Jasmine Travers
Assistant Professor
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Jasmine Travers's additional information
Jasmine L. Travers is an assistant professor of nursing at NYU Rory Meyers College of Nursing. Her career is dedicated to designing and conducting research to improve health outcomes and reduce health disparities in vulnerable older adult groups using both quantitative and qualitative approaches. Her current work focuses on mitigating disparities in appropriate access and use of in-home and facility-based long-term care for older adults (i.e., home & community-based settings, nursing homes, and assisted living). Currently, Travers is the principal investigator of a Robert Wood Johnson Foundation four-year Career Development Award through the Harold Amos Medical Faculty Development Program which she is examining the association of neighborhood disadvantage with nursing home outcomes using large-scale nursing home data and a Paul B. Beeson Emerging Leader five-year K76 Award through the National Institute on Aging which in this mixed-method study she will develop a survey instrument aimed to identify unmet needs that are disproportionately driving avoidable nursing home placements. Most recently, Travers served on the National Academies of Science Engineering and Medicine Committee on the Quality of Care in Nursing Homes which on April 6, 2022, released the widely anticipated report titled, The National Imperative to Improve Nursing Home Quality.
Travers has published widely on the topics of aging, long-term care, health disparities and inequities, workforce diversity and workforce issues, vaccinations, and infections. She has presented her work at regional and national health services research, gerontological, nursing, and public health conferences.
Prior to joining the faculty at NYU, Travers completed a postdoctoral fellowship with the National Clinician Scholars Program at Yale University and a T32-funded postdoctoral fellowship at the New Courtland Center for Transitions and Health at the University of Pennsylvania School of Nursing.
Travers received her Ph.D. at Columbia University School of Nursing, MHS at Yale University, MSN in Adult-Gerontological Health at Stony Brook University, and BSN at Adelphi University.
PhD, Columbia UniversityMSN, Stony Brook UniversityMHS, Yale UniversityBSN, Adelphi University
GerontologyUnderserved populations
Eastern Nursing Research SocietyAmerican Geriatrics SocietyGerontological Society of AmericaAcademy Health
Faculty Honors Awards
Rising Star Research Award, Eastern Nursing Research Society (2022)Health in Aging Foundation New Investigator Award, American Geriatrics Society (2022)Committee Member, Committee on the Quality of Care in Nursing Homes, The National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine (2020)Scholar, National Clinician Scholars Program, Yale University (2020)Early Career Alumni Award: Emerging Nurse Leader, Columbia University (2020)Jonas Policy Scholar, American Academy of Nursing, Jonas Center for Nursing and Veterans Healthcare (2019)Douglas Holmes Emerging Scholar Paper Award, Gerontological Society of America (2018)Dean’s Distinguished Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Pennsylvania Vice Provost Office (2018)Associate Fellow, Leonard Davis Institute of Health Economics, University of Pennsylvania (2018)Awardee, 10 Under 10 Young Alumni Recognition, Adelphi University (2018)Jonas Nurse Leader Scholar, Jonas Center for Nursing and Veterans Healthcare (2016)Pre-Dissertation Student Research Award, The Behavioral & Social Sciences Section of The Gerontological Society of America (2016) -
An environmental scan of equity-related measures for the certified nursing assistant dementia care workforce
AbstractTravers, J. L., Shenoy, S., Tague-LaCrone, J., & Leger, H. (2024). Alzheimer’s and Dementia: Translational Research and Clinical Interventions, 10(4). 10.1002/trc2.70012AbstractINTRODUCTION: Certified nursing assistants (CNAs) constitute the largest segment of the nursing home workforce, with over 50% of the dementia care workforce comprised of racial and ethnic minoritized individuals. Despite their critical role in dementia care, CNAs face significant inequities in terms of salary, treatment, and working conditions. To enhance equity and improve working conditions, valid and reliable measures are essential for nursing homes to assess their current environment, track progress, and refine strategies. This paper synthesizes existing measures and tools that assess equity-related constructs among CNAs. METHODS: We conducted an environmental scan to identify existing measures, tools, and instruments assessing equity-related constructs among CNAs in nursing homes. Our search focused on nine key equity-related constructs: training, job