Allison P Squires
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Allison P Squires's additional information
Allison P Squires, Ph.D., FAAN, RN, is a professor and the Director of the Global Consortium of Nursing and Midwifery Studies, or GCNMS. The GCNMS is an 82-country research consortium collaborating on research capacity-building projects in nursing and midwifery globally. The consortium's current research study is examining the long-term effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on the nursing and midwifery workforces globally to understand how to improve global pandemic response implementation protocols for the largest frontline workforce cadre. Domestically, her research focuses on improving immigrant and refugee health outcomes with a special interest in addressing inequities in health outcomes resulting from language discordance during a healthcare encounter. For both, she is an expert in contextual considerations of global health care services implementation.
Prof. Squires has consulted with the Migration Policy Institute and the World Bank on nursing and health workforce issues and produced several major policy analyses with their teams. A prolific writer, Squires has authored over 200 publications, including 140+ in peer-reviewed journals. She serves as an associate editor of the top-ranked International Journal of Nursing Studies since 2012. She was the 2019–2020 Distinguished Nurse Scholar in Residence for the National Academy of Medicine where she worked on the consensus study "Future of Nursing 2020–2030: Charting a Path to Achieve Equity". In 2023, she received the Outstanding Mentor Award from the Interdisciplinary Research Group on Nursing Issues interest group of Academy Health.
Prior to entering academia full-time, Squires worked as a staff nurse in solid organ transplant and as a staff educator for 11 years in the U.S. healthcare system. Her practice has since shifted largely to community-based nursing roles as a volunteer.
Prof. Squires received her Ph.D. at Yale University, MSN at Duquesne University, and BSN with a minor in Latin American Studies at the University of Pennsylvania. She completed a Post-Doctoral Fellowship in Health Outcomes Research at the University of Pennsylvania. In addition to her primary appointment at the Rory Meyers College of Nursing at NYU, she holds affiliated faculty appointments/affiliations with the Department of General Internal Medicine at the Grossman School of Medicine, the Center for Latin American Studies, and the Center for Drug Use and HIV Research.
She is currently accepting Ph.D. students and/or post-doctoral fellows/associates with interests in the following areas: 1) global health, 2) migration & immigrant health, and 3) health services and workforce research.
Post-Doctoral Fellowship - University of PennsylvaniaPhD - Yale UniversityMSN - Duquesne UniversityBSN - University of Pennsylvania
GlobalImmigrantsGerontologyHealth Services Research
Academy HealthAmerican Nurses AssociationConsortium of Universities for Global HealthInterdisciplinary Research Group on Nursing Issues (Academy Health)National Council for Interpreting in Health CareSigma Theta Tau International
Faculty Honors Awards
Chair of the Nursing Section of the New York Academy of Medicine (2022)Co-Chair, American Academy of Nursing's Global Health Expert Panel (2021)Chair of the Nursing Section of the New York Academy of Medicine (2021)Vice-Chair, Global Health and Health Care Interest Group for Academy Health (2020)Co-Chair, American Academy of Nursing's Global Health Expert Panel (2020)Chair, Interdisciplinary Research Group on Nursing Issues for Academy Health (2020)Chair of the Nursing Section of the New York Academy of Medicine (2020)Distinguished Nurse Scholar in Residence, National Academy of Medicine (2020)Vice-Chair, Global Health and Health Care Interest Group for Academy Health (2019)Co-Chair, American Academy of Nursing's Global Health Expert Panel (2019)Chair, Interdisciplinary Research Group on Nursing Issues for Academy Health (2019)Chair of the Nursing Section of the New York Academy of Medicine (2019)Distinguished Nurse Scholar in Residence, National Academy of Medicine (2019)Chair, Global Health and Health Care Interest Group for Academy Health (2019)Outstanding Scholarly Contribution to Gerontological Nursing Practice, International Journal for Older People Nursing (2018)Chair of the Nursing Section of the New York Academy of Medicine (2018)Chair, Global Health and Health Care Interest Group for Academy Health (2018)Prose Award, “A New Era in Global Health” (W. Rosa, Ed.) (2018)Vice Chair, Interdisciplinary Research Group on Nursing Issues for Academy Health (2018)Fellow Ambassador to the Media, New York Academy of Medicine (2017)Distinguished Alumna, Duquesne University (2015)Fellow, American Academy of Nursing (2015)Fellow, New York Academy of Medicine (2014)Fellow, Yale World Fellows Program (2003) -
Community perspectives on cardiovascular disease control in rural Ghana: A qualitative study
