Lloyd A Goldsamt
Senior Research Scientist
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Lloyd A Goldsamt's additional information
Lloyd A. Goldsamt, PhD, is a senior research scientist at NYU Rory Meyers College of Nursing and a licensed clinical psychologist in New York State. He has conducted NIH-funded research and community-based evaluations for more than 25 years. His primary research area is HIV and STI prevention among high-risk youth populations, including men who have sex with men, male sex workers, and injection drug users. Dr. Goldsamt is also on the faculty of the Fordham University HIV and Drug Abuse Prevention Research Ethics Training Institute and the Associate Director of the Dissemination Core at the Center for Drug Use and HIV/HCV Research in the NYU School of Global Public Health.
Dr. Goldsamt has conducted training and program evaluations locally and nationally, focusing on drug courts and community-based organizations working to prevent HIV and drug abuse. He is currently the Evaluator for the Brooklyn Treatment Court, an Evaluator on an Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention (OJJDP) project developing nationwide Juvenile Drug Court Learning Collaboratives, and an Evaluation Consultant for the OJJDP Opioid Affected Youth Initiative.
Dr. Goldsamt holds a PhD and MA in clinical psychology from the State University of New York at Stony Brook and a BA from the University of Massachusetts at Amherst.
PhD, Clinical Psychology - State University of New York at Stony BrookMA - State University of New York at Stony BrookBA - University of Massachusetts at Amherst
GlobalLGBTQSubstance useHIV/AIDS
Faculty Honors Awards
Phi Beta Kappa -
Culture-based stigmatizing attitudes toward condom use among Chinese older adults: An interpretative phenomenological analysis
AbstractPeng, W., Zhou, Q., Goldsamt, L. A., Shen, Y., Wang, R., & Li, X. (2024). Public Health Nursing, 41(5), 923-932. 10.1111/phn.13358AbstractObjective: To explore their perceptions and attitudes toward condom use and the underlying reasons for the low usage frequency among Chinese older adults. Methods: A qualitative study design utilizing interpretive phenomenological analysis was employed. Data were collected through field observation and face-to-face in-depth interviews among older adults aged 50 years or above and having engaged in sexual activities within the previous year. Results: Three main themes emerged: perceiving unnecessary due to misconceptions and low awareness, interactive stereotypes rooted in sociocultural beliefs, and stigmatized social norms including gender inequity and economic unbalance. Conclusions: Tailored interventions focusing on addressing misconceptions, increasing awareness, and reducing culturally ingrained stereotypes and stigma surrounding condom use are essential to promote condom use among older adults in order to prevent HIV transmission in China.Developing and testing a web-based platform for antiretroviral therapy (ART) adherence support among adolescents and young adults (AYA) living with HIV
AbstractDunn Navarra, A. M., Gormley, M., Liang, E., Loughran, C., Vorderstrasse, A., Garcia, D. R., Rosenberg, M. G., Fletcher, J., & Goldsamt, L. A. (2024). PEC Innovation, 4. 10.1016/j.pecinn.2024.100263AbstractObjective: Describe the development and testing of a web-based platform for antiretroviral treatment (ART) adherence support among HIV+ adolescents and young adults (AYA) in a randomized controlled trial (RCT). Methods: A seven-member multi-disciplinary team operationalized the flat, password protected, web-based platform. Manualized protocols guided the objectives and content for each of the eight web-based sessions. Team members evaluated usability and content validity. Client satisfaction and perceived ease of use was evaluated with the first ten HIV+ AYA participants. Results: The web-based platform was developed, evaluated, refined, implemented and pilot tested between September 2020 to April 2022. Usability was rated as high; the evaluation of content validity showed an excellent fit between session content and objectives. HIV+ AYA participants (mean age = 24.2 years) were satisfied with the quality, type, and amount of support/education received, and found the platform easy to use, operate, and navigate. Average time spent per session was 6.5 min. Conclusion: Findings support the usability, validity, acceptability, and feasibility of this web-based platform for ART adherence support among HIV+ AYA. Innovation: Our research and findings are responsive to research gaps and the need for transparency in the methodological development and testing of web-based control arms for ART adherence support among HIV+ AYA.The development of social capital in a peer-led mHealth cognitive behavioral antiretroviral therapy adherence intervention for HIV + adolescents and young adults
