Myocardial contusion: the hidden menace in blunt chest trauma.
Chyun, D. (1987). American Journal of Nursing, 87(11), 1459A-1460B, 1462D, 1462H.
Notification of aniti-HTLV-III positive blood donors
Failed generating bibliography.
Nursing's Window of Opportunity
Maraldo, P. J., & Solomon, S. B. (1987). Image: The Journal of Nursing Scholarship, 19(2), 83-86. 10.1111/j.1547-5069.1987.tb00598.x
The key questions to be asked in shaping a vision for nursing should be, What are the overall goals that direct the flow of nursing practice? What is nursing's own health policy agenda for the American people? Like any strategic planning effort, shaping our vision makes us gather data about the environment; analyze, examine and reexamine the data; and then link these opportunities and problems to the mission of nursing. The window of opportunity for nursing is now open.
To The Editor:
Kovner, C. (1987, June 1). In Image: the Journal of Nursing Scholarship (Vols. 19, Issues 2, p. 82). 10.1111/j.1547-5069.1987.tb00597.x
Treatment outcomes in a group geropsychiatry program for veterans
Sullivan-Marx, E. (1987). The Gerontologist, 27(4), 434-436.
Voluntary organizational activities to address impaired nursing practice.
Naegle, M. A. (1987). Issues (National Council of State Boards of Nursing (U.S.)), 8(3), 3, 5-7.
Advanced life support
Chyun, D. (1986). In K. Emanuelson & J. Rosenlicht (Eds.), Handbook of critical care nursing (1–). Fleschner Publishing Company.
Budget crunch threatens nursing's place in the Federal ledger.
Solomon, S. B. (1986). Nursing & Health Care : Official Publication of the National League for Nursing, 7(4), 189-190.
Children with short stature
Solomon, S. B. (1986). Journal of Pediatric Nursing, 1(2), 80-89.
Pediatric nurses play an important role in caring for children with short stature. With their special knowledge of nursing assessment and interventions, pediatric nurses are coordinators, resource people, and patient educators. They provide services that are inherently part of the nurse's role, such as promoting better understanding of children's age-specific psychosocial needs and screening for underlying medical problems.
Comorbidity and length of stay: a case study.
Grau, L., & Kovner, C. (1986). Nursing & Health Care : Official Publication of the National League for Nursing, 7(8), 426-430.
Comorbidity and length of stay: a case study.
Grau, L., & Kovner, C. (1986). NLN Publications, 20, 233-242.
Computers in research
Kovner, C. (1986). In G. LoBiondo-Wood & J. Haber (Eds.), The essentials of nursing research (1–, pp. 253-266). C.V. Mosby.
Congress overrides Presidential veto: nurses triumph.
Solomon, S. B. (1986). Nursing & Health Care : Official Publication of the National League for Nursing, 7(1), 14-15.
Diabetes management in the 1980s
D’Eramo, G., & SHAMOON, H. (1986). PA, 3, 59-65.
Dissertation: The relationship of nurse-patient agreement on the importance of outcomes to patient satisfaction and length of stay
Kovner, C. (1986). Dissertation Abstracts International, 46.
Health Education About AIDS Among Seropositive Blood Donors
Cleary, P. D., Rogers, T. F., Singer, E., Avorn, J., Van Devanter, N., Perry, S., & Pindyck, J. (1986). Health Education & Behavior, 13(4), 317-329. 10.1177/109019818601300404
The New York Blood Center is developing a health education and psychosocial sup port program for blood donors who are notified that they are HIV antibody positive. The goals of that program are: (1) to provide accurate and intelligible information about the test results to notified donors; (2) to encourage behavior that will reduce the likelihood of spreading the virus; (3) to encourage notified donors to behave in ways that will reduce the probability that they will develop AIDS; and (4) to provide sup port and facilitate functional coping responses. This article reviews the theoretical and empirical work which informs the intervention program, and it describes how the pro gram is being implemented.
LAURO, D., MCNAMARA, R., KIMBALL, A., ROSENFIELD, A., KURTH, A., & STEINBERG, A. (1986). Population Index, 52(3), 448-449.
Key concepts in public policy: student workbook.
Solomon, S. B., & Roe, S. C. (1986). NLN Publications, 15, i-vi, 1.
The legislative scene
Kovner, C. (1986). The Calendar, 46, 5.
The legislative scene
Kovner, C. (1986). The Calendar, 46, 7.
Non-experimental designs
LoBiondo-Wood, G., Haber, J., & Kovner, C. (1986). In G. LoBiondo-Wood & J. Haber (Eds.), The essentials of nursing research (1–, pp. 128-140). C.V. Mosby.
Notification and counseling of HIV antibody positive blood donors
Failed generating bibliography.
Nurses have tough work ahead to hold ground in D.C.
Solomon, S. B. (1986). Nursing & Health Care : Official Publication of the National League for Nursing, 7(3), 128-129.
Public policy curricula: past and present practices and future directions.
Solomon, S. B., & Roe, S. C. (1986). NLN Publications, 15, 19-41.
Sights set on quality care for the elderly.
Solomon, S. B. (1986). Nursing & Health Care : Official Publication of the National League for Nursing, 7(5), 244-245.