Abraham A. Brody


Ab Brody headshot

Abraham A. Brody


Mathy Mezey Professor of Geriatric Nursing
Associate Director, Hartford Institute for Geriatric Nursing

1 212 992 7341

433 First Ave
New York, NY 10010
United States

Accepting PhD students

Abraham A. Brody's additional information

Abraham (Ab) Brody, PhD, RN, FAAN is associate director of the HIGN, Mathy Mezey Professor of Geriatric Nursing and Professor of Medicine. He is also the founder of Aliviado Health, an implementation arm of HIGN focused on implementing high-quality, evidence-based care to support persons living with dementia and their care partners. His work centers on the intersection of geriatrics, palliative care, quality, and equity. This includes the development of interventions tailored for diverse and underserved older adults with serious illness and their care partners that can be implemented in real-world conditions are tested for effectiveness in large multi-site clinical trials. His work leverages emerging technologies, including precision health and machine learning, to support the interdisciplinary healthcare workforce.

Dr. Brody serves in many leadership roles, working across disciplines to help advance geriatrics and palliative care nationally and internationally. As Pilot Core Lead of the NIA IMPACT Collaboratory, he is responsible for heading the pilot program, which reviews and awards funds to help investigators prepare for large-scale pragmatic clinical trials for persons living with dementia and their care partners. He also is an experienced mentor and enjoys training early career faculty, PhD students, and post-doctoral scholars at NYU and nationally in geriatric and palliative focused intervention development and testing.

PhD - University of California, San Francisco (2008)
MSN - University of California, San Francisco (2006)
BA - New York University, College of Arts and Sciences (2002)

Home care
Palliative care
Non-communicable disease
Health Policy
Chronic disease
Community/population health
Research methods
Underserved populations

American Geriatrics Society
Eastern Nursing Research Society
Gerontological Society of America
Hospice and Palliative Nurses Association
International Home Care Nurses Organization
Palliative Care Research Cooperative
Sigma Theta Tau, Upsilon Chapter

Faculty Honors Awards

Fellow, American Academy of Nursing (2017)
Fellow, Palliative Care Nursing, Hospice and Palliative Nurses Association (2017)
Fellow, New York Academy of Medicine (2016)
Fellow, Gerontological Society of America (2016)
Nurse Faculty Scholar, Robert Wood Johnson Foundation (2014)
Sojourns Scholar, Cambia Health Foundation (2014)
Medical Reserve Corps, NYC, Hurricane Sandy Award (2013)
Goddard Fellowship, NYU (2013)
Research Scholar, Hospice and Palliative Nurses Association (2010)
Finalist, SRPP Section Young Investigator, Gerontological Society of America (2008)
Edith M. Pritchard Award, Nurses' Education Funds (2006)
Scholar, Building Academic Geriatric Nursing Capacity, John A Hartford (2006)
Finalist, Student Regent, University of California, San Francisco (2005)
Inducted into Sigma Theta Tau, Nursing Honor Society (2004)


Improving Sleep Using Mentored Behavioral and Environmental Restructuring (SLUMBER)

