who make care for COVID-19 patients and programs of prevention possible.
Moxibustion for the Treatment of Distal Peripheral Neuropathy in Diabetes Mellitus: A Case Report
Anastasi, J. K., Hackett, L., Capili, B., & Dawes, N. C. (2022). Journal of Chinese Medicine, 129, 30-36.
Distal sensory peripheral neuropathy (DSPN) in Type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) is a painful chronic condition that affects one’s quality of life. People with DSPN experience pain, numbness, tingling, sensory loss, absent or reduced reflexes, and muscle weakness. Distal sensory peripheral neuropathy in T2DM is typically managed with tricyclic antidepressants, anticonvulsants and opiates. However, side effects can occur with pharmaceuticals, therefore a non-invasive symptom management approach such as moxibustion is worthy of consideration. Unfortunately, moxibustion is often overlooked and not considered a viable method for managing symptoms associated with DSPN. This case report illustrates the success of six moxibustion treatments conducted twice weekly for three weeks. The treatments reduced pain related to DSPN and improved indices of neurosensory testing.
Multimorbidity patterns in adult day health center clients with dementia: a latent class analysis
Sadarangani, T., Perissinotto, C., Boafo, J., Zhong, J., & Yu, G. (2022). BMC Geriatrics, 22(1). 10.1186/s12877-022-03206-0
Background: Persons living with dementia (PLWD) in adult day centers (ADCs) represent a complex and vulnerable population whose well-being is at risk based on numerous factors. Greater knowledge of the interaction between dementia, chronic conditions, and social determinants of health would enable ADCs to identify and target the use of their resources to better support clients in need of in-depth intervention. The purpose of this paper is to (a) classify PLWD in ADCs according to their level of medical complexity and (b) identify the demographic, functional, and clinical characteristics of those with the highest degree of medical complexity. Methods: This was a secondary data analysis of 3052 clients with a dementia diagnosis from 53 ADCs across the state of California between 2012 and 2019. The most common diagnosis codes were organized into 28 disease categories to enable a latent class analysis (LCA). Chi-square test, analysis of variance (ANOVA), and Kruskal-Wallis tests were conducted to examine differences among latent classes with respect to clinical and functional characteristics. Results: An optimal 4-class solution was chosen to reflect chronic conditions among PLWD: high medical complexity, moderate medical complexity, low medical complexity, and no medical complexity. Those in the high medical complexity were taking an average of 12.72 (+/− 6.52) medications and attending the ADC an average of 3.98 days (+/− 1.31) per week—values that exceeded any other class. They also experienced hospitalizations more than any other group (19.0%) and met requirements for the nursing facility level of care (77.4%). In addition, the group experienced the greatest frequency of bladder (57.5%) and bowel (15.7%) incontinence. Conclusions: Our results illustrate a high degree of medical complexity among PLWD in ADCs. A majority of PLWD not only have multimorbidity but are socially disadvantaged. Our results demonstrate that a comprehensive multidisciplinary approach that involves community partners such as ADCs is critically needed that addresses functional decline, loneliness, social isolation, and multimorbidity which can negatively impact PLWD.
National Academy of Medicine
Squires, A. (2022). In Health Policy and Advanced Practice Nursing (1–, pp. 53-60). Springer Publishing Company. 10.1891/9780826154644.0005
National Institutes of Health diversity supplements: Perspectives from administrative insiders
David, D., Weir, M. L., Enwerem, N., Schulman-Green, D., Okunji, P. O., Travers, J. L., & Clark-Cutaia, M. N. (2022). Nursing Outlook, 70(6), 827-836. 10.1016/j.outlook.2022.08.006
Background: The NIH Diversity Administrative Supplement is a funding mechanism that provides support for diverse early-stage researchers. There is limited guidance on how to apply for these awards. Purpose: We describe perspectives of NIH program/diversity officers and university research administrators offering recommendations for diversity supplement submission. Methods: This article is the product of a working group exploring diversity in research. Nursing faculty from an R2 Historically Black College and University and an R1 research intensive university conducted stakeholder interviews with NIH program/diversity officers and university research administrators. We used content analysis to categorize respondents’ recommendations. Findings: Recommendations centered on harmonizing the applicant with the program announcement, communication with program/diversity officers, mentor/mentee relationship, scientific plan, and systematic institutional approaches to the diversity supplement. Discussion: Successful strategies in submitting diversity supplements will facilitate inclusion of diverse researchers in NIH-sponsored programs. Systematic approaches are needed to support development of diverse voices to enhance the scientific community.