satisfaction, compensation, staffing/workload, burnout, working conditions/environment, role, leadership, and turnover. RESULTS: Our environmental scan resulted in 15 measures, tools, or instruments relevant to CNA equity. These instruments focused on job satisfaction, retention and turnover, job commitment, leadership experiences, and work environment. Sixty percent of these tools lacked reported validity or reliability data. While the remaining 40% demonstrated strong psychometric properties, overall, the methodological rigor of available measures is inconsistent. A critical gap in the existing literature is the absence of tools measuring burnout or workload, among CNAs. DISCUSSION: The identified measures/tools offer potential for evaluating the effectiveness of interventions addressing CNA equity. However, it is imperative to establish the validity and reliability of these instruments across diverse populations, particularly among racial and ethnic minoritized groups, and develop or adapt tools that measure burnout and workload for CNAs. Furthermore, a deeper understanding of the underlying mechanisms driving these inequities through qualitative data is crucial for developing targeted and impactful interventions. Highlights: Measuring equity among CNAs is important to evaluate strategies intended to improve equity. The identified tools enable assessment of how CNAs feel about important constructs that are related to equity. We found no tools that comprehensively measured workload or burnout experienced by CNAs.Home Care Worker Continuity in Home-Based Long-Term Care: Associated Factors and Relationships With Client Health and Well-Being
AbstractReckrey, J. M., Russell, D., Fong, M. C., Burgdorf, J. G., Franzosa, E. C., Travers, J. L., & Ornstein, K. A. (2024). Innovation in Aging, 8(3). 10.1093/geroni/igae024AbstractBackground and Objectives: Despite the importance of provider continuity across healthcare settings, continuity among home care workers who provide hands-on long-term care is understudied. This project describes home care worker continuity, identifies factors associated with increased continuity, and examines associations between continuity and client outcomes. Research Design and Methods: We conducted a retrospective cohort study of clients receiving Medicaid-funded home-based long-term care (n = 3,864) using insurance plan and home care agency data from a large nonprofit organization. We estimated home care worker continuity for clients between 6-month clinical assessments using Bice-Boxerman scores. We then used generalized estimating equations to model associations between home care worker continuity and (1) client characteristics (e.g., cognitive impairment), and (2) client functional, health, and psychosocial outcomes. Results: While home care worker continuity was lowest for clients receiving the most weekly care hours, a range of continuity existed across all levels of care need. Those who were male, older, Asian/Pacific Islander/Native American, cognitively impaired, and functionally impaired had lower continuity. Higher home care worker continuity was significantly associated (p <. 05) with fewer falls, a higher likelihood of functional improvement/stabilization, and fewer depressive symptoms. Discussion and Implications: The finding that home care worker continuity is associated with the health and well-being of home-based long-term care clients underscores the importance of building high-quality relationships in long-term care. Continued efforts are necessary to understand and advance home care worker continuity and to identify other aspects of the home care experience that benefit those receiving long-term care at home.A Multimethod Exploration of Moral Distress and Moral Injury Among Health Care Assistants Working in Psychiatric Settings
AbstractHadson, K., De Jacq, K., Travers, J. L., Gao, Y., & Norful, A. A. (2024). Nurse Leader, 22(4), 428-433. 10.1016/j.mnl.2024.05.002AbstractMoral distress and moral injury among health workers yield adverse physical, psychological, and labor force outcomes. Research is limited on how psychiatric health care assistants (PHAs) experience these issues. In this multimethod study, we conducted a quantitative survey and qualitative interviews to examine moral distress and injury among PHAs. Almost half screened positive for moral injury. Three qualitative themes emerged: 1) hierarchies prevent contributions to care; 2) trust as a factor in de-escalating patient violence; and 3) navigating psychosocial challenges. Further research is recommended to investigate how to best support and inform practice and policy changes for PHAs.A new measure of professional caregiver coping in long-term care: The LTC COPE