Martin, J. L., Cadogan, M., Brody, A. A., Mitchell, M. N., Hernandez, D. E., Mangold, M., Alessi, C. A., Song, Y., & Chodosh, J. (2024). Journal of the American Medical Directors Association, 25(5), 925-931.e3. 10.1016/j.jamda.2024.02.003
Objectives: To evaluate the impact of a mentoring program to encourage staff-delivered sleep-promoting strategies on sleep, function, depression, and anxiety among skilled nursing facility (SNF) residents. Design: Modified stepped-wedge unit-level intervention. Setting and Participants: Seventy-two residents (mean age 75 ± 15 years; 61.5% female, 41% non-Hispanic white, 35% Black, 20% Hispanic, 3% Asian) of 2 New York City urban SNFs. Methods: Expert mentors provided SNF staff webinars, in-person workshops, and weekly sleep pearls via text messaging. Resident data were collected at baseline, post-intervention (V1), and 3-month follow-up (V2), including wrist actigraphy, resident behavioral observations, Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (PSQI), Patient Health Questionnaire-9 (PHQ-9) depression scale, Brief Anxiety and Depression Scale (BADS), Brief Cognitive Assessment Tool (BCAT), and select Minimum Data Set 3.0 (MDS 3.0) measures. Linear mixed models were fit for continuous outcomes and mixed-effects logistic models for binary outcomes. Outcomes were modeled as a function of time. Planned contrasts compared baseline to V1 and V2. Results: There was significant improvement in PSQI scores from baseline to V1 (P = .009), and from baseline to V2 (P = .008). Other significant changes between baseline and V1 included decreased depression (PHQ-9) (P = .028), increased daytime observed out of bed (P ≤ .001), and increased daytime observed being awake (P < .001). At V2 (vs baseline) being observed out of bed decreased (P < .001). Daytime sleeping by actigraphy increased from baseline to V1 (P = .004), but not V2. MDS 3.0 activities of daily living and pain showed improvements by the second quarter following implementation of SLUMBER (P's ≤ .034). There were no significant changes in BADS or BCAT between baseline and V1 or V2. Conclusions and Implications: SNF residents had improvements in sleep quality and depression with intervention, but improvements were not sustained at 3-month follow-up. The COVID-19 pandemic led to premature study termination, so full impacts remain unknown.

Navigating a "good Death" during COVID-19: Understanding Real-Time End-of-Life Care Structures, Processes, and Outcomes Through Clinical Notes

Franzosa, E., Kim, P. S., Moreines, L. T., McDonald, M. V., David, D., Boafo, J., Schulman-Green, D., Brody, A. A., & Aldridge, M. D. (2024). Gerontologist, 64(10). 10.1093/geront/gnae099
Background and Objectives: The coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic severely disrupted hospice care, yet there is little research regarding how widespread disruptions affected clinician and family decision-making. We aimed to understand how the pandemic affected structures, processes, and outcomes of end-of-life care. Research Design and Methods: Retrospective narrative chart review of electronic health records of 61 patients referred and admitted to hospice from 3 New York City geriatrics practices who died between March 1, 2020, and March 31, 2021. We linked longitudinal, unstructured medical, and hospice electronic health record notes to create a real-time, multiperspective trajectory of patients' interactions with providers using directed content analysis. Results: Most patients had dementia and were enrolled in hospice for 11 days. Care processes were shaped by structural factors (staffing, supplies, and governmental/institutional policies), and outcomes were prioritized by care teams and families (protecting safety, maintaining high-touch care, honoring patient values, and supporting patients emotionally and spiritually). Processes used to achieve these outcomes were decision-making, care delivery, supporting a "good death,"and emotional and spiritual support. Discussion and Implications: Care processes were negotiated throughout the end of life, with clinicians and families making in-the-moment decisions. Some adaptations were effective but also placed extraordinary pressure on paid and family caregivers. Healthcare teams' and families' goals to meet patients' end-of-life priorities can be supported by ongoing assessment of patient goals and process changes needed to support them, stronger structural supports for paid and family caregivers, incentivizing relationships across primary care and hospice teams, and extending social work and spiritual care.

The perspectives of older adults related to transcatheter aortic valve replacement: An integrative review

Moreines, L. T., David, D., Murali, K. P., Dickson, V. V., & Brody, A. (2024). Heart and Lung, 68, 23-36. 10.1016/j.hrtlng.2024.05.013
Background: Aortic Stenosis (AS) is a common syndrome in older adults wherein the narrowing of the aortic valve impedes blood flow, resulting in advanced heart failure.1 AS is associated with a high mortality rate (50 % at 6 months if left untreated), substantial symptom burden, and reduced quality of life.1-3 Transcatheter aortic valve replacement (TAVR) was approved in 2012 as a less invasive alternative to surgical valve repair, offering a treatment for older frail patients. Although objective outcomes have been widely reported,4 the perspectives of older adults undergoing the TAVR process have never been synthesized. Objectives: To contextualize the perspectives and experiences of older adults undergoing TAVR. Methods: An integrative review was conducted using Whittemore and Knafl's five-stage methodology.5 Four electronic databases were searched in April 2023. Articles were included if a qualitative methodology was used to assess the perceptions of older adults (>65 years old) undergoing or recovering from TAVR. Results: Out of 4619 articles screened, 12 articles met the criteria, representing 353 individuals from 10 countries. Relevant themes included the need for an individualized care plan, caregiver and family support, communication and education, persistent psychosocial and physical symptoms, and the unique recovery journey. Conclusion: Older adults with AS undergoing TAVR generally perceive their procedure positively. Improved interdisciplinary and holistic management, open communication, symptom assessment, support, and education is needed.