Navigating the Political System
Sullivan-Marx, E. M., & Apold, S. (2022). In Nurses Making Policy (1–, pp. 71-98). Springer Publishing Company. 10.1891/9780826166463.0003
Neurotrophin Pathway Receptors NGFR and TrkA Control Perineural Invasion, Metastasis, and Pain in Oral Cancer
Doan, C., Aouizerat, B. E., Ye, Y., Dang, D., Asam, K., Bhattacharya, A., Howard, T., Patel, Y. K., Viet, D. T., Figueroa, J. D., Zhong, J. F., Thomas, C. M., Morlandt, A. B., Yu, G., Callahan, N. F., Allen, C. T., Grandhi, A., Herford, A. S., Walker, P. C., … Viet, C. T. (2022). Advanced Biology, 6(9). 10.1002/adbi.202200190
Oral squamous cell carcinoma (OSCC) patients suffer from poor survival due to metastasis or locoregional recurrence, processes that are both facilitated by perineural invasion (PNI). OSCC has higher rates of PNI than other cancer subtypes, with PNI present in 80% of tumors. Despite the impact of PNI on oral cancer prognosis and pain, little is known about the genes that drive PNI, which in turn drive pain, invasion, and metastasis. In this study, clinical data, preclinical, and in vitro models are leveraged to elucidate the role of neurotrophins in OSCC metastasis, PNI, and pain. The expression data in OSCC patients with metastasis, PNI, or pain demonstrate dysregulation of neurotrophin genes. TrkA and nerve growth factor receptor (NGFR) are focused, two receptors that are activated by NGF, a neurotrophin expressed at high levels in OSCC. It is demonstrated that targeted knockdown of these two receptors inhibits proliferation and invasion in an in vitro and preclinical model of OSCC, and metastasis, PNI, and pain. It is further determined that TrkA knockdown alone inhibits thermal hyperalgesia, whereas NGFR knockdown alone inhibits mechanical allodynia. Collectively the results highlight the ability of OSCC to co-opt different components of the neurotrophin pathway in metastasis, PNI, and pain.
Nightly Variation in Sleep Influences Self-efficacy for Adhering to a Healthy Lifestyle: A Prospective Study
Burke, L. E., Kline, C. E., Mendez, D. D., Shiffman, S., Chasens, E. R., Zheng, Y., Imes, C. C., Cajita, M. I., Ewing, L., Goode, R., Mattos, M., Kariuki, J. K., Kriska, A., & Rathbun, S. L. (2022). International Journal of Behavioral Medicine, 29(3), 377-386. 10.1007/s12529-021-10022-0
Background: Self-efficacy, or the perceived capability to engage in a behavior, has been shown to play an important role in adhering to weight loss treatment. Given that adherence is extremely important for successful weight loss outcomes and that sleep and self-efficacy are modifiable factors in this relationship, we examined the association between sleep and self-efficacy for adhering to the daily plan. Investigators examined whether various dimensions of sleep were associated with self-efficacy for adhering to the daily recommended lifestyle plan among participants (N = 150) in a 12-month weight loss study. Method: This study was a secondary analysis of data from a 12-month prospective observational study that included a standard behavioral weight loss intervention. Daily assessments at the beginning of day (BOD) of self-efficacy and the previous night’s sleep were collected in real-time using ecological momentary assessment. Results: The analysis included 44,613 BOD assessments. On average, participants reported sleeping for 6.93 ± 1.28 h, reported 1.56 ± 3.54 awakenings, and gave low ratings for trouble sleeping (3.11 ± 2.58; 0: no trouble; 10: a lot of trouble) and mid-high ratings for sleep quality (6.45 ± 2.09; 0: poor; 10: excellent). Participants woke up feeling tired 41.7% of the time. Using linear mixed effects modeling, a better rating in each sleep dimension was associated with higher self-efficacy the following day (all p values <.001). Conclusion: Our findings supported the hypothesis that better sleep would be associated with higher levels of reported self-efficacy for adhering to the healthy lifestyle plan.
