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Office for Nursing Research

At Meyers, our research faculty upholds the highest standards of scientific integrity.  Building on the strength of our researchers' expertise and innovation, we remain committed to advancing discoveries in biomedicine, incorporating equitable processes to address health equity in research and improve outcomes in health on a global level.

Research faculty at Meyers are often called upon to provide commentary and analysis through various platforms and are well-positioned to provide mentorship. On an international and national level, our expert faculty has helped to expand the College's number of local, national, and international research projects in the pursuit of improving the health of a global society.  

Meyers researchers have access to extensive inter- and intra-institutional resources.   Through these supports and Meyers' commitment to innovative, evidence-based approaches to healthcare delivery, we rank 8th in funding from the NIH. 

Federal Research Updates


Fay Wright in Lab

Meyers Biological Laboratory

As an integral part of the NYU Meyers research infrastructure, consultations and training are provided to Meyers faculty, post-doctoral fellows/students, and doctorial students interested in including biomarkers in their research. Using state-of-the-art equipment, Dr. John Merriman, Director, provides oversight to all specimen processing, analysis, storage, and preparation & transfer of biological samples core labs. 

Omic Method Training 

The MBL serves as a platform for PhD students to develop knowledge and skills in omic-based approaches in nursing research. Training on DNA, RNA, and circulating biomarker processing and analysis methods is offered. Directed readings and hands-on experience in the lab processing blood specimens assist students in applying omics when initiating their programs of research. 

Lab Services

  • Specimen processing
    • Blood
    • Saliva
    • Stool
  • Specimen storage
    • -20 and -80 freezers
  • NYU core lab transport
    • Prep and delivery
      • Genome Lab
      • Precision Immunology Lab
  • Coordinate specimen transport
    • Lab technician pick-up
    • Courier scheduling
  • DNA Extraction and purification
    • (Genomic and Mitochondrial)
  • RNA Extraction and purification
  • Conventional End-Point polymerase chain reaction (PCR)
  • Quantitative-real time polymerase chain reaction (qPCR)
  • Biorepository curation
    • P20 center plasma and gDN


John Merriman, PhD, RN, AOCNS
Prof. John Merriman, Director








Biostatistics Core: 

At Meyers, methodological and statistical support is provided for faculty research and faculty-mentored student research projects. Through collaborative consultations, we provide support for research design, analysis, data visualization, and manuscript writing. The Core will also offer workshops and training open to all members of the Meyers community.


Services offered by the Core include:

  • Grant preparation/proposal writing
    • Assisting with operationalizing research questions, refining study design
    • Selecting appropriate statistical methods, consistent with the project’s data, intent, and goals
    • Developing analytic plans
    • Power/sample size calculations
  • Performing analyses
    • Data analysis
    • Interpretation of statistical results
    • Organization of findings in tables and written summaries
  • Publication development
  • Training/workshops

The Biostatistics Core does not provide support for data collection or data management. The exception to this is the review of data sources during the tool-up phase of a project (e.g. reviewing the accuracy of test data during the REDCap development phase). Grant-funded projects utilizing the Core are expected to include FTE allocation for statistical support in the project’s budget, with the amount determined by project scope and needs. Exceptions to this are in-kind support for career development awards (e.g., K-awards) and mentored student research. In-kind support is subject to availability.

How to engage with the Core?

Researchers in need of statistical support are encouraged to engage with the Core early in their research process. Researchers submitting grants to pre-award can indicate the need for statistical support when completing the Grant Initiation Form as part of the pre-award process. Support for all other projects can be initiated by completing a support request form. After completing the form, an initial consultation will be scheduled with the investigator to discuss project needs, timeline, and budget considerations.



Jason Fletcher, PhD
Prof. Jason Fletcher, Director






The Muriel and Virginia Pless Center for Nursing Research 

The Muriel and Virginia Pless Center for Nursing Research was established in 1995 with the purpose of supporting the College’s contribution to the scientific enterprise at NYU Meyers.

The Center’s goals foster a collaborative environment that serves to assist faculty in the development of their research. The Center regularly holds Pless Talks, a forum within which experts recognized in a field of study present their work and meet with faculty and students to provide further guidance specific to the faculty and/or student's needs. The Center also provides funding for pilot studies, as well as peer review of grant proposals.


The Sharing Works in Progress (SWIP) review provides a forum for principal investigators, especially early-stage investigators (ESI), to receive scholarly feedback that is fair, equitable, and meaningful, so that the investigator can improve the quality of their proposal and achieve funding for their research.

Overview of the SWIP Process:

  1. Expert Reviewers:  Principal Investigators chose 2-3 reviewers.
  2. SWIP Council Committee members have various expertise and are accessible for review.
  3. Standard monthly meetings are scheduled for proposal reviews.  Students and members of the research community are welcome to participate during open sessions. 
  4. Outcome: The Principal Investigator receives NIH-style written critique and feedback.