AbstractSloane, P. D., Zimmerman, S., Efird-Green, L., Travers, J. L., Perreira, K. M., Bluth, K., Lathren, C., & Reed, D. (2024). Alzheimer’s and Dementia: Translational Research and Clinical Interventions, 10(4). 10.1002/trc2.70010AbstractINTRODUCTION: The professional caregiver workforce (nursing assistants and personal care aides) is critical to quality of care and quality of life in nursing home (NH) and assisted living (AL) settings. The work is highly stressful, so improving responses to stress in this workforce could contribute to satisfaction and retention. This research developed a coping measure appropriate for the diverse professional caregiver workforce. METHODS: A multistage process identified and refined existing and new items. Ten racially and ethnically diverse professional caregivers advised on item selection and refinement. Subsequently, using an online QR code-accessed questionnaire, data were collected from 391 professional caregivers from 10 NHs and 3 AL communities in three states, yielding a sample that was 87% female, widely distributed in age and experience, and racially/ethnically diverse (42% Black, non-Hispanic/Latinx; 25% White, non-Hispanic/Latinx; 20% Hispanic/Latinx; 7% Asian, non-Hispanic/Latinx; and 21% born outside the United States). Analyses examined psychometric properties and principal components analysis identified factors within which items and scales aggregated. RESULTS: The final instrument, named the Long-Term Care Cope (LTC Cope), includes 26 items aggregated into six factors, which explained 60% of the variance: avoidance (five items, loadings 0.58–0.76); adaptive psychological strategies (six items, loadings 0.33–0.89); active engagement (five items, 0.47–0.89); maladaptive psychological strategies (three items, loadings 0.90–0.93); actions to minimize emotional impact (four items, loadings 0.28–0.74); and substance use (three items, loadings 0.61–0.88). Respondents often reported using multiple items within multiple factors when responding to stressful situations at work. DISCUSSION: The coping strategies of professional caregivers are highly individual, with caregivers tending to utilize multiple strategies. The LTC Cope instrument and its component subscales are promising for future research to improve understanding of stress-related coping in this diverse workforce and inform and evaluate interventions. Highlights: A new measure was developed to help us better understand how professional caregivers (nursing assistants and personal care aides) deal with work-related stress. Professional caregivers in nursing homes and assisted living tend to use multiple approaches to deal with job stress. Ways professional caregivers cope with stress vary widely—some address problems directly, some try to deal with the emotional toll of the work, and others involve avoiding the problems or their emotional consequences.Racial and ethnic diversity in academic nursing leadership: A cross-sectional analysis
AbstractTravers, J. L., Rosa, W. E., Raval, A., Montgomery, T. M., Deng, R., Gatica, J., & Aronowitz, S. V. (2024). Nursing Outlook, 72(4). 10.1016/j.outlook.2024.102182AbstractBackground/Purpose: To characterize the representation of racial and ethnic minoritized faculty in leadership positions at the top 50 National Institutes of Health-ranked academic nursing institutions. Methods: We conducted a cross-sectional observational study to characterize the racial/ethnic composition of academic leaders, including those in diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) positions from September 2020 to December 2020. Discussion: Among the 409 leaders, the sample was predominantly composed of females (86.6%), White leaders (80.9%), affiliated with public institutions (75.1%), and in the southern region (42.1%). Exactly 13.6% were from minoritized groups. Minoritized leaders were less likely to hold dean and higher executive positions than their nonminoritized counterparts (p < .002). DEI leadership positions were mostly concentrated in lower executive positions (e.g., director) and primarily consisted of minoritized leaders (>60%). Conclusion: Underrepresentation of racial and ethnic minoritized individuals in academic nursing leadership persists, necessitating structural interventions within nursing academia to promote inclusivity. Achieving this goal requires a concerted investment in diversifying academic nursing leadership and ensuring positions that minoritized leaders are in, hold weight.Staffing and Antipsychotic Medication Use in Nursing Homes and Neighborhood Deprivation