Noise Exposure and Quality of Life Among Nurses
McCullagh, M. C., Xu, J., Dickson, V. V., Tan, A., & Lusk, S. L. (2022). Workplace Health and Safety, 70(4), 207-219. 10.1177/21650799211044365
Background: The purpose of this study was to describe the relationship between noise exposure, selected health conditions, and well-being among nurses. Methods: A secondary analysis was performed on data obtained from 3,818 U.S. nurses who responded to a survey regarding noise exposure, health conditions, stress, professional quality of life, and workplace support. Findings: Those who reported high noise exposure reported more health conditions, higher stress and burnout scores, and lower supportive environments. High noise exposure was significantly associated with lower professional quality of life. Conclusion/Application to Practice: Noise may impact the health and quality of professional life of nurses. Occupational health nurses should advocate for the regular monitoring of nurses’ exposure to hazardous noise at work, compare it to OSHA permissible levels, and collaborate with the occupational health team to ensure safe noise levels are maintained. Occupational health nurses should advocate for expanded research on effects of noise on health.
NP positioning for the future healthcare workforce
Newland, J. A. (2022). Nurse Practitioner, 47(1), 4. 10.1097/01.NPR.0000803004.16833.0d
Nurse-Led Telephonic Palliative Care: A Case-Based Series of a Novel Model of Palliative Care Delivery
Yamarik, R. L., Tan, A., Brody, A. A., Curtis, J., Chiu, L., Bouillon-Minois, J. B., & Grudzen, C. R. (2022). Journal of Hospice and Palliative Nursing, 24(2), E3-E9. 10.1097/NJH.0000000000000850
Americans near the end of life experience high rates of nonbeneficial, burdensome, and preventable hospital-based care. If patients' goals of care are unknown or unclear, they have higher rates of hospitalization at the end of life. The demand for palliative care has grown exponentially because of its impact on quality of life, symptom burden, and resource use, requiring the development of new palliative care models. Nurses' holistic outlook and patient-centered focus make them ideal to deliver telephonic palliative care. This article discusses 4 cases delivered by a nurse-led telephonic palliative care program, a part of the Emergency Medicine Palliative Care Access project, which is a randomized controlled trial comparing outpatient palliative care with nurse-led telephonic case management after an emergency department visit. Telephonic nurses discuss patients' goals, fears, hopes, and concerns regarding their illness and its trajectory that inform decisions for future interventions and treatments. In addition, they share this information with the patients' surrogate decision-makers and clinicians to facilitate care coordination and symptom management. For seriously ill patients, nurses' abilities and expertise, as well as the difficulties of providing care through in-person models of palliative care delivery, make a nurse-led telephonic model an optimal option.
