Chenjuan Ma


Chenjuan Ma headshot

Chenjuan Ma


Assistant Professor

1 212 992 7173

NEW YORK, NY 10010
United States

Accepting PhD students

Chenjuan Ma's additional information

Chenjuan Ma is an assistant professor and health services researcher at NYU Rory Meyers College of Nursing. Her program of research focuses on understanding how to optimize nursing care and patient safety and outcomes across settings with a particular focus of home healthcare and vulnerable populations (e.g., persons with dementia and minorities). Her research utilizes theories and methodologies from various disciplines, including but not limited to nursing, sociology, medicine, statistics and data science. Ma also has expertise in large data and quantitative methods. She is currently working on a project with the National Institute on Aging titled Racial/Ethnic Disparities in Home Health Care for Persons with Alzheimer’s Disease and Related Dementias.

Prior to joining the NYU Rory Meyers faculty, Prof. Ma was a postdoctoral fellow in the National Database of Nursing Quality Indicators at the University of Kansas.

Prof. Ma holds a PhD from University of Pennsylvania and MSN and BSN from Xi'an Jiaotong University, China.

PhD - University of Pennsylvania (2012)
MSN - Xi'an Jiaotong University, China (2008)
BSN - Xi'an Jiaotong University, China (2005)

Nursing workforce
Home care
Health Policy
Research methods
Health Services Research

American Nurses Association (ANA)
Eastern Nursing Research Society (ENRS)
Sigma Theta Tau International Honor Society of Nursing (STTI)

Faculty Honors Awards

Vivian G. Prins Global Scholar, New York University (2021)
New Investigator Award, Interdisciplinary Research Group of Nursing Issues (IRGNI), Academy Health (2020)
Vivian G. Prins Global Scholar, New York University (2020)
Scholarship, Columbia University Epidemiology and Population Health (2019)
Fellowship, NYU CTSI Mentor Development Program (2018)
President Gutmann Leadership Award for Travel, University of Pennsylvania (2011)
ThinkSwiss Award, University of Basel, Switzerland (2011)
Rising Star, Sigma Theta Tau International Honor Society of Nursing Xi Chapter (2011)


Extended afternoon naps are associated with hypertension in women but not in men

Yang, Y., Liu, W., Ji, X., Ma, C., Wang, X., Li, K., & Li, J. (2020). Heart and Lung, 49(1), 2-9. 10.1016/j.hrtlng.2019.09.002
Background: The impact of afternoon napping duration on the risk of hypertension has not been well established, particularly with regards to sex and age differences. Objective: To examine the association between afternoon napping duration and hypertension stratified by sex and age among Chinese adults over 45 years of age. Methods: The 2011–2012 survey of the China Health and Retirement Longitudinal Study (CHARLS) was used, including 7,980 participants. We conducted logistic regression models in the overall sample, and then stratified by sex and age groups. Results: Middle-aged and older women who napped over 90 min were 39% and 54% more likely to have hypertension, respectively; however, the associations were not significant in middle-aged and older men. Conclusion: Extended afternoon napping (≥90 min) was associated with hypertension in both the middle-aged women and older women but not in men. Future studies are needed to further examine the association and possible mechanisms.

Factors Associated with Timely Initiation and Intensity of Home Health Care Following Hospital Discharge

Ma, C., Thorpe, L., Han, B., Yi, S. S., Kwon, S. C., & Squires, A. (2020). Nursing Research.

Home health care services to persons with dementia and language preference

Ma, C., Herrmann, L., Miner, S., Stimpfel, A. W., & Squires, A. (2020). Geriatric Nursing, 41(2), 165-171. 10.1016/j.gerinurse.2019.08.016
Despite the rapid increase in the number of persons with dementia (PWD) receiving home health care (HHC), little is known of HHC services patterns to PWD of varied backgrounds, including language preference other than English. Analyzing data of 12,043 PWD from an urban home health agency, we found on average PWD received 2.48 skilled visits or 1.88-hour skilled care and 5.81 aide visits or 24.13-hour aide care weekly. Approximately 63% of the skilled visits were from nurses. More non-English preferred PWD received aide visits, compared to English preferred PWD (44% vs. 36%). The type and intensity of HHC services were associated with language preference; when stratified by insurance, non-English preference was still significantly associated with more HHC aide care. Our study indicated that HHC services (both type and amount) varied by language preference and insurance type as an indicator of access disparities was a significant contributor to the observed differences.