AbstractTravers, J. L., Hade, E. M., Friedman, S., Raval, A., Hadson, K., & Falvey, J. R. (2024). JAMA Network Open, 7(4), E248322. 10.1001/jamanetworkopen.2024.8322AbstractImportance: Inappropriate use of antipsychotic medications in nursing homes is a growing public health concern. Residents exposed to higher levels of socioeconomic deprivation in the area around a nursing home may be currently exposed, or have a long history of exposure, to more noise pollution, higher crime rates, and have less opportunities to safely go outside the facility, which may contribute to psychological stress and increased risk of receiving antipsychotic medications inappropriately. However, it is unclear whether neighborhood deprivation is associated with use of inappropriate antipsychotic medications and whether this outcome is different by facility staffing levels. Objective: To evaluate whether reported inappropriate antipsychotic medication use differs in severely and less severely deprived neighborhoods, and whether these differences are modified by higher levels of total nurse staffing. Design, Setting, and Participants: This was a cross-sectional analysis of a national sample of nursing homes that linked across 3 national large-scale data sets for the year 2019. Analyses were conducted between April and June 2023. Exposure: Neighborhood deprivation status (severe vs less severe) and total staffing hours (registered nurse, licensed practical nurse, certified nursing assistant). Main Outcome and Measures: This study estimated the association between neighborhood deprivation and the percentage of long-stay residents who received an antipsychotic medication inappropriately in the nursing home at least once in the past week and how this varied by nursing home staffing through generalized estimating equations. Analyses were conducted on the facility level and adjusted for state fixed effects. Results: This study included 10966 nursing homes (1867 [17.0%] in severely deprived neighborhoods and 9099 [83.0%] in less deprived neighborhoods). Unadjusted inappropriate antipsychotic medication use was greater in nursing homes located in severely deprived neighborhoods (mean [SD], 15.9% [10.7%] of residents) than in those in less deprived neighborhoods (mean [SD], 14.2% [8.8%] of residents). In adjusted models, inappropriate antipsychotic medication use was higher in severely deprived neighborhoods vs less deprived neighborhoods (19.2% vs 17.1%; adjusted mean difference, 2.0 [95% CI, 0.35 to 3.71] percentage points) in nursing homes that fell below critical levels of staffing (less than 3 hours of nurse staffing per resident-day). Conclusions and Relevance: These findings suggest that levels of staffing modify disparities seen in inappropriate antipsychotic medication use among nursing homes located in severely deprived neighborhoods compared with nursing homes in less deprived neighborhoods. These findings may have important implications for improving staffing in more severely deprived neighborhoods..Stress-related coping and its relationship to well-being in nursing assistants and personal care aides in nursing homes and assisted living
AbstractSloane, P. D., Efird-Green, L., Reed, D., Travers, J. L., Perreira, K. M., Lathren, C., Bluth, K., & Zimmerman, S. (2024). Alzheimer’s and Dementia: Translational Research and Clinical Interventions, 10(4). 10.1002/trc2.70011AbstractINTRODUCTION: Professional caregivers (nursing assistants and personal care aides) in nursing homes (NH) and assisted living (AL) provide the majority of long-term residential care for persons with Alzheimer's disease and related dementias. Their work is stressful, but until recently, no measures were available to assess stress in this workforce. Using the new Long-Term Care Cope (LTC COPE) scale, this study evaluates the relationship of coping with staff demographic characteristics and outcomes; the findings can be used to develop and evaluate interventions to improve staff well-being. METHODS: We used a cross-sectional online questionnaire completed by professional caregivers working in a purposive selection of 10 NHs and three AL communities in California, New York, and North Carolina. The sample included 391 professional caregivers and had a representative distribution by age; it was 87% female; 42% non-Hispanic/Latinx (NHL) Black, 25% NHL White, 20% Hispanic/Latinx, and 7% NHL Asian. Worker job satisfaction, mental health, and health-related quality of life were examined in relation to caregiver demographics and the following approaches to coping as measured by the LTC COPE: avoidance, adaptive psychological strategies, active engagement, maladaptive psychological strategies, minimizing emotional impact, and substance use. Statistical comparisons used non-parametric Spearman correlation coefficients. RESULTS: Little difference in coping strategies was noted by sex and education; older caregivers used adaptive psychological strategies more than younger caregivers; and traditionally minoritized adults (NHL Black, NHL Asian, and Hispanic/Latinx), compared to NHL White adults, more often used adaptive and less often used maladaptive psychological coping strategies. The use of maladaptive and avoidance strategies was