Nurse-Reported Staffing Guidelines and Exclusive Breast Milk Feeding
Lyndon, A., Simpson, K. R., Spetz, J., Zhong, J., Gay, C. L., Fletcher, J., & Landstrom, G. L. (2022). Nursing Research, 71(6), 432-440. 10.1097/NNR.0000000000000620
Background Nursing care is essential to overall quality of healthcare experienced by patients and families - especially during childbearing. However, evidence regarding quality of nursing care during labor and birth is lacking, and established nurse-sensitive outcome indicators have limited applicability to maternity care. Nurse-sensitive outcomes need to be established for maternity care, and prior research suggests that the initiation of human milk feeding during childbirth hospitalization is a potentially nurse-sensitive outcome. Objective The aim of this study was to determine the relationship between nurse-reported staffing, missed nursing care during labor and birth, and exclusive breast milk feeding during childbirth hospitalization as a nurse-sensitive outcome. Methods 2018 Joint Commission PC-05 Exclusive Breast Milk Feeding rates were linked to survey data from labor nurses who worked in a selected sample of hospitals with both PC-05 data and valid 2018 American Hospital Association Annual Survey data. Nurse-reported staffing was measured as the perceived compliance with Association of Women's Health, Obstetric and Neonatal Nurses staffing guidelines by the labor and delivery unit. Data from the nurse survey were aggregated to the hospital level. Bivariate linear regression was used to determine associations between nurse and hospital characteristics and exclusive breast milk feeding rates. Generalized structural equation modeling was used to model relationships between nurse-reported staffing, nurse-reported missed care, and exclusive breast milk feeding at the hospital level. Results The sample included 184 hospitals in 29 states and 2,691 labor nurses who worked day, night, or evening shifts. Bivariate analyses demonstrated a positive association between nurse-reported staffing and exclusive breast milk feeding and a negative association between missed nursing care and exclusive breast milk feeding. In structural equation models controlling for covariates, missed skin-to-skin mother-baby care and missed breastfeeding within 1 hour of birth mediated the relationship between nurse-reported staffing and exclusive breast milk feeding rates. Discussion This study provides evidence that hospitals' nurse-reported compliance with Association of Women's Health, Obstetric and Neonatal Nurses staffing guidelines predicts hospital-exclusive breast milk feeding rates and that the rates are a nurse-sensitive outcome.
Nurses are everywhere around the globe
Newland, J. A. (2022). Nurse Practitioner, 47(5), 9. 10.1097/
Nurses, please don’t drop the ball
Lim, F. (2022). The American Nurse.
Nurses’ Lived Experience With Nurse–Physician Collaboration
Walia, I., Krainovich-Miller, B., & Djukic, M. (2022). Journal of Continuing Education in Nursing, 53(9), 397-403. 10.3928/00220124-20220805-05
Background. Quality patient care requires collaboration among health professionals. In 2016, 250,000 U.S. citizens died from preventable medical errors. One individual does not cause such errors. Researchers cite a lack of nurse–physician collaboration (NPC) as a contributing factor. Method. Streubert’s phenomeno-logical design guided this study. A rigorous analysis of eight nurse interviews was conducted and reached data saturation. Results. A developed formalized “ex-haustive description” of nurses’ lived experiences with NPC was validated by all nurse participants. One new finding was that nurses had difficulty initiating NPC for their patients early in their career and this remained an issue at times. Conclusion. This is the first U.S. qualitative study in which nurses described their positive and negative experiences with NPC and their desire to improve NPC for enhanced patient outcomes. Implications for nurse educator specialists, hospital adminis-trators, and researchers were derived.
