Traditional 4-year

Tab section ofTraditional 4-year

NYU Rory Meyers College of Nursing offers a four-year BS that prepares students to take the National Council Licensure Examination (NCLEX) to obtain licensure. High school graduates enter this program as first-year students in the fall. 

The BS program combines a strong core of arts and science courses with a progression of nursing courses that provide increasing levels of knowledge and skills for addressing health needs throughout the lifespan. The 128-credit curriculum incorporates 44 credits of liberal arts courses, 20 credits of science and prerequisite courses, and 64 credits of nursing core and clinical courses.

In addition to courses in NYU Meyers, students take courses in NYU’s College of Arts and Sciences and Steinhardt School of Culture, Education, and Human Development. Since nursing courses begin in the junior year, you are able to take advantage of the University’s study abroad programs during sophomore year.

Applicants are encouraged to complete the following courses

  • Four years of English with heavy emphasis on writing
  • Three or four years of mathematics
  • Three or four years of laboratory sciences
  • Three or four years of social studies
  • Three or four years of foreign language 

Advanced placement credit

The College participates in the Advanced Placement (AP) program of the College Entrance Examination Board. In accordance with New York University policy, students may receive college credit toward their degree for test results of 4 or 5, depending on the subject examination. NYU Meyers follows the AP Course Equivalencies as outlined by NYU College of Arts and Science.

College courses taken while in high school

If you took college courses while still in high school or while attending another university or college, we will need to see all transcripts to determine how many credits carry over to NYU. Credit may be awarded if all of the following criteria has been met:

  • The class must have been located on a college campus
  • It must have been taught by a college professor
  • It must have been a class with other college students
  • It was not given high school credit
  • It is not noted on your high school transcript

NYU Rory Meyers College of Nursing undergraduate students have until the NYU add/drop deadline of their first semester enrolled at NYU Meyers to submit any AP Scores, high school courses taken for college credit or transcripts from any regionally accredited 2 or 4-year institution to receive transfer credit. After this deadline, students will no longer be eligible to submit AP Scores or any transcripts for transfer credit. Please note that the NYU Meyers Office of Student Affairs and Admissions has the final say on which scores or courses will be granted for transfer credit.



Technical standards requirements

Applicants must meet the Technical Standards for Core Professional Nursing Competency Performance in order to be eligible for admission to, progress in, and graduate from the nursing program.

Criminal background check policy

All nursing students will be required to complete a series of clinical learning experiences in order to successfully meet the learning outcomes for a given program of study. Prior to participating in clinical learning experiences at any off-campus healthcare facility, students are required to complete a criminal background check and a drug test. Each clinical facility has policies regarding possible convictions and potential drug use that may bar students from being accepted at the facility for clinical placement. If a student is not accepted to an assigned placement because of the findings of a background check or drug screen, NYU Meyers does not guarantee an alternate clinical placement. College policy dictates that students who are unable to complete clinical requirements for any reason will be subject to dismissal from the program.

The process of obtaining a nursing license in New York and many other states may involve consideration of an applicant’s criminal history or other conduct. Learn more about the NYS license application. Criminal convictions and/or a record of certain other conduct may prevent a nursing student/graduate from being licensed and may preclude the nursing graduate from obtaining gainful employment as a nurse. Applicants to NYU Meyers are encouraged to determine, prior to matriculation, the licensure requirements in the state(s) in which they intend to practice.

Equal opportunity statement

NYU Meyers does not discriminate due to race, color, creed, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender and/or gender identity or expression, marital or parental status, national origin, ethnicity, citizenship status, veteran or military status, age, disability, or any other legally protected basis. Prospective students of diverse ethnic and racial backgrounds are encouraged to apply for all of our programs.

High school graduates complete a four-year course progression and begin clinical courses in the junior year. The curriculum combines 44 credits of liberal arts courses; 20 credits of prerequisite courses in nutrition, chemistry, anatomy and physiology, statistics, microbiology, and developmental psychology; and 64 credits of nursing specialization courses that cover the care of individuals, families, and communities as well as scientific and professional issues in nursing.


Course progression (four years)

  • First Year (32 credits)
  • Sophomore Year (32 credits)
  • Junior Year (31 credits)
  • Senior Year (33 credits)

First-Year: Fall Semester (17 credits)

Course Number Course Title Credit Term
CHEM-UA 120 Introduction to Modern Chemistry
No description available
EXPOS-UA 1 Writing The Essay:
No description available
SOC-UA 1 Intro to Sociology
No description available
NURSE-UN 4 Nursing Cohort Seminar
No description available
CAS-Search by Sub. Social Science Elective
No description available

First-Year: Spring Semester (15 credits)

Course Number Course Title Credit Term
NURSE-UN 70 Anatomy & Physiology
No description available
ACE-UE 110 Advanced College Essay: Educ & The Professions
No description available
CORE-UA 4XX Text & Ideas: Tpcs
No description available
PSYCH-UA 1 Intro to Psychology
No description available

Sophomore Year: Fall Semester (16 credits)

Course Number Course Title Credit Term
NURSE-UN 80 Statistics I
No description available
APSY-UE 1271 Developmental Psychology Across the Lifespan
No description available
NURSE-UN 75 Microbiology
No description available
NUTR-UE 119 Nutrition and Health
No description available
CORE-UA 5XX Cultures & Contexts: Tpcs
No description available