Independent and combined relationships of perceived neighborhood social cohesion and physical frailty on functional disability in community-dwelling older adults

Xie, B., Ma, C., & Wang, J. (2020). International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 17(16), 1-12. 10.3390/ijerph17165912
Functional disability and physical frailty (PF) are debilitating geriatric conditions. Previous studies have suggested both perceived neighborhood social cohesion (PNSC) and PF can influence functional disability and may have an interactive effect too. This cross-sectional study aims to examine the independent and combined relationships of PF and PNSC on functional disability in community-dwelling older adults in Shanghai, China. A total of 1616 older adults aged 75 years were recruited using multistage sampling. Results showed that prefrailty, frailty (using the modified frailty phenotype criteria), and low PNSC (measured by the Neighborhood Cohesion Scale) were independently associated with increased likelihood of functional disability after adjustment of covariates. To evaluate the combined relationships of PF and PNSC, participants were classified into six groups based on their levels of PF and PNSC. The probability of frail older adults with low PNSC having functional disability stood out compared with the robust older adults with high PNSC. Our findings suggest the importance of high PNSC as a protective factor of maintaining functional ability. Future longitudinal studies are needed to identify the role of PNSC in the development of functional disability among frail older adults.

Non-Medical prescribing policies: A global scoping review

Ecker, S., Joshi, R., Shanthosh, J., Ma, C., & Webster, R. (2020). Health Policy, 124(7), 721-726. 10.1016/j.healthpol.2020.04.015
Background: Authorizing health care providers other than physicians to prescribe medicines (i.e., non-medical prescribing, NMP) has been used to improve access to healthcare in many countries. This paper aimed to identify the scope of policies facilitating NMP worldwide and investigate the relationship of such policies with a country's physician to population ratio and economic status. Methods: A hierarchical search strategy was used. First, we compiled a list of countries and territories (n = 216) based upon World Bank record. Then, we collected relevant information for each country by using country name combined with key terms in PubMed, Google, and World Health Organization (WHO) country pharmaceutical profiles. Countries’ socio-economic status and physician to population ratio were determined using data from the World Bank. Results: Legislation allowing NMP was found for 117 of 216 (54%) countries and territories. The most prevalent policy identified was that of autonomous prescribing authority (59%). Countries with low or high incomes and those with low or high physician to population ratios (<1/1000 or >3/1000) had the highest concentration of policies for NMP rights. Conclusion: Despite the varied scope of relevant policies, NMP has been implemented in countries of varied income levels and physician to population ratios. Future research is warranted to empirically examine its impact on access to care.

Risk factors for infection in home health care: Analysis of national Outcome and Assessment Information Set data

Shang, J., Wang, J., Adams, V., & Ma, C. (2020). Research in Nursing and Health, 43(4), 373-386. 10.1002/nur.22053
Patients in home health care (HHC), a rapidly growing healthcare sector, are at high risk for infections. This study aimed to identify risk factors for infections among HHC patients using the Outcome and Assessment Information Set (OASIS) data. We used a 5% random sample of the 2013 national OASIS data. Infections were identified if records indicated that patients were hospitalized or received emergency care for one of three types of infections (respiratory, wound site, and urinary tract infection). Multivariate logistic regression models were used to identify risk factors for each individual infection type. The final analysis included 128,163 patients from 8,255 HHC agencies nationwide. Approximately 3.2% of the patients developed infections during their HHC stay that led to hospitalization or emergency care treatment. We found that associations between demographics and infection risk are specific to the type of infection. In general, a history of multiple hospitalizations in past 6 months, comorbidity, having a severe condition at HHC admission, and impaired physical functioning increased HHC patients' risk of infections. We also identified that HHC patients with caregivers who needed training in providing medical procedure or treatment are at higher risk for wound-site infections. Our findings suggest that patients with underlying medical conditions and limited physical function status are more likely to develop infection. The caregiver's lack of training in providing needed care at home also places HHC patients at high risk for infection. Education for patients and caregivers should be tailored based on their health literacy level to ensure complete understanding.