Nurses’ Role in Reducing Inequities for the Seriously Ill
Moss, K. O., Happ, M. B., & Brody, A. (2022). Journal of Gerontological Nursing, 48(8), 3-5. 10.3928/00989134-20220629-01
Nursing through a global perspective
Newland, J. A. (2022). Nurse Practitioner, 47(12), 4. 10.1097/01.NPR.0000884904.04161.3f
Nursing Workforce Challenges in the Postpandemic World
Kurtzman, E. T., Ghazal, L. V., Girouard, S., Ma, C., Martin, B., McGee, B. T., Pogue, C. A., Riman, K. A., Root, M. C., Schlak, A. E., Smith, J. M., Stolldorf, D. P., Townley, J. N., Turi, E., & Germack, H. L. (2022). Journal of Nursing Regulation, 13(2), 49-60. 10.1016/S2155-8256(22)00061-8
Objectively-Measured Physical Activity and Sedentary Behaviors and Related Factors in Chinese Immigrants in the US with Prior Gestational Diabetes Mellitus
Huang, S., Ash, G. I., Nam, S., Jeon, S., McMahon, E., & Whittemore, R. (2022). International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19(18). 10.3390/ijerph191811409
Chinese immigrants in the US are disproportionately affected by gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) and type 2 diabetes (T2D). The aims of this study were to describe their physical activity (PA) and sedentary behaviors (SB) patterns and to identify determinates of objectively-measured PA and SB among Chinese immigrants in the US with prior GDM. We conducted a cross-sectional study among 106 Chinese immigrants with prior GDM across the US. PA and SB were measured by GT9X+ hip accelerometers for 7 consecutive days. Validated questionnaires in English and Chinese were used to assess knowledge and risk perceptions as well as cultural and psychosocial characteristics. Descriptive, bivariate, and multiple regression analyses were performed. Only 27% of participants met the PA guidelines. The median duration of moderate–vigorous-intensity PA (MVPA) per week was 79 (IQR 38–151) minutes. Participants had an average of 9.2 ± 1.4 h of sedentary time per day. Living with parents (who may provide family support) was associated with more MVPA minutes per week, more steps per day, and a greater likelihood of meeting PA guidelines. Higher levels of acculturative stress were associated with fewer MVPA minutes per week. Being employed and having a lower BMI were associated with more SB. Strategies are needed to increase MVPA among this high-risk group, including decreasing acculturative stress and increasing family support. Different strategies are needed to decrease SB among this population.
Older Adults’ Goals and Expectations When Using Long-Term Services and Supports
Travers, J. L., Hirschman, K. B., & Naylor, M. D. (2022). Journal of Applied Gerontology, 41(3), 709-717. 10.1177/07334648211033671
Objective: Despite recent research focused on aging well, little is known regarding the goals and expectations from long-term services and supports (LTSS) use among older adults. Methods: To address this knowledge gap, interviewer-guided surveys with older adults newly receiving LTSS in home and community-based, assisted living, and nursing home settings in Philadelphia, New Jersey, and New York were conducted. Results: Twelve subthemes regarding the goals and expectations of 464 older adults receiving LTSS and in the context of Aging Well emerged from our analysis: maintaining function, optimizing health and circumstances, maintaining the status quo, transitioning back to the previous state, achieving independence, preserving cognitive function and capacity for psychosocial and emotional health, achieving purpose, increasing quality of life, receiving social support, increasing engagement, relieving burden, and feeling a sense of security/safety. Discussion: This in-depth analysis of qualitative data provides context for LTSS use among older adults.
Oral health conditions and COVID-19: A systematic review and meta-analysis of the current evidence
Qi, X., Northridge, M. E., Hu, M., & Wu, B. (2022). Aging and Health Research, 2(1). 10.1016/j.ahr.2022.100064
Background: The coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic has highlighted the importance of understanding the underlying conditions that lead to COVID-19. Oral health has systemic implications in the maintenance of a healthy state. This study aimed to summarize evidence on the prevalence of oral health conditions in participants with COVID-19 and assess the associations between oral health conditions and COVID-19 related outcomes.Methods: Article searches were conducted in five databases and the gray literature from December 1, 2019 to March 1, 2021. Studies that reported oral health conditions for participants with COVID-19 and/or examined associations between oral health and COVID-19 were included.Results: We identified 15 articles that encompassed 5,377 participants with COVID-19 from 10 countries. Dry mouth was the most common oral health condition reported (41.0%), followed by oral lesions (38.8%), orofacial pain (18.3%), and periodontal symptoms (11.7%). Based on the pooled odds ratios (ORs), periodontal symptoms were not associated with COVID-19 positivity (OR = 1.1; 95% confidence intervals [CI], 0.73-1.65) or mortality (OR = 2.71; 95% CI, 0.64-11.51), but were associated with COVID-19 severity (OR = 3.18; 95% CI, 1.81-5.58).Conclusions: Oral health conditions are common in participants with COVID-19 and should be considered in both the onset and progression of this disease. Knowledge in this area is still limited, and the quality of the data extracted was low. Further longitudinal studies are needed to ascertain whether oral health conditions are a consequence of infection with SARS-CoV-2 or whether they predate infection and are risk factors for COVID-19.