strongly associated with depressive symptoms, anxiety, and burnout. DISCUSSION: Professional caregivers report using a wide variety of coping strategies, with multiple strategies being the norm, and both adaptive/engaged and maladaptive/disengaged approaches are common. Certain coping approaches are strongly linked to depression, anxiety, and burnout; attention to training and support of adaptive and positive coping may augment other efforts to improve job satisfaction and performance. The LTC COPE scale has the potential to guide and evaluate practices to improve workers’ well-being. Highlights: Professional caregivers in nursing homes and assisted living generally use multiple strategies to cope with work-related stress. Certain coping approaches are strongly linked to depression, anxiety, and burnout. The Long-Term Care Cope scale has potential to guide and evaluate practices to improve worker well-being.Successes and Shortcomings of COVID-19 Vaccine Access for Older Americans
AbstractTravers, J., Sadarangani, T., & David, D. (2024). Journal of Gerontological Nursing, 50(9), 12-17. 10.3928/00989134-20240809-04AbstractPURPOSE: To understand perceived facilitators and barriers older adults experienced in accessing coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) vaccines. METHOD: An electronic survey was distributed to older adults and those familiar with experiences of older adults accessing COVID-19 vaccines. Analysis included descriptive statistics and directed content analysis of open-ended responses, guided by the National Institute on Aging Health Disparities Research Framework. RESULTS: Most participants (n = 294) identified as White (79.5%), 33.8% identified as Hispanic, 8.1% identified as Black, and 12.4% identified as Other. Two thirds of respondents were male (68.6%), and the median age was 67 years. Five key themes emerged: Availability and Accessibility, Information, Cost, Safety and Side Effects, and Sense of Security. CONCLUSION: Barriers and facilitators to accessing COVID-19 vaccines for older populations paralleled those seen in other demographics. Similar needs likely exist for access to other vaccines and health care in general. Vaccine rollouts, particularly in public health emergencies, must be carried out with care and an awareness of the barriers faced by vulnerable groups.“What Matters” in the Emergency Department A Prospective Analysis of Older Adults’ Concerns and Desired Outcomes
AbstractChera, T., Tinetti, M., Travers, J., Galske, J., Venkatesh, A. K., Southerland, L., Dresden, S. M., McQuown, C., & Gettel, C. J. (2024). Medical Care, 62(12), S50-S56. 10.1097/MLR.0000000000002053AbstractObjective: To describe “What Matters” to older adults seeking emergency department (ED) care and to identify patient characteristics associated with meeting desired outcomes. Background: As part of the 4Ms framework, identifying “What Matters” has been captured across healthcare settings, yet limited attention has been directed to older adults in the ED. Methods: We performed a secondary analysis of a multicenter prospective observational study. The study enrolled 1013 patients aged 65 and older during an ED encounter and performed 90-day follow-up interviews. The primary outcome was the quantification of “What Matters” (concerns and desired outcomes) to older adults during emergency care. As secondary outcomes, we assessed concerns at day 90, if desired outcomes were met at follow-up, and patient characteristics associated with outcome achievement by estimating multivariable logistic regression models. Results: Older adults reported specific concerns at the time of the ED visit including: (1) symptom identification and/or persistence (31.4%), (2) ability to take care of oneself (19.4%), and (3) end-of-life (17.8%). Desired outcomes expressed by participants included: (1) getting well and symptom resolution (72.0%), (2) obtaining a diagnosis (25.7%), and (3) functional independence (19.5%). At day 90 follow-up, concerns remained similar to the initial ED visit, and the majority of participants (66.2%) achieved their desired outcome. Frailty (adjusted odds ratio = 0.56, 95% CI: 0.38–0.83, P < 0.01) was associated with older adults not meeting their desired outcomes. Conclusions: Older adults identified a variety of concerns during emergency care, and two-thirds reported that desired outcomes were met at longitudinal day 90 follow-up.2022 NASEM Quality of Nursing Home Report: Moving Recommendations to Action
Travers, J. L., Alexander, G., Bergh, M., Bonner, A., Degenholtz, H. B., Ersek, M., Ferrell, B., Grabowski, D. C., Longobardi, I., McMullen, T., Mueller, C., Rantz, M., Saliba, D., Sloane, P., & Stevenson, D. G. (2023). Journal of the American Geriatrics Society, 71(2), 318-321. 10.1111/jgs.18274 -
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