AbstractGoldsamt, L. A., Liang, E., Handschuh, C., & Navarra, A. M. (2024). AIDS Care - Psychological and Socio-Medical Aspects of AIDS HIV, 36(4), 425-431. 10.1080/09540121.2023.2262981AbstractAdherence Connection for Counseling, Education, and Support (ACCESS)-I is a peer-led mHealth antiretroviral therapy adherence intervention for adolescents and young adults living with HIV who are in treatment but have detectable viral loads. Participants received five online sessions with peer health coaches who followed a structured intervention manual. Peers maintained intervention fidelity but also engaged in casual discussion that was not directly related to ART adherence or HIV. We conducted a qualitative analysis of the casual interactions that occurred during the ACCESS I intervention. Sessions were transcribed and coded, and these casual interactions were then coded into 10 subcodes to document their content, and also coded for three types of social capital–emotional, informational, and instrumental. Emotional and Informational social capital codes were the most common, while instrumental codes were rare. Activities was the most common topic overall, while encouragement was more common in emotional social capital narratives and personal experience was more common in informational social capital narratives. These casual interactions may strengthen peer-participant relationships, building social capital that could then be used to encourage positive behavior change. Although social capital was not directly measured, these analyses illustrate the value of attending to seemingly casual interactions in peer-led interventions.A qualitative assessment of retention in HIV care among adolescents and young adults (AYA) living with HIV in New York City
AbstractLiang, E., Nkwonta, C. A., Goldsamt, L. A., & Navarra, A. M. D. (2024). AIDS Care - Psychological and Socio-Medical Aspects of AIDS HIV. 10.1080/09540121.2024.2373402AbstractRetention in HIV care is a critical precursor to ending the epidemic yet remains suboptimal in the United States. Gaining an understanding of the challenges faced by adolescents and young adults (AYA) living with HIV is essential to improving retention in HIV care. This study explored the barriers and facilitators to retention in care among Black and Hispanic AYA living with HIV. Audio-recorded semi-structured interviews were conducted with 20 AYA living with HIV ages 16–29 years in New York City. Our methods entailed an inductive content analysis to explore key concepts, reconcile codes, and identify a theme, categories, and subcategories. Bronfenbrenner’s socioecological model evolved as an organizing framework around barriers and facilitators to retention in care at the individual, interpersonal, healthcare system, and structural level. Data analysis yielded one overarching theme—the influence of psychosocial factors on retention in HIV care. Psychological struggles, powerlessness, clinic-level characteristics, and socioeconomic struggles were barriers reported by participants. Self-responsibility, social support, patient-friendly healthcare services, and socioeconomic resources emerged as facilitators. Retention in HIV care among AYA living with HIV is a multifaceted and complex phenomenon that involves multiple systems. Strengthening patients, healthcare system, and community partnerships can help address some of the HIV-related health disparities.Condom-Related Stigma Scale among Men Who Have Sex with Men in China: Development and Psychometric Tests
AbstractShen, Y., Zhang, C., Goldsamt, L. A., Peng, W., Wang, R., & Li, X. (2023). International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 20(6). 10.3390/ijerph20064779AbstractCondom-related stigma is a frequently mentioned barrier to consistent condom use among men who have sex with men (MSM). Based on the concept and operational definition of condom-related stigma recently defined by our team, we developed the 20-item condom-related stigma scale (CRSS) and examined its psychometric properties among 433 MSM in China, following DeVellis’s scale development guidelines. The content validity, convergent validity, empirical validity, factorial validity, scale score reliability, split-half reliability, and test–retest reliability for the CRSS were all assessed. The scale consists of four domains: perceived distrust, perceived potential HIV/STI risk, perceived embarrassment, and perceived violation of the traditional understanding of sexual intercourse. The CRSS has good validity (the scale-level content validity index was 0.99; the empirical validity was greater than 0.70) and high reliability (the Cronbach’s alpha coefficient overall was 0.926; the split-half reliability overall was 0.795; the test–retest reliability overall was 0.950). This scale is recommended for assessing the level of condom-related stigma among Chinese MSM, which can serve as an evaluating indicator for safer-sex interventions to prevent HIV infection among the MSM population in a Chinese cultural context.HIV Syndemic Factor Associations Among Adolescent Gay and Bisexual Men in the Youth Risk Behavior Survey 2015-2019: A Secondary Data Analysis