Sophomore Year: Spring Semester (16 credits)

Course Number Course Title Credit Term
CAS-Search by Lang. Foreign Language (SPAN-UA, FREN-UA, etc.)*
No description available
CAS-Search by Sub. *Liberal Arts Electives
No description available
CAS-Search by Sub. *Liberal Arts Electives
No description available
CAS-Search by Sub. *Liberal Arts Electives
No description available

Junior Year: Fall Semester (16 credits)

Course Number Course Title Credit Term
NURSE-UN 239 Health Assessment & Promotion
No description available
NURSE-UN 240 Adult & Elder Nursing I
No description available
NURSE-UN 1261 Professional Nursing
No description available
NURSE-UN 1435 Pathophysiology
No description available

Junior Year: Spring Semester (15 credits)

Course Number Course Title Credit Term
NURSE-UN 120 Integrating Evidence into Clinical Practice
No description available
NURSE-UN 1241 Adult & Elder Nursing II
No description available
NURSE-UN 241 Psychiatric Mental Health Nursing
No description available
NURSE-UN 1436 Nrsg Pharmacotherapeutic
No description available

Senior Year: Fall Semester (15 credits)

Course Number Course Title Credit Term
NURSE-UN 1242 Maternity Nursing
No description available
NURSE-UN 1243 Adult & Elder Nursing III
No description available
NURSE-UN 1255 Pediatric Nursing
No description available
NURSE-UN 1248 Contemporary Issues in Health Care
No description available

Senior Year: Spring Semester (18 credits)

Course Number Course Title Credit Term
NURSE-UN 1244 Community Health Nursing
No description available
NURSE-UN 1245 Leadership & Management in Nursing
No description available
UG Nursing Elective 3 Fall, Spring, Summer
No description available
UG Nursing Elective 3 Fall, Spring, Summer
No description available


For information on how to apply, visit the guide for First-Year NYU student.

Apply via Common App


Application deadlines

Fall entry

Early Decision I - November 1
Early Decision II - January 1
Regular Decision/Final Deadline - January 5

First-Year Students are only admitted for the fall semester at NYU Meyers.


Application requirements

To view a complete list of all that is required (including application fee, recommendation letters, transcripts, standardized test scores, and more) please visit NYU's website on applying as a first-year student.

Contact the Office of Admissions

For any questions regarding the four-year program, please contact NYU's central Office of Undergraduate Admissions at or 212-998-4500.


FAQ section of Traditional 4-year

Applications to the Bachelor of Science at NYU Meyers consider the strengths of the applicant’s academic history and performance, letter(s) of recommendation, work or volunteer experience in the health care field, full-length essay, and personal statements.

Interviews are not a part of the admissions process for applicants to NYU Meyers's baccalaureate program. Due to the volume of applications received, NYU Meyers's staff and faculty are not able to meet individually with potential applicants to answer questions about the program. Applicants are encouraged to attend an open house to learn about the admissions process.

Applicants may be considered in exceptional cases on the basis of the General Educational Development (GED) test. The SAT Reasoning Test of the College Entrance Examination Board or an NYU-administered examination may be required. Please contact the Office of Undergraduate Admissions at 212-998-4500 for further information.

Scholastic Assessment Test (SAT) Reasoning Test and SAT Subject Test: 2562.
American College Test (ACT): 2838.

No, do not send your application materials to the college. Supplemental application materials that cannot be submitted online can be mailed to New York University’s Office of Undergraduate Admissions, 383 Lafayette St., New York, NY 10003.

Information about tuition and fees can be found here:….

Information about scholarships and awards can be found here:

Please see the BS Clinical Sequence Calendar:

There are no prerequisite courses required for admission to the college's Bachelor of Science program unless you wish to apply for direct admission into the 15-month Accelerated BS program. Please review eligibility requirements for the 15-month accelerated program to learn about the prerequisite requirements for this program:

Your letter of recommendation should comment on your maturity, intellectual potential, and motivation to pursue a career in nursing.

You can check the status of your application by logging into The Common Application system:
Please direct all follow up questions and concerns to the NYU Office of Undergraduate Admissions at 212-998-4500.

NYU Meyers holds open houses in the fall and spring semesters. For information about upcoming open houses see here:

NYU Meyers does not offer preadmission transcript evaluations.

Registered nurses who have a bachelor’s degree in another field are eligible to apply to the master’s program.

Applicants with courses completed more than ten years ago are eligible for admission. However, NYU Meyers does not accept science courses (including Nutrition) that are more than ten years old.

Please see current opportunities to study abroad as an NYU Meyers student here:

The college offers a BS-to-PhD pathway that allows students to apply to the PhD Program at the time of application to the BS/MS Dual Degree program.

Nursing students may take advantage of nursing externship programs offered at most hospitals and medical centers throughout the United States. Internships and externships are not required for successful passing of NCLEX or securing a position following graduation. NYU Meyers's Office of Student Affairs and Admissions maintains a listing of student nurse externship programs.

Financial aid including merit-based and need-based aid is available to college graduate students. Review the information about financial aid.