AbstractPatil, B., Maddox, I. H., Aborigo, R., Squires, A. P., Awuni, D., Horowitz, C. R., Oduro, A. R., Phillips, J. F., Jones, K. R., & Heller, D. J. (2023). PloS One, 18(1). 10.1371/journal.pone.0280358AbstractBackground Cardiovascular disease (CVD) prevalence is high in Ghana-but awareness, prevention, and treatment is sparse, particularly in rural regions. The nurse-led Community-based Health Planning and Services program offers general preventive and primary care in these areas, but overlooks CVD and its risk factors. Methods We conducted in-depth interviews with 30 community members (CM) in rural Navrongo, Ghana to understand their knowledge and beliefs regarding the causes and treatment of CVD and the potential role of community nurses in rendering CVD care. We transcribed audio records, coded these data for content, and qualitatively analyzed these codes for key themes. Results CMs described CVD as an acute, aggressive disease rather than a chronic asymptomatic condition, believing that CVD patients often die suddenly. Yet CMs identified causal risk factors for CVD: not only tobacco smoking and poor diet, but also emotional burdens and stressors, which cause and exacerbate CVD symptoms. Many CMs expressed interest in counseling on these risk factors, particularly diet. However, they felt that nurses could provide comprehensive CVD care only if key barriers (such as medication access and training) are addressed. In the interim, many saw nurses' main CVD care role as referring to the hospital. Conclusions CMs would like CVD behavioral education from community nurses at local clinics, but feel the local health system is now too fragile to offer other CVD interventions. CMs believe that a more comprehensive CVD care model would require accessible medication, along with training for nurses to screen for hypertension and other cardiovascular risk factors-in addition to counseling on CVD prevention. Such counseling should build upon existing community beliefs and concerns regarding CVD-including its behavioral and mental health causes-in addition to usual measures to prevent CVD mortality such as diet changes and physical exercise.Continuity of Care Versus Language Concordance as an Intervention to Reduce Hospital Readmissions from Home Health Care
AbstractSquires, A., Engel, P., Ma, C., Miner, S. M., Feldman, P. H., McDonald, M. V., & Jones, S. A. (2023). Medical Care, 61(9), 605-610. 10.1097/MLR.0000000000001884AbstractBackground: Language concordance between health care practitioners and patients have recently been shown to lower the risk of adverse health events. Continuity of care also been shown to have the same impact. Objective: The purpose of this paper is to examine the relative effectiveness of both continuity of care and language concordance as alternative or complementary interventions to improve health outcomes of people with limited English proficiency. Design: A multivariable logistic regression model using rehospitalization as the dependent variable was built. The variable of interest was created to compare language concordance and continuity of care. Participants: The final sample included 22,103 patients from the New York City area between 2010 and 2015 who were non-English-speaking and admitted to their home health site following hospital discharge. Measures: The odds ratio (OR) average marginal effect (AME) of each included variable was calculated for model analysis. Results: When compared with low continuity of care and high language concordance, high continuity of care and high language concordance significantly decreased readmissions (OR=0.71, 95% CI: 0.62-0.80, P<0.001, AME=-4.95%), along with high continuity of care and low language concordance (OR=0.80, 95% CI: 0.74-0.86, P<0.001, AME=-3.26%). Low continuity of care and high language concordance did not significantly impact readmissions (OR=1.04, 95% CI: 0.86-1.26, P=0.672, AME=0.64%). Conclusion: In the US home health system, enhancing continuity of care for those with language barriers may be helpful to address disparities and reduce hospital readmission rates.EXPERIENCE OF THE U-NURSING LATAM TEAM IN THE RESEARCH ENTITLED “NURSES WORKING DURING THE COVID-19 PANDEMIC (ENTRADUP)”
Casales-Hernández, M. G., Jiménez-Sánchez, J., Dixon, P. A., Rodríguez-López, J. I., & Squires, A. (2023). Texto E Contexto Enfermagem, 32. 10.1590/1980-265x-tce-2023-e002enEXPERIENCIA DEL EQUIPO DE U-NURSING LATAM EN LA INVESTIGACIÓN “ENFERMERAS TRABAJANDO DURANTE LA PANDEMIA COVID-19 (ENTRADUP)”
Casales-Hernández, M. G., Jiménez-Sánchez, J., Dixon, P. A., Rodríguez-López, J. I., & Squires, A. (2023). Texto & Contexto - Enfermagem. 10.1590/1980-265x-tce-2023-e002esFreedom is not free: Examining health equity for racial and ethnic minoritized veterans
Riser, T. J., Thompson, R. A., Curtis, C., Squires, A., Bonnie Mowinski, J., & Szanton, S. L. (2023). Research in Nursing and Health, 46(2), 181-185. 10.1002/nur.22304How nurses’ job characteristics affect their self-assessed work environment in hospitals— Slovenian use of the practice environment scale of the nursing work index