Race and Ethnicity Are Related to Undesirable Home Health Care Outcomes in Seriously Ill Older Adults

Jones, T., Luth, E. A., Cleland, C. M., & Brody, A. A. (2024). Journal of the American Medical Directors Association, 25(6). 10.1016/j.jamda.2024.03.003
Objectives: Medicare Home Health Care (HHC) services are integral to the care of homebound seriously ill older adults requiring ongoing specialized medical care. Although disparities in health outcomes are well documented in inpatient and primary care, disparities experienced by historically marginalized racial and ethnic groups underrepresented in HHC are understudied. This study aimed to examine the relationship between individual characteristics and differences in HHC health outcomes for seriously ill older adults. Design: Secondary data analysis, repeated measure. Setting and Participants: Seriously ill older adults who received HHC in 2016 in the HHC Outcome and Assessment Information Set (OASIS). Methods: Start of care and discharge data from the 2016 HCC OASIS were used to examine the relationship between individual characteristics and differences in HHC health outcomes identified by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services as key indicators of quality in HHC, including dyspnea, pain frequency, cognitive functioning, and presence of unhealed pressure ulcer stage II or higher. A generalized ordered logit model with partial proportional odds was used for the ordinal categorical outcomes and a logistic regression was used for the binary dependent variable. Results: Findings indicated that of 227,402 seriously ill individuals with an HHC episode in 2016, those from underrepresented racial and ethnic groups had between 14% and 57% higher odds of worse health outcomes compared with non-Hispanic white patients with the exception of pain frequency. Conclusions and Implications: For people living with serious illness, there are significant differences in Medicare HHC health outcomes when comparing underrepresented racial or ethnic beneficiaries with white counterparts. More research is needed to understand how health care processes such as referral patterns or time to care initiation, and structural factors such as HHC agency quality and neighborhood social deprivation are related to health differences observed in the population.

Towards a Crisis Management Playbook: Hospice and Palliative Team Members’ Views Amid COVID-19

Schulman-Green, D., David, D., Moreines, L. T., Boafo, J., Franzosa, E., Kim, P., McDonald, M. V., Brody, A. A., & Aldridge, M. D. (2024). Journal of Pain and Symptom Management, 68(6), 573-582.e1. 10.1016/j.jpainsymman.2024.09.012
Context: The critical role of hospice and palliative care in response to the COVID-19 pandemic is well recognized, but there is limited evidence to guide healthcare leadership through future crises. Objectives: Our goal was to support future organizational resilience by exploring hospice and palliative team members’ perspectives on crisis leadership during the COVID-19 pandemic in New York City (NYC). Methods: This qualitative descriptive study used individual, semi-structured interviews of purposively sampled interdisciplinary team members. Enrollment sites were two large NYC metro hospice care organizations and one outpatient palliative care practice. We asked participants to complete a demographic form and a 45–60 minute interview. We used descriptive statistics and thematic analysis, respectively, for data analysis. We triangulated the data by presenting preliminary study findings to a group of clinicians (n=21) from one of the referring organizations. Results: Participants (n=30) were professionally diverse (e.g., nurses, physicians, social workers, chaplains, administrators), experienced (mean=17 years; 10 years in hospice), and highly educated (83% ≥ master's degree). About half (n=15) self-identified as white, non-Hispanic, and nearly half (n=13) self-identified as being from a racial/ethnic minoritized group. Two (n=2) did not wish to self-identify. We identified four themes that reflected challenges and adaptive responses to providing care during a crisis: Stay Open and Stay Safe; Act Flexibly; Lead Adaptively; and Create a Culture of Solidarity. Conclusion: While additional work is indicated, findings offer direction for a crisis management playbook to guide leadership in hospice, palliative care, and other healthcare settings in future crises.