Pless Center Talks 

The Pless Center is host to a series of talks presented by leading experts in their field of study with a demonstrated track record in funding. After each Pless Talk, students and faculty have the opportunity to meet with the speaker on a one-to-one or group basis to gain further scientific insights as well as guidance in their proposal development.


Previous Pless Talks:

October 17th, 2024

Andrea Gilmore-Bykovskyi, PhD, RN

Associate Professor in the BerbeeWalsh Department of Emergency Medicine- University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health

"Investigating Lucidity in Advanced Dementia" 


June 13th, 2024

Pamela Z. Cacchione, PhD, CRNP, BC, FGSA, FAAN

Professor of Geropsychiatric Nursing University of Pennsylvania School of Nursing                       

"Meeting the Needs of Older Adults through Low-cost Robots and Innovation"


April 25th, 2024

Yanping Jiang, Ph.D.

Instructor, Department of Family Medicine and Community Health at Rutgers University                

"Socioeconomic status, stress, and cardiometabolic health"


February 15th, 2024

Roland J. Thorpe, Jr., PhD 

Associate Vice Provost of Faculty Diversity, Johns Hopkins University

"Diversity in Dementia Research: Understanding the Racial Differences among Black and White Men"


November 14, 2023

Miriam Bredella, MD, MBA 

Director, Clinical and Translational Science Institute

"What the Clinical and Translational Science Institute (CTSI) Can Do For You!" 


October 19, 2023   

Eun-Ok Im,  PhD, MPH, RN, CNS, FAAN

Dean, School of Nursing, University of Texas at Austin

"To Reduce Racial/Ethnic Disparities in Midlife Women’s Health Using Computer and Mobile Technologies"

Meyers Office of Sponsored Research

The goal of the Office of Sponsored Research is to streamline all procedures to facilitate an efficient and successful experience for all researchers and research staff. 

All proposals are reviewed to ensure the following:
• The interests of faculty members and students are protected
• The NYU’s institutional interests are protected
• Applications are consistent with Meyers/NYU’s policies and mission statement
• Compliance is consistent with all applicable state and federal law

The policy and timeline on Grant Submissions set forth the responsibilities of Rory Meyers College of Nursing Grants Office in reviewing, approving, and submitting (with the Office of Sponsored Programs) grant applications on behalf of New York University, and identifies submission timelines to ensure that these responsibilities are met.

The Grant Proposal Initiation (GPI) form is recommended to be submitted at least two months prior to the sponsor’s deadline. The Office of Sponsored Research hosts all activities for pre and post-award.  

Pre-Award Office

The Pre-Award Office provides investigators with assistance from initial proposal development to submission.

  • Budget development
  • Sponsor Agency guidelines and policies
  • Just-in-Time submissions
  • Negotiating with internal/external collaborating entities
  • IRB requirements
  • Contracts/Data Use Agreements


Post-Award Office

The Post-Award Office provides investigators with assistance from notice of award to study closure.   

  • Coordinate award process with Central Offices (OSP and Sponsored Projects Administration (SPA) for all federal, foundation, and corporate sponsors.
  • Initiate/monitor sub-awards to external partners (including the School of Medicine)
  • Assist with annual and final narrative and financial reports
  • Monitor budgets and approve expenses that are allowable, allocable, and reasonable
  • Distribute internal reconciliations monthly or quarterly to show projected budget period balances.
  • Prepare financial reports in conjunction with the Sponsored Programs Accounting office.  

Postdoctoral Opportunities in Research  

New York University Rory Meyers College of Nursing is committed to the development of the next generation of nursing scientists and offers opportunities to individuals seeking a Postdoctoral role for a two-year appointment. 

Individuals who are interested in developing knowledge, new methodologies, and interventions aimed at improving health outcomes are welcome applicants!  The postdoctoral candidate's area of interest must be aligned with at least one of Meyers’ areas of emphasis: aging and gerontology, chronic diseases, health services, and precision health.

Support for training is provided for a two-year period and includes an annual stipend (set by NIH based upon years of experience since earning a doctorate) and health benefits. Additional funds are available to cover conference attendance, training seminars, and research-related expenses.


  1. Dissertation completed in the last 2 years. 
  2. Earned Ph.D. in nursing or if Ph.D. is in a different health-related field, then a master's must be held in nursing.
  3. Qualified candidates must be eligible to work in the US at the time of hire and for the duration of this 2
    year appointment; this position is not eligible for visa sponsorship.
  4. Check back for the 2024 Application schedule. 

Application Instructions:

  • Curriculum vitae 
  • Statement of research and goals (2 pages maximum)
  • A personal statement detailing the reasons for applying for a fellowship and how the proposed research fits with the research area of one of the training faculty at the College of Nursing.  
  • Three letters of reference from individuals familiar with your scholarly or creative work. Applicants will be prompted to upload reference contact information as part of the application process.
  • Transcripts of graduate study
  • Dissertation abstracts and reprints of publications
  • Please direct all applicant letters to the Vice Dean for Research.



Prof. Bei Wu
Prof. Bei Wu, Vice Dean for Research