AbstractSkela-Savič, B., Sermeus, W., Dello, S., Squires, A., Bahun, M., & Lobe, B. (2023). BMC Nursing, 22(1). 10.1186/s12912-023-01261-5AbstractBackground: Nurses’ work environment influences nursing practice. Inappropriate working conditions are the result of underdeveloped workplace infrastructure, poor work organisation, inadequate education, and inappropriate staffing norms. The aim of this study was to describe and examine the predictors that affect nurses’ work environment using the Practice Environment Scale of the Nursing Work Index (PES-NWI). Methods: The validation of the PES-NWI was made. Nurse-reported job characteristics were used as independent variables. The sample included 1,010 nurses from adult surgical and medical units at 10 Slovenian hospitals. The Nurse Forecasting (RN4CAST) protocol was used. Permission to conduct the study was obtained from the National Medical Ethics Committee. Results: The PES-NWI mean (2.64) was low, as were job and career satisfaction at 2.96 and 2.89, respectively. The PES-NWI can be explained in 48% with ‘Opportunities for advancement’, ‘Educational opportunities’, ‘Satisfaction with current job’, ‘Professional status’, ‘Study leave’, and ‘Level of education’. A three-factor solution of PES-NWI yielded eight distinct variables. Conclusions: The obtained average on the Nursing Work Index was one of the lowest among previously conducted surveys. Nurses should be recognized as equals in the healthcare workforce who need to be empowered to develop the profession and have career development opportunities. Inter-professional relations and equal involvement of nurses in hospital affairs are also very important. Trial registration: This is a non-intervention study – retrospectively registered.Improving care for older people: A special issue
Zisberg, A., Lickiewicz, J., & Squires, A. (2023). International Journal of Nursing Studies, 141. 10.1016/j.ijnurstu.2023.104475Improving identification, reporting, and treatment of trafficked persons
AbstractShah, R. V., & Squires, A. P. (2023). Women’s Healthcare: A Clinical Journal for NPs, 11(3), 42-44. 10.51256/whc062342AbstractThis article provides resources for HCPs encountering individuals trafficked for sex work to improve their practice and care of them, pointing out that these resources can be used in the development of curricular units for HCP students.Language Access for Families With Limited English Proficiency: Why Does It Matter?
AbstractBennett, S., Squires, A. P., & McCabe, E. (2023). NASN School Nurses, 38(6), 320-327. 10.1177/1942602X231187613AbstractThis manuscript guides school nurses in addressing the unique needs of U.S. school-aged students and families with limited English proficiency (LEP). Owing to the increasing ethnic and racial diversity in U.S. K–12 schools, school nurses will likely encounter children and families with LEP. Students with LEP may be part of a family which immigrated to this country as permanent residents, are refugees, or asylum seekers. Some may be from migrant families who move throughout the region or country for work. School health services, including nursing services, may be the first and only health resource to which these children have consistent access. The availability and importance of language access services are highlighted, as well as tips for school nurses to advocate for language access resources, training for effective communication, understanding the legal landscape, and addressing cultural beliefs that influence health behaviors. Advocacy toward identifying the distinctive needs of families with LEP aims to help school nurses target equitable health outcomes.A multi-language qualitative study of limited English proficiency patient experiences in the United States
AbstractSquires, A., Gerchow, L., Ma, C., Liang, E., Trachtenberg, M., & Miner, S. (2023). PEC Innovation, 2. 10.1016/j.pecinn.2023.100177AbstractObjective: The purpose of this study was to understand the limited English proficiency patient experience with health care services in an urban setting in the United States. Methods: Through a narrative analysis approach, 71 individuals who spoke either Spanish, Russian, Cantonese, Mandarin, or Korean shared their experiences through semi-structured interviews between 2016 and 2018. Analyses used monolingual and multilingual open coding approaches to generate themes. Results: Six themes illustrated patient experiences and identified sources of structural inequities perpetuating language barriers at the point of care. An important thread throughout all interviews was the sense that the language barrier with clinicians posed a threat to their safety when receiving healthcare, citing an acute awareness of additional risk for harm they might experience. Participants also consistently identified factors they felt would improve their sense of security that were specific to clinician interactions. Differences in experiences were specific to culture and heritage. Conclusions: The findings highlight the ongoing challenges spoken language barriers pose across multiple points of care in the United States' health care system. Innovation: The multi-language nature of this study and its methodological insights are innovative as most studies have focused on clinicians or patient experiences in a single language. -