Oral Health, Diabetes, and Inflammation: Effects of Oral Hygiene Behaviour
Luo, H., Wu, B., Kamer, A. R., Adhikari, S., Sloan, F., Plassman, B. L., Tan, C., Qi, X., & Schwartz, M. D. (2022). International Dental Journal, 72(4), 484-490. 10.1016/j.identj.2021.10.001
Introduction: The aim of this research was to assess the association between inflammation and oral health and diabetes, as well as the mediating role of oral hygiene practice in this association. Methods: Data were from the 2009–2010 National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey. The analytical sample consisted of 2,191 respondents aged 50 and older. Poor oral health was clinically defined by significant tooth loss (STL) and periodontal disease (PD). Diabetes mellitus (DM) was determined by glycemic levels. The outcome variable was serum C-reactive protein (CRP) level, dichotomised as ≥1 mg/dL (elevated CRP) vs <1 mg/dL (not elevated CRP). Two path models, one using STL and DM as the independent variable, the other using PD and DM as the independent variable, were estimated to assess the direct effects of having poor oral health and DM on elevated CRP and the mediating effects of dental flossing. Results: In path model 1, individuals having both STL and DM (adjusted odds ratio [AOR], 1.92; 95% confidence interval [CI], 1.30–2.82) or having STL alone (AOR, 2.30; 95% CI, 1.68–3.15) were more likely to have elevated CRP than those with neither STL nor DM; dental flossing (AOR, 0.92, 95% CI, 0.88–0.96) was associated with lower risk of elevated CRP. In path model 2, no significant association was found between having both PD and DM and elevated CRP; dental flossing (AOR, 0.91; 95% CI:, 0.86–0.94) was associated with lower risk of elevated CRP. Conclusions: Findings from this study highlight the importance of improving oral health and oral hygiene practice to mitigate inflammation. Further research is needed to assess the longer-term effects of reducing inflammation.
Original Research: Losing the Art and Failing the Science of Nursing: The Experiences of Nurses Working during the COVID-19 Pandemic
Stimpfel, A. W., Ghazal, L., Goldsamt, L. A., Zhanay, J., & Dickson, V. V. (2022). American Journal of Nursing, 122(4), 22-29. 10.1097/01.NAJ.0000827324.34143.7a
Purpose:RNs have served as the bedrock of the response to the COVID-19 pandemic, working under unprecedented and difficult conditions. In this study, we sought to understand the experiences of nurses working across a range of care settings in the United States during the first six months of the pandemic, and to learn more about barriers to and facilitators of their work.Methods:This is a qualitative descriptive study. We recruited participants online through regional professional nursing membership listservs, program directors of occupational health nursing training programs, and social media. After completing a survey, potential participants were invited to complete an individual semistructured interview via the Zoom platform. From June through August 2020, we conducted 34 interviews. Content analysis was performed using ATLAS.ti software.Results:The overarching theme - "Losing the art and failing the science of nursing" - underscored the barriers nurses faced in the early months of this pandemic. It reflected the deeply painful disruptions in the care nurses were accustomed to providing their patients. Themes that reflected barriers included disrupted nurse-patient connection, lack of personal protective equipment and fear of infection, lack of evidence-based guidance, and understaffing, all of which drastically altered the delivery of nursing care. Themes that reflected facilitators to nurses' work included camaraderie and strength and resourcefulness.Conclusions:The study findings give important direction to nurse leaders, researchers, and organizations concerning potential areas of support that nurses need during and after this pandemic. Future research should investigate the long-term impact of COVID-19 and similar public health crises on nurses, as well as interventions that could support the workforce after an extended crisis.