AbstractGarcia, D. R., Fletcher, J., Goldsamt, L., Bell, D. L., Zheng, Y., & Dunn Navarra, A.-M. (2023). The Journal of the Association of Nurses in AIDS Care : JANAC, 34(5), 440-458. 10.1097/JNC.0000000000000423AbstractThis analysis of the Youth Risk Behavior Survey examined HIV syndemic factor associations (substance use, violence, mental health, and HIV risk behaviors) among adolescent gay, bisexual, and other men who have sex with men-a population with the highest prevalence of undiagnosed HIV infections. The representative sample ( n = 644) exhibited low condom use (52%) and HIV testing (21%). Adjusted multivariate logistic regression models showed that Blacks were less likely to report HIV testing (adjusted odds ratio [aOR] = 0.06, 95% confidence interval [CI] [0.01-0.44], p < .01), whereas Hispanics were more likely to report four or more lifetime sexual partners (aOR = 3.75, 95% CI [1.49-9.44], p < .01), compared with Whites. A syndemic of substance use and intimate partner violence (sexual, sexual dating, and/or physical dating violence) was associated with early intercourse, multiple sexual partners, and drugs/alcohol before intercourse. Multiple syndemic factor exposures were associated with additive risk, suggesting multilevel approaches for HIV prevention.The Impact of Providing Free HIV Self-testing on Sexual Risk Behaviors Among Men who have Sex with Men in Hunan, China: A Randomized Controlled Trial
AbstractZhang, C., Goldsamt, L. A., Zheng, S., Qian, H. Z., Wang, H., Li, Q., Li, X., & Koniak-Griffin, D. (2023). AIDS and Behavior, 27(2), 708-718. 10.1007/s10461-022-03804-4AbstractHIV self-testing (HIVST) increases testing frequency among men who have sex with men (MSM). However, its impact on sexual risk behaviors is unclear. In a randomized controlled trial conducted in Hunan Province, China, HIV-negative MSM were randomized to receive one of two interventions for one year: (1) facility-based HIV testing, or (2) facility-based HIV testing augmented with free HIVST. From April to June 2018, 230 MSM were enrolled. They self-reported sexual behaviors every 3 months for 12 months. Among 216 MSM with follow-ups (intervention: 110; control: 106), adjusting for potential confounders in Generalized Estimating Equation models, there were no statistically significant differences in consistent condom use with male partners (regular/casual) or female partners, nor on number of male or female sexual partners. Provision of free HIVST kits does not increase risky sex and should be included in comprehensive HIV prevention packages, particularly for sexual minority men in China.Integrative Review of Methods From Youth Risk Behavior Survey Secondary Data Analyses Examining HIV Syndemic Factors Among Adolescent Gay and Bisexual Men
AbstractGarcia, D. R., Fletcher, J., Goldsamt, L., & Dunn Navarra, A. M. (2023). Nursing Research, 72(2), 141-149. 10.1097/NNR.0000000000000632AbstractBackground Adolescent gay/bisexual men exhibit the highest prevalence of undiagnosed HIV infections. Ascertaining antecedents of behaviorally acquired HIV infections among adolescent gay/bisexual men can be challenging; however, these challenges can be overcome through the utilization of secondary data, such as the Youth Risk Behavior Survey. Objective Syndemics theory suggests that HIV infections are not a singular phenomenon; instead, many infections occur at the intersection of syndemic factors, such as substance use, violence, and mental health. Our objective is to describe and synthesize research methods of secondary data analyses that examine syndemic factors in relation to HIV risk behavior outcomes among subsamples of adolescent gay/bisexual men. Methods Following Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses guidelines, PubMed, Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature, and PsycInfo were systematically searched. Inclusion criteria were (a) peer-reviewed Youth Risk Behavior Survey secondary data analyses conducted in the United States after 1991, (b) subsamples with adolescent gay/bisexual men, (c) one or more syndemic factor(s), and (d) one or more HIV risk behavior outcome(s). We used the National Institutes of Health Quality Assessment Tools for quality appraisal. Results