Student life is a vital component of our
vibrant community. We are committed to supporting students through student government and various interest groups.
Browse through this section to learn more
about our student groups at the College.
If you are interested in getting involved with
a specific group, please use the contact information on that group's page.
Membership in all student organizations at NYU Rory Meyers College of Nursing is open to all NYU Meyers students.
All-College Student Organizations:
Graduate Student Organizations:
Undergraduate Student Organizations:
- SNA - Student Nurses Association
- UNSO - Undergraduate Nursing Student Organization
- APINSA - Asian/Pacific Islander Nursing Student Association
- BNSA - Black Nursing Students Association
- CCNSA - Critical Care Nursing Student Association
- DANSA - Dermatology & Aesthetics Nursing Student Association
- ENSA - Emergency Nursing Student Association
- GSIG - Geriatric Student Interest Group
- LATINOS - Latinos Aspiring To Imagine Nursing Opportunities
- LGBTQIA2-NSA - Lesbian, Gay, Bi, Transgender, Queer, Intersex, Asexual, 2-Spirit Nursing Student Association
- MEN - Men Entering Nursing
- MHANSA - Mental Health Advocacy Nursing Student Association
- NAPSIG - Nurse Anesthetist and Practitioner Student Interest Group
- NFE - Nurses for Education
- NEO - Nursing Entrepreneurship Organization
- NSGH - Nursing Students for Global Health
- ONSA - Oncology Nursing Student Association
- PBLN - Plant-Based Lifestyle Nursing
- PNSA - Pediatric Nursing Student Association
- SNAP - Student Nurses for Advocacy & Policy
- TNSO - Technology Nursing Student Organization
- WAHSNA - Women's and Allied Health Student Nurses Association