Variation in Home Healthcare Use by Dementia Status Among a National Cohort of Older Adults

Burgdorf, J. G., Ornstein, K. A., Liu, B., Leff, B., Brody, A. A., McDonough, C., & Ritchie, C. S. (2024). Journals of Gerontology - Series A Biological Sciences and Medical Sciences, 79(3). 10.1093/gerona/glad270
Background: Medicare-funded home healthcare (HHC) delivers skilled nursing, therapy, and related services through visits to the patient’s home. Nearly one-third (31%) of HHC patients have diagnosed dementia, but little is currently known regarding how HHC utilization and care delivery differ for persons living with dementia (PLwD). Methods: We drew on linked 2012–2018 Health and Retirement Study and Medicare claims for a national cohort of 1 940 community-living older adults. We described differences in HHC admission, length of stay, and referral source by patient dementia status and used weighted, multivariable logistic and negative binomial models to estimate the relationship between dementia and HHC visit type and intensity while adjusting for sociodemographic characteristics, health and functional status, and geographic/community factors. Results: PLwD had twice the odds of using HHC during a 2-year observation period, compared to those without dementia (odds ratio [OR]: 2.03; p < .001). They were more likely to be referred to HHC without a preceding hospitalization (49.4% vs 32.1%; p < .001) and incurred a greater number of HHC episodes (1.4 vs 1.0; p < .001) and a longer median HHC length of stay (55.8 days vs 40.0 days; p < .001). Among post-acute HHC patients, PLwD had twice the odds of receiving social work services (unadjusted odds ratio [aOR]: 2.15; p = .008) and 3 times the odds of receiving speech-language pathology services (aOR: 2.92; p = .002). Conclusions: Findings highlight HHC’s importance as a care setting for community-living PLwD and indicate the need to identify care delivery patterns associated with positive outcomes for PLwD and design tailored HHC clinical pathways for this patient subpopulation.

“When she goes out, she feels better:” co-designing a Green Activity Program with Hispanic/Latino people living with memory challenges and care partners

Lassell, R. K., Tamayo, V., Pena, T. A., Kishi, M., Zwerling, J., Gitlin, L. N., & Brody, A. A. (2024). Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience, 16. 10.3389/fnagi.2024.1401255
Purpose: Utilizing a participatory approach, we sought to co-design a 12-week Green Activity Program (GAP) with Hispanic/Latino individuals living with memory challenges and their care partners, local outdoor professionals, and healthcare providers. Methods: Participants were recruited via convenience and snowball sampling in the Bronx, New York with Hispanic/Latino persons living with memory challenges and care partners, outdoor activity professionals, and interdisciplinary healthcare providers/dementia experts. Co-design occurred iteratively with 5 focus groups and 4 individual interviews lasting 30–90 min and focused on program and research design. Sessions were recorded and transcribed. Utilizing directed content analysis data was coded using a priori codes program design and research design. Results: 21 participants completed co-design activities: (n = 8 outdoor activity professionals, n = 6 Hispanic/Latino persons living with memory challenges and care partners, and n = 7 interdisciplinary healthcare providers/dementia experts). Participant preferences for program design were captured by subcodes session duration (30–90 min), frequency (4–8 sessions), and delivery modes (in-person and phone). Participants' preferred nature activities included group exercise and outdoor crafts [crocheting], outcomes of social participation, connectedness to nature, decreased loneliness, and stewardship were identified. Preferred language for recruiting and describing the program were “memory challenges,” “Hispanic/Latino,” and “wellbeing.” Referral pathways were identified including community-based organizations and primary care. Conclusion: Co-design was a successful form of engagement for people living with memory challenges that enabled participants to help design key elements of the GAP and research design. Our processes, findings, and recommendations for tailoring co-design to engage Hispanic/Latino people living with memory challenges can inform the development of other programs for this population.