Of 1,036 citations retrieved, nine studies met inclusion criteria. Results included using logistic regression analysis and data from 2015 to 2017 in six studies and underpinnings with minority stress theory in four studies. Eight studies omitted race/ethnicity in subsamples and six grouped lesbians with adolescent gay/bisexual men. Seven studies examined substance use, six examined violence, and five examined mental health. Condom use and number of partners were the most studied HIV risk behavior outcomes in four studies, whereas intercourse in the last 3 months was an outcome in only one study. Protective factors were not present. Conclusion Limitations found the need to highlight better inclusion of race/ethnicity and sexual orientation. Adding contemporary survey items is also necessary, such as nonbinary sex and gender identity, access to HIV prevention (condoms, HIV testing, and preexposure prophylaxis), and experiences with stigma, to elucidate risk behaviors among populations disproportionately affected by HIV infections, including Blacks/African Americans and Hispanics/Latinos.Psychological pathways to HIV-related posttraumatic stress disorder symptoms among people living with HIV in China: the mediating role of rumination
AbstractTang, C., Goldsamt, L. A., Yu, S., Zhao, T., & Wang, H. (2023). AIDS Care - Psychological and Socio-Medical Aspects of AIDS HIV, 35(2), 165-169. 10.1080/09540121.2022.2092713AbstractThe occurrence of HIV-related posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) compromises the physical and mental health of people living with HIV (PLWH). This study examined the psychological pathways of HIV-related PTSD symptoms considering the influence of rumination in PLWH of China. A cross-sectional survey was conducted in Changsha, China. The data were collected using the PTSD Checklist−Civilian Version, the Ruminative Response Scale, the Multidimensional Scale of Perceived Social Support, and measures of sociodemographic and HIV-related clinic characteristics. A total of 602 PLWH were surveyed. The average score of HIV-related PTSD symptoms was (34.54 ± 13.58). The mediation model showed that perceived social stigma and physical health exhibited direct associations with PTSD symptoms (β = 0.093, −0.145, respectively), while the direct relations of family support, friend support and significant others support to PTSD symptoms were not significant. Rumination mediated the effect of perceived social stigma (β = 0.077), physical health (β = −0.150), family support (β = −0.144) and friend support (β = −0.105) on PTSD symptoms. The study findings underscore the importance of routinely assessing PTSD for PLWH, and developing trauma-focused interventions that alleviate HIV-related PTSD symptoms and reduce rumination while improving social support and physical health and reducing social stigma.The relationship between social support and depression among HIV-positive men who have sex with men in China: the chain mediating role of psychological flexibility and hope
AbstractWang, R., Zheng, F., Cao, G., Goldsamt, L. A., Shen, Y., Zhang, C., Yi, M., Peng, W., & Li, X. (2023). Frontiers in Public Health, 11. 10.3389/fpubh.2023.1271915AbstractIntroduction: HIV and mental health problems are a global syndemic. One key issue is that the significant mental health problems among people vulnerable to acquiring or living with HIV have not been fully addressed. Access to social support has been one of the biggest challenges for HIV-positive men who have sex with men (HIV+ MSM). Lower social support has been linked to more severe depression symptoms. However, the mechanisms underlying the association between social support and depression in HIV+ MSM are unclear. Two possible mediators include hope and psychological flexibility. This study aimed to examine the relationship between social support and depression in HIV+ MSM and to explore the single mediating effects of hope and psychological flexibility and the chain mediating effect of these two variables on this relationship. Methods: A convenience sample was used to recruit participants from the designated HIV/AIDS hospital in Changsha city, Hunan Province of China. A total of 290 HIV+ MSM completed questionnaires. Results: Our findings showed that hope mediated the relationship between social support and depression in HIV+ MSM. Furthermore, the chain mediation model confirmed a direct negative association between social support and depression, but this relationship was largely mediated by the chain effects of hope and psychological flexibility. Conclusions: Integrating hope and psychological flexibility into interventions may provide better mental health support for HIV+ MSM and improve their wellbeing and quality of life.