Transition-to-U.S. Practice Experiences of Internationally Educated Nurses: An Integrative Review

Ghazal, L. V., Ma, C., Djukic, M., & Squires, A. (2020). Western Journal of Nursing Research, 42(5), 373-392. 10.1177/0193945919860855
Internationally educated nurses (IENs) are an important part of the U.S. nursing workforce. Optimizing their transition-to-practice (TTP) experiences in the United States is crucial for ensuring high-quality patient and IENs’ outcomes. The purpose of this integrative review is to analyze and synthesize the current evidence surrounding IEN TTP experiences in the United States from 2000 to 2018 to inform improvements in TTP. Eighteen studies were included. TTP was defined through IENs’ description of facilitators and barriers of the transition process and presented in seven themes. Two themes were facilitators: support from family and nursing colleagues, and perceptions of self-efficacy. The remaining five themes were barriers: (a) the stigma associated with educational preparation, (b) communication and language, (c) differences in culture, (d) differences in nursing practice, and (e) legal issues. Findings are important for improving TTP programs. Further research focusing on the outcomes of transition programs is needed to inform policymaking surrounding IEN recruitment and retention.

Unit Utilization of Internationally Educated Nurses and Collaboration in U.S. Hospitals.

Ma, C., Ghazal, L., Chou, S., Ea, E., & Squires, A. (2020). Nursing Economic$, 38(1), 33-40.
Employing internationally educated nurses (IENs) to address the nursing workforce shortage is common in many countries, including the United States. This study examined the relationship between unit utilization of IENs and collaboration in U.S. hospitals. Results indicated more IENs on a unit did not significantly affect the collaboration among nurses and between nurses and physicians. The presence of IENs significantly influenced unit nursing characteristics, such as education attainment and unit tenure.

Unit Utilization of Internationally Educated Nurses and Collaboration in US Hospitals

Ma, C., Ghazal, L., Chou, S., Ea, E., & Squires, A. (2020). Nursing Economics, 38(1), 33-+.

Detecting Disparities in Medication Management Among Limited English Proficient and English Proficient Home Health Patients

Miner, S. M., Squires, A. P., Ma, C., McDonald, M. V., & Jones, S. A. (2019). Home Health Care Management and Practice, 32(1), 28-33. 10.1177/1084822319865546
According to the U.S. census Bureau, close to 20% of the U.S. population speaks a language other than English at home. Home health care (HHC) patients who speak English less than very well or have limited English proficiency (LEP) are at an increased risk for medication mismanagement and serious health consequences. The purpose of this study was to examine if there were differences in medication management between English-speaking patients and patients with LEP receiving HHC services. Data for this cross-sectional observation study were collected from 2010 to 2014. Medication management was measured by two items in the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services–mandated Outcomes Assessment Information Set (OASIS). All patients in the database who were taking medications and had a valid admission and discharge assessment from HHC were included in the analysis. Inverse probability of treatment weighting (IPTW) with a marginal structural model was used to address potential imbalances in observed patient characteristics when estimating the effect of having LEP or being an English-speaking HHC patient on changes in medication management over the course of a HHC episode. Estimates from marginal structural model with inverse probability weighting indicate that being LEP was associated with less improvement in medication management and increased likelihood of getting worse over the course of a HHC episode. This study is one of the first to demonstrate that patients with LEP experience disparities in medication management when compared to English-speaking patients in HHC.