Complex Care Needs at the End of Life for Seriously Ill Adults With Multiple Chronic Conditions

Murali, K. P., Merriman, J. D., Yu, G., Vorderstrasse, A., Kelley, A. S., & Brody, A. A. (2023). Journal of Hospice and Palliative Nursing, 25(3), 146-155. 10.1097/NJH.0000000000000946
Understanding the complex care needs of seriously ill adults with multiple chronic conditions with and without cancer is critical for the delivery of high-quality serious illness and palliative care at the end of life. The objective of this secondary data analysis of a multisite randomized clinical trial in palliative care was to elucidate the clinical profile and complex care needs of seriously ill adults with multiple chronic conditions and to highlight key differences among those with and without cancer at the end of life. Of the 213 (74.2%) older adults who met criteria for multiple chronic conditions (eg, 2 or more chronic conditions requiring regular care with limitations of daily living), 49% had a diagnosis of cancer. Hospice enrollment was operationalized as an indicator for severity of illness and allowed for the capture of complex care needs of those deemed to be nearing the end of life. Individuals with cancer had complex symptomatology with a higher prevalence of nausea, drowsiness, and poor appetite and end of life and lower hospice enrollment. Individuals with multiple chronic conditions without cancer had lower functional status, greater number of medications, and higher hospice enrollment. The care of seriously ill older adults with multiple chronic conditions requires tailored approaches to improve outcomes and quality of care across health care settings, particularly at the end of life.

Defining a taxonomy of Medicare-funded home-based clinical care using claims data

Ankuda, C. K., Ornstein, K. A., Leff, B., Rajagopalan, S., Kinosian, B., Brody, A. A., & Ritchie, C. S. (2023). BMC Health Services Research, 23(1). 10.1186/s12913-023-09081-8
Background: As more Americans age in place, it is critical to understand care delivery in the home. However, data on the range of home-based services provided by Medicare is limited. We define a taxonomy of clinical care in the home funded through fee-for-service Medicare and methods to identify receipt of those services. Methods: We analyzed Fee-for-service (FFS) Medicare claims data from a nationally-representative cohort of older adults, the National Health and Aging Trends Study (NHATS), to identify home-based clinical care. We included 6,664 NHATS enrollees age ≥ 70 and living in the community, observed an average of 3 times each on claims-linked NHATS surveys. We examined provider and service type of home-based clinical care to identify a taxonomy of 5 types: home-based medical care (physician, physician assistant, or nurse practitioner visits), home-based podiatry, skilled home health care (SHHC), hospice, and other fee-for-service (FFS) home-based care. We further characterized home-based clinical care by detailed care setting and visit types. Results: From 2011–2016, 17.8%-20.8% of FFS Medicare beneficiaries age ≥ 70 received Medicare-funded home-based clinical care. SHHC was the most common service (12.8%-16.1%), followed by other FFS home-based care (5.5%-6.5%), home-based medical care (3.2%-3.9%), and hospice (2.6%-3.0%). Examination of the other-FFS home-based care revealed imaging/diagnostics and laboratory testing to be the most common service. Conclusions: We define a taxonomy of clinical care provided in the home, serving 1 in 5 FFS Medicare beneficiaries. This approach can be used to identify and address research and clinical care gaps in home-based clinical care delivery.

Engagement, Advance Care Planning, and Hospice Use in a Telephonic Nurse-Led Palliative Care Program for Persons Living with Advanced Cancer

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Persons living with advanced cancer have intensive symptoms and psychosocial needs that often result in visits to the Emergency Department (ED). We report on program engagement, advance care planning (ACP), and hospice use for a 6-month longitudinal nurse-led, telephonic palliative care intervention for patients with advanced cancer as part of a larger randomized trial. Patients 50 years and older with metastatic solid tumors were recruited from 18 EDs and randomized to receive nursing calls focused on ACP, symptom management, and care coordination or specialty outpatient palliative care (ClinicialTrials.gov: NCT03325985). One hundred and five (50%) graduated from the 6-month program, 54 (26%) died or enrolled in hospice, 40 (19%) were lost to follow-up, and 19 (9%) withdrew prior to program completion. In a Cox proportional hazard regression, withdrawn subjects were more likely to be white and have a low symptom burden compared to those who did not withdraw. Two hundred eighteen persons living with advanced cancer were enrolled in the nursing arm, and 182 of those (83%) completed some ACP. Of the subjects who died, 43/54 (80%) enrolled in hospice. Our program demonstrated high rates of engagement, ACP, and hospice enrollment. Enrolling subjects with a high symptom burden may result in even greater program engagement.
